Silver Lining

Image result for Park in winter pictures

Thanks Superwoman
I was waiting for
your Comment

Hope you are feeling
well now Thanks again

My Dear Reader 
who is doing two Jobs

Please don't talk about My Blog
with your Supervisor
He is busy man

He is politely saying Not
to talk so leave it

Everyone has different
interests nothing wrong
with that

Kris My Dear 
Father is doing the 
right thing

Time alone will make
him think that He has
lots of options

Watching TV not the only one
it is good You made him
to understand the actual scenario

Time alone is the key
to open up

To crack the shell

You just relax 
give him Crossword book
Scrabble book
and Tablet if he wants

Leave Him alone for
a while he will find some good
hobbies for himself 

Thanks Kris you did it
for your Father
believe me

He was wasting his time
sitting beside TV all the time

In the morning I take some time
to enjoy the view while waiting
on my Driveway for my friend
to pick me up

Yesterday it was rain most of
the snow now gone today
10 degrees below zero

Large part of sky is ocean blue
next portion below is dark grey
the rest is muddy

In between spaces are filled
with bright light looks like Sun
is sending messages of Hope

At the left corner is the Majestic
Torch God switched it on
to show the path clearly to
His Creatures

My front yard giving a scenic view
grass is back to green with heaps
of snow on sides

It is windy so the small dry dead
leaves are on the surface of snow
giving a picture of art masterpiece

New Year already settled down
my club activities are back on track
Darts are done now I am waiting for
Carpet bowling

I am sitting beside the big glass panel
in the library such a beautiful
conservation area to behold

Grass is green with snow looks like
a silver lining all along not so
windy now

Not much left on trees sort of bony
look like skeletons still with
courage giving a Nod and smiling
I think they have some sort of Hope
for the time ahead


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner

  2. I won the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. There was a box of fresh SDs there. There was also an additional donut for the poster of the blog


    1. These SDs are starting to be a real mystery. There must be a die hard SA but who is that?


  3. Dear Madam Smile, You so nice. You take care of all Dear reader like family. You take care me too. I no talk Mr. Supervisor about blog. He talk about blog. He say he interested. He came to me about work today and I tell him that I no want talk about blog because my Madam say that you no interest but he say he is but no time. I say I will no talk about blog now but if he want help he come me. He say ok. He say I do lot good work. I tell him that I work harder because my Madam tell me to do it. I tell him I do 2 proud job but always read blog too. He say that good. He need go because he forgot send important email

  4. I have posted the blog in all corporate notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. SWN was fantastic. We took the nature trail today. We seem to always be gaining people every day. It looks like these walks are the place to be that every one wants to go


    2. SWS was fun too. We talked about the Smile blog and her kindness to her readers. As a corporation, there is a lot that we can learn from her blogs


    3. I am continuing to get requests about the Smile Forum. I will talk to my manager to see if I can take this on as a project within the social committee.


  5. My Smile is awesome!! She is an awesome advisor. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome psychologist. She has awesome friends. What an awesome person my Smile is


  6. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees appreciated your blog today. We read the blog together because of its literary value. The retirees were specially impressed with your eye for details. We have observed before as well, and perhaps I have commented, that you can look at a very simple, ordinary event and can find the real beauty in it. As an example, the rising of the sun, The retired author pointed this out in the joint reading of today's blog.

    The subcommittee for the family living is continuing its work. You gave them a lot of information yesterday and the retired computer data scientist is still in the process of entering the information. They expect to be reviewing this with the membership in the next few days. If you have any additional information then please feel free to share it

    The retirees did not go for the walk today. As some retirees were not clear on the route. They instead drove to the coffee shop. The route is now clarified so we are hoping that we can start the walk from tomorrow

    thank you
    recent retiree

  7. We really appreciate that you think about your reader's problems and try your best to solve them, thanks

    1. Dear Sheema, Madam always take care Dear Reader. She write so good blog and big shot. She write blog for you too. You lucky. I lucky too because she write blog me too. She also write blog for Dear Kris Father, and Dear retirees. I do 2 job and Madam tell me that I should proud that why I always say now that I do 2 proud job.

  8. Father say that he no want crossword. He no watch tele or want tablet. Father say he no want bother me to drive him mall or latte. He say thank you for bring soup but no bring any more. If he want, he get himself. He say he old. He say no write almost 67 now as you told not talk age

    Father say he thought you friend and understand but he say he no realize that me wife talk you and make you go against hum.

    (Father is not feel good. He not say hello Niklas or me wife. He just come eat and then go room. I no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  9. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing councillor. She has amazing friends. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

    PS: Thanks for asking about me, my amazing Smile. I am doing much better

    1. Smile has a unique style. She remains connected with her readers. No wonder once someone starts reading her blogs they always keep coming back for more.

      After all, which blogger writes personal notes to her readers.

      thanks Smile


  10. Long time no see, my great writer friend. Ciao from Rome!

    Always reading,
    Fellow Writer

  11. Dear Smile,

    Today I was in great distress, then I remembered your blog and how calm and peaceful it can be in times like chaos. Smile, I am very afraid, I am living in America, in the heart of Donald Trump's homeland, I fear people are judging me and my headscarf everyday more so than before. Before I used to walk with my head held high on the sidewalk, and now I lower my head, scared to meet the eyes of any judging strangers. My friend, you don't have to reply to this, simply getting this off my chest is therapy, thanks for giving me a safe place where I can tell you my deepest worries.

    Love Hina

  12. Replies
    1. Smile writes a fantastic blog! She gives advice to her readers. And what does she get ..... It would have been nice if her commentators are half as good as her. And above all, she wants us to be nice to everyone! You hear that EVERYONE!!

      Thank you mrizvi. You are so kind to write your brilliant comment. Much appreciated

    2. Caaaaalllmm down Plunker. R-eeelax. You are right about what you said but we are asked to be kind. Thats what Smile has asked us to do

      Thanks mrizvi. Much appreciated for your insightful comment

  13. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Hina Fellow Writer Kris Keith Karen Newbie Linda Dave Cleo
    Jimmy Jasmeet Kim Tiara Sheema Superwoman Retiree Group mrizvi Marg
    Plunker Batman Boris Brenda Xin Thanks Anonymous and Multilingual
    Readers Thanks Everyone


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