Doing Nothing

For relaxation and happiness
you don't have to run a Marathon
or push yourself to be happy
just relax and be yourself
Beside my Senior Club activities
I make plans beforehand for
Myself to get busy
I am Retired so I keep in mind
and try to be involved in
my Family my Grand kids
cooking -- light groceries
as much as I can handle
You do such things for your
own good and for your own
satisfaction you know
what goes around comes around
just sitting and watching TV
not an option for us
When you are very busy at work
have to do long hours
make plans while coming back
to sit down in your favorite
corner of your favorite place
with your Cup of Coffee or Tea
We need our own time doing
Nothing thinking Nothing
Just Blank Mind
to have our Relaxation Period
I do that in the morning
lie down for couple of minutes
on my bedroom carpet
to give a good start to My Day
try that you will enjoy
Good Morning
ReplyDeleteMy Dear Readers Family
My Dear Fellow Members of Retiree Group
Xin and My friend doing Two Jobs
may be you people can get some points from My Today Blog
Yes Plunker My Dear I came last Sunday one week before
Today is My Club so leaving at 9.15 taking 2 Buses
Have a Great Day Everyone
Great post, I really enjoyed it!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your day
ReplyDeleteWe had a very relaxing weekend retreat. We frequently referred to the blogs to get some ideas. It was just amazing.
ReplyDeleteAs for today's blog, we feel that it is written with us in mind :-) A no. of things that you said applies to us completely.
Thank you for writing these blogs. It is making a significant improvement in the quality of our lies
Dave and Linda
My Smile is so awesome. She plans her day to make sure that she can give maximum benefits to others. We have so much to learn from her
ReplyDeleteThank you Smile
ReplyDeleteDear Madam Smile, I am so thankful to you for writing blog and also mentioning me when you thank others. You don't need to thank me. You do so many things it looks to me that you are doing 3 jobs.
ReplyDeleteI should not say that but I think Plunker is right that your only son should take more care of you. It is not right that he is asking you to take bus, or take his kids to hockey and ask you to get money or ask you to get grocery for his kids. It is nice of you that you don't complain about that but do what you can to help
ReplyDeleteHi Smile, I hope you don't mind if I call you the Advisor. Our group met today and saw some of the comments that I made last week in which I addressed you directly. Some of the members objected. Their preference is that I call you Advisor. Frankly, I agree with them
ReplyDeleteAs for today's blog, we could not finish our discussion about it today, as we only met for 1 hour. We feel that this will require more time to discuss thoroughly. We do appreciate your suggestion that we should plan our day and look for some quick wins. Also, celebrate these small wins
Thank you Advisor. Appreciate you taking the time to write about these issues.
@mrizvi: Please read, you don't realize how much you are missing by not reading
recent retiree
Posted the print out of the blog on the notice board. There is a toastmasters meeting today and the group is using the blog as the basis of the meeting. All participants are required to read the blog, speak about it and answer any qs about it
ReplyDeleteI can tell you tomorrow how the meeting went
Thanks Jimmy. I was a the Toastmasters today and it was a hoot.
@ Tiara, I could not make it to the meeting but talked to Eddy and Sam afterwards. Looks like you guys went through 2 of Smile's blog.
DeleteI heard that there was a lot of slack given to the slacker aka her son.
Also, Eddy was telling me that you have been tasked to help mrizvi to read the blog. Good luck, as someone said yesterday, age has got nothing to do with it, she (ie mrizvi) is just stubborn
Loved the blog. We had some friends over this weekend and we discussed some of the blogs from the past. They could not believe that you are for real. They think you must be a bionic woman
ReplyDeleteThough I am not saying it, but there were some people who were astounded that your son is asking you for money and to take care of his kids and to take his kids to hockey etc. Hope he reads your blogs so he can learn from some of our comments
@mrizvi: Please read. None of our friends understand why you are not reading. And some of the participants were 20 year olds. They all think that you can and should do better
这真太了不起了。你给了很多提示给我们的生活压力的自由和有意义的生活。 谢谢
ReplyDelete@mrizvi: 请阅读
I was planning on posting the blog on our notice board but when I went there, I noticed that there already is a printout posted there. Found out that one of our colleague is now a big Smile fan.
Votre écriture est stimulante et inspirant en même temps. J'aime ça. Merci de continuer à écrire
ReplyDelete@mrizvi: Si vous ne lisez, vous ne serez pas apprendre
Thanks for the blog Smile. I am not sure how you can handle that much. I think our friend who is working tirelessly at 2 different positions is right,you are as busy as a squirrel. I cant imagine how you can do that.
ReplyDelete@mrizvi: Please read these blogs.
Smile is so generous. She writes for all of us. For retirees, for students, for office workers. She has great ideas. While most people like to watch TV for fun, she wants to go out and enjoy like a 20 year old. She is superb. There is no way we can match her energy level, her enthusiasm, her positivity, her optimism. She likes people, and the people like her
ReplyDeleteSmile even loves her only son and tries her best to put a brave face on his selfishness. When he asks her to walk to the bank to get her money for him, or when she asks her to take her kids to the hockey practice or groceries then instead of creaticizing the slacker, she calls him nice and caring.
@mrizvi: I hope you an read and learn from Smile. Please stop the rebellious attitude. It is not helping you
Vielen Dank für Ihre inspirierend Schrift.
ReplyDelete@mrizvi: Bitte lesen Sie
У вас есть много энергии . Мне нравится читать его
ReplyDeleteHello My Readers Family
ReplyDeleteThank You Dave and Linda Karen Superwoman Maheen Plunker mrizvi Boris
Batman Sheema Brenda My Fellow Members of Retiree Group Craig Tiara Keith
Mike Kelly aiden
Thanks and Jimmy I Love to know about your Toastmasters Meeting
I still miss my Fellow Writer
Xin and Jane you must be enjoying
I thanks to my Anonymous Reader who is doing two Jobs
thanks to
All my Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
You All make my Day
Please dont thank us. We should be the one thanking YOU!
DeleteGood night and please get some rest