Be Gentle To Yourself

Image result for Houses pictures

To My Dear Friend
Kris Father

I am proud of you
You did the right thing
do it with smile please

I am happy for My Dear friend
who is doing two Jobs

Sky is blue with grey and pale
light orange abstract sketches
all over and one side is gold

It looks liquid gold is spilled
or God did it purposely
to give the special effect

To celebrate for a while
to let us know that
this is a New Year morning

Please don't push yourself
to chalk out New Year resolutions
we become hard to ourselves

We try to drain every moment
like lose so many pounds
want to go to Gym for number 
of hours

We have to keep in mind that
our ambitious plans are not
realistic they will drain us
out and will be gone

In just couple of months we
start feeling as we are not doing
anything to fulfill our Goals

Please while making resolutions
be very realistic and be
gentle to yourself

I enjoy New Year to watch
celebrations on TV set
with Family around

I plan day to day it is like
a New Day every day
to enjoy and to be thankful

I think that is working for me
don't push yourself
take it easy my dear

Nothing is the end of the
world anyway so just relax
and keep smiling


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner

  2. My Smile is awesome!! She is an awesome writer! She is an awesome therapist! She is an awesome philosopher. She is an awesome person. What an awesome person my Smile is!!

  3. I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate noticeboard. It was already there when I got there


    1. Jasmeet posted it. He said that the box of Smile Donuts was already there. The note said that it is from a SA


    2. Yes SD is a mystery alright.

      BTW, I also posted the blogs from past few days there.


  4. Dear Madam Smile, you write so good blog. Like big English author. Back home I read big books so I know. I also no talk Mr. Supervisor though he say sorry and I no fire job, I still angry him. He trick me. I know work hard no more. I call sick and go early. I call sick for 2nd job also. I do 2 proud job and no happy

  5. I read blog in France. I no good English but you write good. I enjoy

  6. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees enjoyed today's blog. It was one of those which we read as a group, like a book club. The retired author facilitated the session. A no. of retirees enjoy English classical literature and thought that this compares very favourably with them.

    Also, our subcommittee regarding your blog met further. They have now added a retired social scientist to the committee as this one was a little more complex for the retired psychologist and retired computer data scientist. The retired psychologist is continuing to lead the committee though. The sub committee has requested that you provide them with additional information and write ups, if the time permits and if it is convenient for you.

    PS: Some of the retirees have asked me to mention that we are still waiting for your advice to us about walking

    thank you for all your help and counsel
    recent retiree

  7. I have posted the blog in all the noticeboards in lobbies A, B, C and D. I have not posted the previous blogs yet. I will do so in the next few hours as I have been asked to run a few reports prior to that.


    1. Smile Walk South was a blast. It was a full house and we decided to take the nature route. Smile's blog's and shown us how to look at nature with fresh eyes


    2. I have posted the previous blogs too. I was planning on getting it done by late afternoon however there were so many people coming to get copies from me that I requested my management to delay working on the reports and instead post the blogs


    3. Thanks. I was one of those who bugged you for the blogs. Thank you for posting it. There were lots of people who were looking for it. They were very eager to know what Smile wrote during the holidays


    4. We discussed the blogs during the SWN. It was like celebrating Christmas all over again. Smile outclassed everyone. She had such fantastic blogs. Simply awesome and brilliant!!!


  8. Good suggestion, new years resolution should be realistic also

  9. Father say he like new year resolution for me wife. He say he no want new year resolution for him because he no need get more better. He say me wife need lot resolution though.

    Father say you write very good English. He say he read blog because it like classic Anglais book. (Father very knowledge person he read lot. Father no go mall yesterday. He go drive with me for 20 mins but he got tired. He old almost 67.)

    (Father let me son play for 30 min and let him watch football for 15 mins. He also say that it ok if he and me sit with him to watch tele but he say we must no talk. Also he say we only watch show he like. Father like good show like canada documentary and nature show. He say he watching because you like nature too)

    Kris (Germany)

  10. My Smile is amazing!! She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing therapist. She is an amazing psychologist. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  11. Holly Molly I am going Loony. This is not good for me. Just to much stress

    Thank you mrizvi. Appreciate you letting us know that this is a good blog

  12. Just calm down Plunker. You will get sick if you dont

    Great job mrizvi. You guessed correctly too

  13. This is another of Smile's masterpiece. Just look at how she described the morning. The excerpt is from Smile's blog and not James Herriot, Somerset Maugham, Chaucer or someone like that

    "It looks liquid gold is spilled
    or God did it purposely
    to give the special effect"

    And she is not only an artistic genius but also a superb psychologist. Following is from the same blog (and not from Sigmund Freud or any famous psychologist):


    Please don't push yourself
    to chalk out New Year resolutions
    we become hard to ourselves

    We try to drain every moment
    like lose so many pounds
    want to go to Gym for number
    of hours"

    Need I say more?

    Thank you Smile!

  14. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Kris Keith Karen Linda Dave mrizvi Plunker Batman Boris Newbie
    Superwoman Jimmy Cleo Jasmeet Brenda Tiara Marg Sheema Brian Retiree Group
    Kim Happy Reader Xin Fellow Writer Maheen
    Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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