Beauty Around

Image result for houses front yard in winter pictures

My Dear Kris Father
please start thinking
Hannah as your daughter

Family is family so we
have to spread Love and

To err is Human and
those who forget and forgive
always have an especial place
in God Eyes

It is for our own sake as what
we give comes around
I trust you can do that
please do it 

It was quite an early morning
when I noticed the eye catching
view of clear blue sky through
my bedroom windows

It looks like I am watching
view of a lake or I am by the 
sea side what a beautiful start
of my day 

It is plus 4 today for a change
I quickly finished my breakfast
and was ready to go out to wait
for my friend's car

I wanted to be outside for a
while to enjoy the weather
I noticed some trees just
carried away too ambitious

As they started budding in
the month of January snow 
is slipping away but still there
at corner of front yard grass

OH ! amazing I can see birds
flying I think coming back from
South of border may be because
of Donald Trump

Whatever I am enjoying one of
them leading the whole fleet 
I recall one of my favorite piece
of article about birds

It was from my high school
syllabus "Intelligence of Birds " 
I forgot the author I think
H.G.Wells not sure

Everything clear and beautiful
as it was rain last night so don't
you worry about Trump just
enjoy the Nature

I will be busy whole day as
Darts and after that Bowling
Thank you God for giving us
so much beauty around


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being weekend, there are more customers in my small shop today than there is room. Lots of customers are standing outside and waiting for room. One customer commented that she has been to boxing day sales in big city in america, and this scene is like that. She said that they also line up outside to get in. I am nervous because I am running low on supplies.

  2. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You go play dart, you go casino, you teach son son coach, you teach coaching son son, you give money to son, you get grocery for daughter in law, you give food son son, you do so good writing. I write too. I write today like. I get up, I look outside and it dark, so I turn lite, I eat quickly because I late for job 1, I go out to job. I see dog running. Dog run fast. I say hello dog but it no listen. Mr Supervisor came to talk work but I no tell Mr. Supervisor blog because my Madam say no tell Mr. Supervisor. He say he still read blog. I go job 2 later. I tire but I read blog. I do 2 job and proud because my Madam tell me.

  3. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome bird watcher. She is an awesome nature lover. She is an an awesome psychiatrist. She is an awesome friend. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  4. I like you blog. I read Russia

    1. Blog good. No English good, French good

    2. I am a teacher. I like this blog and share this with my English as a second language class in China. This is my first comment but I read often

    3. I read blog. Spanish. Read family

    4. This is a fun blog. Enjoying it in Italy

  5. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees went for a walk today. It was a lomg walk, just under 10 mins so we were a bit tired at the end. As is usual, we did our reading of your today's blog as a treat and reward at the coffee shop. There were some other customers who were there who listened in. Even though they are total strangers, they were equally interested in listening to the blog. Some of these people were middle age, some young, we also noticed a few teenagers who were very eager and attentive to the blog. All were very appreciative of the amount of care you take of your readers. Without divulging any personal information, we also shared with him the help that you provided in getting to the daughter in law and the gentleman with 2 jobs as well as us. It has been quite an illuminating experience for everyone. The retired social scientist was very impressed as this is a very unique instance in his career

    thank you
    recent retiree

  6. Father say that he no talk Hannah (me wife) because she no make resolution. She bad soup. She no care. Father say all daughter in law bad. She worst. He say he angry that nabor tell bad to him. He say if he no no anglais then why say he say he do. He say he no go walk because it very cold, almost 15C. Father say he old almost 67

    (Father say thank for write blog for him. He give tablet to Niklas and Hannah. He no watch tele all time now. Hannah watch program on tele. I happy to. Nabor come again say sorry but father say he no care. Nabor want listen blog also. It ok if I read blog to nabor? )

    Kris (Germany)

  7. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing nature lover. She is an amazing psychlogist. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  8. I am impressed by the no. of interests Smile has. She is very active, involved socially in different communities and of course solves the problems of her readers. I am wondering if she is one person or 3

    A fan

    1. She also is also a writer. She writes every day for us

      thank you Smile


  9. This is my first comment. I read the blog often. Smile is inspiring me to be active and positive.


  10. Please Please Please. Give me a break. Why this lunacy. I mean enough fun. I know, I know ... I need to be kind

    Thanks mrizvi. Brilliant comment. Way to go

  11. Caaaaaaaaaalllmmmmm down. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeelaaaaaax. You know that kids are kids, so why are you taking this so seriously. Just make sure that you are kind

    Nice job mrizvi. Thank you for letting us know that this is a good post. You guessed right today also.

  12. Smile crafts one masterpiece after another. She is like a machine. Just look at this

    "It was quite an early morning
    when I noticed the eye catching
    view of clear blue sky through
    my bedroom windows

    It looks like I am watching
    view of a lake or I am by the
    sea side what a beautiful start
    of my day "

    Brilliant. Simply brilliant

    Thanks Smile

    1. I read the blog when I get a chance and I agree that Smile creates these masterpieces at will. I dont think she is a machine, she is more of a factory.

  13. I enjoyed the political humor in todays blog. I am referring to the following

    "OH ! amazing I can see birds
    flying I think coming back from
    South of border may be because
    of Donald Trump"

    and then the message of hope

    "Everything clear and beautiful
    as it was rain last night so don't
    you worry about Trump just
    enjoy the Nature"

    She should watch out for Trump's tweets now :-)

    Keith Walker

  14. Hello Readers Family
    Welcome to All My New Readers
    Thanks Boris Keith Newbie Retiree Group Karen Kris mrizvi Plunker Batman
    Gerry Jasmeet Jimmy Cleo Linda Dave Kim Tiara Brenda Marg Happy Reader
    Superwoman Sheema Maheen Fellow Writer Xin Hina
    Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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