Second Home

Image result for house in snow pictures

Kris My Dear my Blogs are public
so everyone feel free to share
with anyone

This is weekend I have two
Targets to meet making
Pancakes for my grand Kids

Do my laundry in the morning
and of course going to watch
hockey game

Also watching a beautiful program
on National Geographic about
Italy the ancient civilization

It is 11 in the morning I started
my journey from my home
to Don Beer Hockey Arena

I call it journey as I enjoy
the whole 10 minutes trip 
Sun is not out

I can see some white stuff on
front yards of all the houses
snow giving a beautiful
view on the green of grass

Sky is with layers of many shades
the bottom layer is bright pale orange 
the next one is pale grey 

The top layer is grey and next
one is muddy in between is milky 
like a beautiful water color sketch
on a Big Canvas

All my grand kids are sitting in
red Caravan my son is driving
I am sitting next to him

My weekdays are with my Club
my weekends are with my family
Hockey Arena is like
second Home same as library

I am happy to have many exits
many refuge to change channels
in my Life

It gives color and make our life
excited keep us get going
something to look forward


  1. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome weiter! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome scientist. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  2. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Sunday, there are out of town visitors too. Our town people looks forward to Sunday as so many people come here. The priest used some of the themes from the blogs. Town people were smiling secretly.

  3. Dear Madam Smile, You go so many things. You see Italy. Go Hockey. Go library. Play Dart. Read book library. Give food to son sons. Make Pancake. Do laundry. You no time but you write blog and give advice. I do 2 proud job but you do many job and work harder.

  4. I like you blog Russia. I read alone

    1. You write good. I no good Anglais but French good

    2. And I read in Poland. I read but no comment

    3. I like blog in China. Tell kids to because it good

  5. Dear Advisor, The retirees did not go for a walk today as some have cramps due to the long walk yesterday, however we did go to the cafe in cars to do joint reading of the blog. Some of the people who joined us yesterday, also came today. They wanted to sit with us and go through today's blog also. Though the retirees know that you like to have a busy schedule, the retirees still do not understand how you are involved in so many activities and how you can manage that. One retirees pointed out that successful people usually do that. The retired author who was leading the reading extolled the literary value of this blog. She indicated that some of the gems that you have included here are at par with the best authors of the English literature. She also noted some of the language that you use is symbolic and this is a technique used by authors such as Harper Lee also. She indicated that the art form is more like James Herriot. She thought that combining the two would not be feasible until she started reading these blogs. One of the participant was a teenager who is taking English literature at a prestigious local university and he agreed. He indicated that this is the reason why he is came to the coffee shop today, even though his residence is about an hour's journey away and involves 2 bus changes.

    thank you
    recent retiree

  6. Father say why you do laundry and son no do laundry. He say why you make pancake but daughter law no make. Father say you no need go watch hockey because it very cold. He say he no understand why you son not take care you. He say no expect daughter law because they busy watching tele or tablet and no listen. He say why you say nabor listen blog too. Nabor bad and tell anglais good and no tell that he no good anglais. Nabor tell wrong blog and give father rong understanding. Father say you write very good, like classic Anglais authors. He say you do good advice too. He say he also like watch tele because it good. He say he no go mall because it very cold and he can fall. Father old, almost 67 so no play anything

    (I tell blog nabor to. Hannah and Niklas also want listen. My Anglais ok but no very good. Hannah say that he learn it to so he can can read blog and no wait me. Nabor like blog lot and say me to read old blog to. I will tell old blog him next week. Father no happy that nabor listen blog. He say nabor no friend now because nabor tell father wrong blog.

    Kris (Germany)

  7. My Smile is amazing . She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing author. She is an amazing blogger. She is an amazing sportswoman. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  8. I dont understand what should i do to get some sense in kids. They think this is cool but it aint cool. I know, I know I should relax and calm done and be kind

    Way to go mrizvi. Fantastic comment.

  9. Yes Plunker, dont worry about this stuff. Smile has asked us to focus on the positives. And be kind

    Brilliant comment. Thanks for letting us know that it is a good blog

  10. Smile is a literary genius. She has an amazing way with words. Looks at what she wrote today:

    "I can see some white stuff on
    front yards of all the houses
    snow giving a beautiful
    view on the green of grass

    Sky is with layers of many shades
    the bottom layer is bright pale orange
    the next one is pale grey

    The top layer is grey and next
    one is muddy in between is milky
    like a beautiful water color sketch
    on a Big Canvas"

    Simply classic!

    thanks Smile

  11. We have been enjoying your artistic masterpieces. We find them both inspirational as well as philosophical. You have a mastery with words and can embed very deep thoughts in simple, yet colloquial style. We find it to be very enthralling.

    We are also deeply moved by your bounteous instructions to Mr Kris which helped bring about a peaceful solace to his abode.

    Thank you for making our days for readers so much brighter

    Dave and Linda

  12. This is an interesting blog. I have recently started reading it and am getting hooked. I specially like how Smile describes everyday event and make them so interesting.


    1. Dear Liz, Madam Smile writes so good, she best. She nice. You try read every day to learn. She also teach me write to, but I no tell anyone because Madam say no. I do 2 proud job but always read blog

  13. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Keith Karen Kris Plunker Jimmy Batman Linda Dave mrizvi Tiara
    Brenda Superwoman Kim Jasmeet Liz Gerry Retiree Group Newbie Boris Cleo
    Marg Happy Reader Xin Fellow Writer Thanks All My Anonymous and
    Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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