Just a Reminder

Image result for backyard houses pictures

My Dear Reader who is
doing two jobs

You please be relaxed
just cool down and
focus on your work

Hard work always pays off
you don't have to worry

To My Dear Retirees who were
so patient and waiting long
for some tips 

My apology 
now here are some points for you

1 : Walking   You can find any nearest
                      Coffee shop Plaza or some
                      Place not a Park I mean some place
                      covered and cozy so that you can go
                      there to sit down have group discussion
                      and enjoy Tea or Coffee

2 : Writing    Just start writing your Daily Journal 
                     read it in group to share and enjoy
                     you will start enjoying your writing
                     Start now 

New Year holidays are still on
One more day to enjoy my
breakfast with my son

After that we watched a show
on Nature of things channel
about Pompeii the great Roman
civilization preserved underneath
the rubble

A great program using digital
technology they created all the
images into Life it looked like
we are walking through the city

You can feel for the people their
culture the busy market
everything was alive to enjoy

My son was going to Gym so I am
in the Mall to walk around
sitting beside small square table
on a silver steel chair 

I am enjoying my coffee with
peanut biscuit lots of people
in the Mall still an Aura of 
New Year all around

I feel I am part of all this joy
and enjoying the Happiness around
I purchased a beautiful rust and
black Scarf it is a gift for Myself

Sometimes we have to give a signal
and send a Message to us that
we are Special just a reminder


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner.

  2. My Smile is awesome!! She is an awesome therapist. She is an awesome psychologist. She an awesome counselor. She has an awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is !!


  3. I hope, you are enjoying wearing your new rust and black scarf.
    It is good to treat yourself, now and then, it makes you happy.

  4. I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate noticeboards. It was already posted when I got there. There was also a box of fresh SDs there with a note that this is from a SA


    1. I was in early and posted the blog but the box of SD was already there !!


    2. SDs are starting to turn into a big mystery. I have checked with Jasmeet, Marg, Craig and others who were in early, but no one brought those. Wondering where are they coming from


  5. Dear Madam Smile, I so happy today that you write for me. I was very angry with Mr. Supervisor but I read blog and no angry now. I also start working harder now. Mr. Supervisor came to me and say sorry again but I say him that it ok my Madam told me to relax and cool down, so I am relax and cool down. He say he feel bad and say to me that he will give me 1 extra day time off but I say no, just print Madam blog for me so I can read them at night. He got me 2 copies. He say he made 1 extra in case 1 gets damaged. He say your Madam real good and take care of you. I say him that I know Madam best. I do 2 proud job, and work hard too.

  6. I have posted the blog in all corporate noticeboards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. Smile Walk South was a phenomenal success. Lots of people attended


    2. I am getting requests for another set of Smile Forums. Will talk to others during the next few days


    3. SWN was big too. We took the nature route. People talked about Smile's kindness to her readers


  7. Father say that why you no buy scarf for you and you buy that yourself. Father say he no understand why you go mall alone. He say it no safe. He say that he no want go mall alone at this time because it very busy and he can fall. He old, almost 67.

    (Father no let me son play on tele yesterday. Father say he allow him play one time in one week. He say he can play again next week for 30 min. Father say me and me son can watch tele with him but only if we keep quiet. Father ask me to ask me wife to make new year resolutions. He say she need lot resolution as she need lot improve. Father ask me to make resolution that I bring hot soup 3 time every day. He say me son should resolution too, like no watching football or no play on tele)

    Kris (Germany)

  8. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees appreciate your counsel to us today. We also appreciate the counsel about walking. The retired professional trainer and retired professional athlete are continuing to lead the subcommittee about physical health and well being and they have started their work again. As the first order of business, they passed a resolution to thank you. The resolution passed unanimously. They have also scheduled another meeting to go through the blog in more detail to clearly understand your advice to us.

    The retired author is the one leading the subcommittee regarding writing. She has scheduled a meeting to discuss your blog

    Our subcommittee regarding your blog to Mr. Kris and his father did not meet today as we did not get any new information or advice from you. We are discussing the blog as the comments you mentioned about joint family situations are also applicable to our membership also. As I indicated yesterday, this subcommittee is being facilitated by the retired psychologist and they also have retired social scientist and the retired computer data scientist helping them to further tabulate the findings

    thank you
    recent retiree

  9. My Smile is amazing!! She is an amazing adviser. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing psychologist. She is an amazing therapist. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  10. Your recent blogs have been very instructional for us. The one about new year's resolutions was of particular interest to us as your sagacious counsel went against the socially accepted aphorism. We have been reflecting on it and have also consulted an anthropologist that we know. After a lot of pondering and deliberating, we think we comprehend your perspective. It is definitely an astounding one and made us alter our habitude regarding new year.

    Thank you for your counsel.

    PS: The artistic excellence of your recent blogs has been par non. We have commented in the past about our joy of reading James Herriot and in our humble opinion, Herriot would have been proud to call your masterpieces as his own

    Dave and Linda

  11. OKKKKK!! I guess the upside world will continue. I wonder what kids learn in school these days? Anything?

    Thank you mrizvi. Your comment is bang on. So kind of you. Hope school is going well

  12. Hey Plunker, keep going this way and you will have a short life. Just dont stress yourself too much and also remember Smile wants us to be kind

    Nice one mrizvi. Absolutely brilliant and insightful comment

  13. This is one of the blogs which should be taught as reference material in all psychology schools. It provides some very practical destressing techniques

    Thank you Smile


  14. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Karen Keith Kris Linda Dave Boris mrizvi Plunker Batman Jimmy
    Kim Brenda Tiara Craig Marg Cleo Newbie Retiree Group Xin Happy Reader
    Superwoman Jasmeet Sheema Justin
    Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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