Don't Limit Yourself

Image result for Backyard in winter pictures

It is -- 27 here in Toronto
no snow but very cold

I am ready to leave for
My Club Activities

To My Dear friend
Kris Father
All My Dear Retirees

We Humans are amazing
Creatures of God

We have multidimensional
we have lots of caliber 
we don't have to limit
ourselves to one activity only

We have to divide our time
to get busy and enjoy variety 
of activities to have fun

If we like indoors nothing wrong
with that but we don't have to lose
the touch and have to switch on different
channels of our personality

1 : Talk to God
2 : Time alone
3 : Writing anything like Daily Journal
4 : Reading some book of our interest
5 : Doing Scrabble books
6 : Cross words use large print
7 : Solving easy puzzles
8 : Enjoying shower
9 : Watch Nature by sitting down beside window
                         in your room 

10 : Enjoy some time with family
11 : Watch TV for some time
            If you have Tablet then don't watch TV
             just enjoy shows in your room

12 : Give space to your family

       this should be on top I mean the
       most important one

13 : Touch every aspect of your Life

14 : Don't remember your Age years
                 just try to ignore that number

We have to touch all the aspects
of our personality this will give
glow and color to our Life

Bring Happiness to our stagnant
and dull life style

Don't ever count your years
age is a number it is important
how you feel only that counts

Never limit yourself to only
one activity try to diversify
your Life

Always try to put yourself
in other person's shoes
like your Grandson
your Daughter in law

What will happen if they take TV
and also Tablet for most of
the time we wont feel Happy

Try to give all the
colors to your Life
and drain Happiness 

By sharing and giving
space to everyone

You will earn respect
and Happiness in return
it will be a Win
Win situation


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being the weekend, lots of customers are in the shop. There is no room to sit but customers are still coming in

  2. I like you blog in Russia. I read for my school kids

    1. Sorry I no write for some day. I am reading in France all day

    2. I read in Ukraine. I no write before but I love blog

    3. I read your blog Spanish

  3. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome counsellor. She is an awesome psychologist. She is an awesome therapist. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  4. Dear Madam Smile, You give so many advises to Dear Retirees and Dear Kris dad and Dear Readers and to me too. I no go to Mr. Supervisor to talk you but I think he very interested. He came today to say hello and give me some work. I ask him if he interested and he say yes but he should read blog first because it no fair if he no read. I told Mr. Supervisor about mrizvi and he laff. He had to go give work to others but say he will read blog. I tell him that I do 2 job but I will help him understand blog if he need help. He say thank to me but then had to go

  5. Dear Advisor,

    To beging with, I have been asked to share the following statement with you. This is the result of our resolution today. "The retirees would like to express our deepest gratitude for all the esteemed council that you have providing to us. Thank you."

    As for the blog, the retirees are going to be investing the time over the next few days to decipher all the advice and guidance that you have shared with us today. We already have a subcommittee that was formed previously. To increase its effectiveness, the retired corporate executive will also be joining this subcommittee. The retired social scientist, the retired computer data scientist and the retired psychologist are the other other members.

    Our physical health and well being did not go out today as they have collected all the information to start their analysis. They are not feeding the details in the computer to generate potential routes. The will confirm next steps in a day or so.

    Thank you again
    recent retiree

  6. Father he very happy that you write blog for him. He read many time. Father say that this very good advice but you write lot advice so he will do 2 or 3 thing. He say he pick these 3 thing at this time

    1- switch on different channels
    2- time alone
    3- do crossword

    (Father ask me get more tele channel so he can switch. He like mystery show like Agatha Christie and Inspector Morse. He also ask me and me son to not come tele room that much because he want time alone. Father also ask me to download crossword on tablet so he can do more crossword. Father say that he will give more tele time to me son. When he is doing crossword, then he can watch but he only do crossword when ad come so my son no chance play for more than 2 or 3 mins at one time. I try tell him that he get wrong message but he say me quiet and no talk back him. He say me wife teaching bad thing to me and me should also have more resolutions now. I am waiting Monday because skool start and office start)

    Kris (Germany)

    1. Hey Kris, Smile continues to be very kind to all the readers, specially you. She is effectively holding your hand and showing you how to create a better family environment. I hope you are appreciative

      Keith Walker

    2. Smile is leading by example to show us, ie the readers' family, how to take care of each other

      thank you Smile


    3. Dear Kris, Smile helped us. I am sure she will be able to help you also. She knows how to talk to young and old.

      Happy Daughter in law (on behalf of the entire family)

  7. I read this blog often but have not had a chance to comment as yet. Thank you for writing. You provide good and kind advice for everyone


  8. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing counsellor. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing writer. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  9. Though you have been sharing your counsel with the retired and elderly, we have also been shamelessly stealing from the playbook and reaping benefits. Some of this may appear to be common sense however it is anything but common.

    We have also been taking inspiration from your penchant for active lifestyle and endeavoring to follow in your footsteps. We do have to admit that our goal is to be achieve 40% of activity level and hope is to get to 30%. We realize that this is a laughable goal but for sloths like us, it is a mean feat.

    thank you again for your efforts to make our lives better and to make us better human beings

    Dave and Linda

  10. Hellllooooo. Is anyone home? What is going on here? Can we not put her on mute? Sorry, I am being asked to be kind to everyone, so I will be

    Thank you mrizvi. Thanks for letting us know that this is a good post. Good work.

  11. Just caaaalllmmm down Plunker. Smile asked us not to be rude to anyone, so you got that right. Just reeellax

    Way to go mrizvi. Brilliant comment. Simply the best

  12. I wanted to point out an error in the blog (or perhaps my understanding)

    Some background first. I was forwarded this blog by one of my business associates. He was discussing it in one of our meetings. He mentioned that the writer is 70+. I am not sure if this is actually correct as in this blog the author said that it is 27 below zero and she is getting out of the house for some recreational activities!!

    Sooo, I think either the business associate is mistaken and the author is in her 30s or this blog has a time


  13. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Keith Kris Karen Tom Tiara Happy Reader mrizvi mrizvi Jimmy
    Cleo Marg Kim Mikey Newbie Retiree Group Linda Dave Plunker Batman
    Boris Maheen Superwoman Jasmeet Xin Sheema Hina
    Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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