Welcome Note
I Love people and Love my Family
Love to be around
in England summer vacations
are different schools start
by the end of August
My Daughter is working
she is a schoolteacher
used to leave early morning
and back at 4 pm
I had my own ways to pass my Days
no groaning no grumbling
we are not there to bother them
they are not responsible
to keep us happy and to solve
our day to day problems
otherwise we will not have a
Welcome Note from anywhere
When my Daughter used to be
home in evenings
I used to make sure to be with her
go with her to drop her son to
swimming to Parents meetings
and to do groceries
In Toronto same thing
busy with my Son and Daughter in law
by this way I am busy all the time
and don't left any time to get bored
always have something to do
I love to be around to enjoy
I believe in pockets of Happiness
if one pocket dries up we can
put our hands in another one
we always get some happiness
from someone from somewhere
We have to solve our problems
on our own and get going
when my grand kids were young
I used to volunteer in their
school Trips while I was in
England same in Toronto
If you have Family around
Be a part of their Life
believe me it gives lots of
Happiness and Joy
My Smile is so awesome! She is a giver. She is generous with her time with the family and never asks anything in return. What an amazing person my Smile is
ReplyDelete@mrizvi: Read these blogs and you will learn
Sorry did not sign my name. This was Karen
ReplyDeleteWent to post a copy of the blog on our notice board, but someone already beat me to it.
Yes I did beat you to it today. Though someone else posted it yesterday and not me. I think could be either Sam or Jen. They are starting to be big Smile fan (I call them addicts :-) )
I really love to follow your lifestyle now and later
ReplyDeleteDear Madam Smile, you do so many things and never try to be a load on your kids. Your kids must be lucky. Most people they complain about kids not taking care of them
ReplyDeletePlease don't misunderstand me, I don't want to be rude, but I think your reader family also is your family. With us, you don't worry about these things.
@ mrizvi: Please read. Smile is not going to ask you for it, but do that
No wonder you are so popular. You are a giver. You gives your time and encouragement to your kids. Volunteers. Basically are your own company
ReplyDelete@mrizvi: These are kinds of things that you can learn
Dear Madam Advisor, We completed the discussion on your yesterday's blog this morning. The retiree club felt that there is no way any one of us can do even half of all those things. Some of us go to our kids hockey games, but that's only when they are in the playoff (ie once a year), though there is one gentleman who did go 3 times in one year. We go for our daily walks (weather permitting), but they last 15-20 mins. We still don't know what to do with our time. We liked the idea of going to Tim Hortons (or something like that) to celebrate quick wins.
ReplyDeleteWe quickly looked at your blog from today but as some of our members rely completely on their kids for all social interactions, we did not discuss the blog as it would have been awkward for them. We will try to discuss it at some other appropriate time. It is just too much of a change for some of them
Again, the retirees felt that your son should take better care of you. We feel that he should not be asking you for money and making you get groceries for his kids.
Also, we have a request that if you can advise us further
We also wanted to thank you to agree to be our Advisor
thank you
recent retiree
It is interesting that you don't rely on your kids at all. In fact you are still in the act of "giving" to them as opposed to "taking" from them. I am using the terms "giving" and "taking" liberally and mean to include items such as money, time, love etc
ReplyDeleteThis is a very hard act to follow. But we are getting some good ideas
thanks for sharing
Dave and Linda
I have posted the blog on the noticeboard today. The folks at the office were still talking about yesterday's blog. There was a significant brainstorming discussion at the Toastmasters yesterday and some of it spilled over to the coffee room chats.
ReplyDeleteI will keep you posted if I hear any interesting comments
I loved this blog. I also discussed some of it with my mother in California, and she did not believe that one person can be doing all these things. I had to actually ask her to look at the blog herself
Delete@mrizvi: I have been tasked to convince you to read this blog. I am also a 20 year old girl. I love the blog because it is a light read and is very informative about life skills. Give it a shot. Read today's and if you like then read some of the previous ones too
We all love this blog :-)
DeleteEd, Sam and the rest of the gang
You are phenomenal. I don't know how you do it. My parents are just the opposite
ReplyDelete@mrizvi: Lets start reading
Votre écriture est stimulante et inspirant en même temps. J'aime ça. Merci de continuer à écrire
ReplyDelete@mrizvi: Si vous ne lisez, vous ne serez pas apprendre
ReplyDelete@mrizvi: 請閱讀
Schön für dich. Froh, dass Sie selbst genießen. Sie haben die Leser auf der ganzen Welt
ReplyDelete@mrizvi: Ich glaube, Sie jetzt beginnen müssen lesen
It's great to see how much you help your family, you're so inspiring!
ReplyDeleteI am writing here for the first time. I came across your blog and it left a smile on my face.
My Smile is amazing. She has so many followers and she is inspiring so many people. Yet she is so humble. Even 20 year olds cant compete with her energy level. She is completely independent. In fact is taking care of her only son and his young family all on her own. What a superstar she is
ReplyDelete#mrizvi: Please read you will enjoy it
I am really upset with all your childish antics. You are a young person. 20 year olds are young adults. Yet you sit around with your rebellious attitude and refuse to learn. We have pleaded with you, tried to reason with you, tried to taunt you, tried to encourage you, but you are still not being able to understand.
ReplyDeleteThink about it. Smile is writing these blogs for us when she is also taking care of her only son and his family. Read today's blog to understand how little that she depends on his only son and the 3 daughters
Batman is mad at mrizvi and he should, as she is not listening at all. However I am more upset with Smile's only son because he does not even comment. He sits all day watching TV, he should make an effort to help Smile, to take care of his own kids, and use his money instead of Smile's. What a slacker he is
ReplyDeleteDear Smile,
ReplyDeleteYesterday my wifi was broken, I felt so cut off from you, I couldn't get on with my day. I now live for your words of advice everyday, it is like a breath of fresh air. We readers need you way more than you need us, remember this always. Today's post touched my heart greatly. I always tell my daughter how lonely and depressed I am, I think I will stop as I do not want to burden her. Thanks smile for giving me perspective,
Xin Miller
Hello My Readers Family
ReplyDeleteWelcome to New Members of Family Ed Sam Jen Jake
Thanks to Karen mrizvi Dave Linda Maheen Superwoman Boris Batman Sheema Brenda
Jimmy Xin Jane Plunker Mike Craig Retiree Group newbie
All My Great Anonymous and Multilingual Readers and the Reader doing two Jobs
Everyone Thank so much
I still miss My Fellow Writer