Dig Out Treasures

Image result for bench in the garden  pictures

At the last leg of my Trip
I recollectied all the beautiful
memories from every corner
to take with me and enjoy after

At the start of my journey
I landed at Gatwick Airport
then to My Daughter's Place
Thornton Heath Road in London
two days after to Grimsby to
my other daughter's place

Grimsby is a small fishing town
4 driving hours away from London
very quiet when you compare
with the glittering city of London
I had such a wonderful time
over there full of memories

So many of my Blogs I have written
about GrimsbyTrain station where
I used to go so often to feel
the quietness of that place
It looked to me that clock has
stopped for awhile
can you imagine such a place
in today's busy life

Cleethorpe seaside where tides
move meters away in couple of hours
Mablethorpe Beach where sea was very still
Louth 40 minutes away from Grimsby
where you feel you gone back
into decades old town

I have wonderful memories
with my stay in Grimsby
Breakfast with my Daughter
in Tesco Cafe
when she took time off
from her busy family life for me
memorable moments
to be treasured in my Memory Box

I have to pack all these joyous
Happy Moments with me
along with my luggage

These Moments will be like
milestones of Happiness
to keep my Days Bright

Whenever I get a chance 
I will excavate to dig the treasures 
from my Memory Box


  1. Hello My Readers Family
    I am so proud of You
    I opened my computer and by reading Your Comments
    all my Tiredness gone
    Yesterday I posted My Blog at 7 am from Thornton Heath London 8 am wasleaving fo my Flight
    Today at 7 am I am posting from Toronto
    I Love You Guys
    Thanks for your Prayers my Flight was Great

  2. Dear Madam Smile, I am so happy that you back. You must be tired and yet you still write to us. This is so nice of you. You are very generous to us.

    You had so busy schedule and yet you kept writing to us. Thank you so much

    @ mrizvi: Please read

  3. Welcome back home, Smile. I am not starting to realize that the onus that we put on you with our request for writing regularly was not appropriate. We did put a lot of undue burden on you to satisfy our selfish needs of your writings.

    Please do get some rest

    And thank you again

    Dave and Linda

  4. My Smile is back!!

    What a relief and happiness that the readers family is feeling. I hope you have had a good journey.

    @ mrizvi Please start reading now


    1. @ Karen: I am also a reader but have not commented as yet.

      I am wondering why you are so happy that he is back. Smile has been writing every day anyways. What difference does it make to you where she is writing from?


    2. Hey Mike, looks like you are a casual reader since you don't know that Smile is a lady. A casual reader is not bad as we have some who don't read at all. (mrizvi I am talking about you)

      The reason I am so happy is because I feel that I have been travelling with Smile during this trip. Every time she will be having a good day, a tiring day, a rough day, whatever we all felt it. I know it may not be making sense. But to us, she is part of our family. And that's why we are happy


  5. Good that you had a good trip. Thank you for giving us so many good ideas and blogs

    When you have settled and rested, it will be helpful if you can give me the advice that I requested 2-3 days ago. I am talking about what to do in retirement

    @mrizvi: Please read


    recent retiree

  6. Good that you are back Smile. I hope you have had a pleasant flight. I cant believe that you wrote to us just an hour before you had to leave for your flight. You have been really generous with your time. Thank you

    newbie reader

  7. My Smile is baaack home!!! And she posted the day of her travel and on the day after her travel!!!! What an amazing person she is

    We all love you, Smile. I don't know how you can spin high quality blogs so quickly.

    @ mrizvi: Please read. There is no excuse for you not to do that

  8. Good that you are back, Smile. We read your blog as a family and everyone in our family was impressed that you posted the blog almost minutes before you were leaving for your flight. Your dedication is amazing

    thank you for your regular blogs

  9. Cool stuff! Thank you for posting your blog

    I hope your only son presents the tablet to you before your next trip so you don't have to carry your heavy computer with you

    @mrizvi: Please read at least once

  10. Great post once again! Keep them coming, love them!

  11. You had fantastic trip Smile. There were so many memories that you created that it will fill years of memory box for an average person. The wedding of your grand daughter, the time spent at Grimsby, the time spent with your youngest daughter, the time in London, the time sight seeing that you did, York, the time you spent with your family at the beach, time with your school friends, Kew Gardens, Museums, Trafalgar Square, Garfunkle, Croyden, your cousin, the bus rides plus many more things that you did. I am only referring the ones you wrote about, there probably are a few more that you did not get a chance to write about

    I am glad that you had such a great time

    1. @ Plunker: don't forget that she got some new members to the readers family. Our office wanted me to write this comment on their behalf. They read her blogs regularly now


    2. @ Jimmy, Same is true for our office as well


  12. Willkommen zurück zu Hause

  13. 好,你有一个非常好的旅行。现在请休息一下

    @mrizvi: 请阅读

  14. Il est soigné que vous postez vos blogs chaque jour, même si vous étiez en vacances

    @mrizvi: S'il vous plaît commencer à lire

  15. Thanks to All the Members of My Dear Readers Family
    Thanks Karen Dave Linda Superwoman Keith Brenda Jimmy Plunker Batman
    mrizvi Fellow Writer I know he is reading Maheen Newbie Boris Xin and Jane I am missing you
    Jeanine Kelly Sheema Aiden Pam Jerome Jeanine Fellow Spectator
    New Retiree read my Blog tomorrow you will get the message
    Thanks to My Dear Multilingual and Anonymous Readers
    You All made me to write

  16. You dont need to thank us. It should be us thanking you. You make our day. Please get some rest.

  17. My Smile is so kind that she thank us every day. Even though this is her first day, My Smile said thank you to all of us

    She teaches us so many things in so many ways. Even if we learn one small thing, we will have a good life

    Thank you Smile Thank you Thank you


  18. Sorry Mike I missed to say Thanks to You


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