Letter To My Dear Readers


Thanks to everyone of you my Friends,

my Dear Readers, for sharing my Grief

 I got comments from you people yesterday late night. I don't get  comments so often.

Dear Friends in Ireland, I am sad to know that Smile Corner has been closed for such a long time. Please open Smile Corner right away. I am not happy with Priest. He never leaves any chance to misguide, to trick you people. God wont be happy. It is sad.

Just a stray thought came to my mind that if some day I will die, will be no more here, to write to open the Cafe. You people will close it for ever. I will be sad, watching from up and above. Please don't do that.

Thinking about Death, is not a negative thought. Everyone has to leave. This is reality. We have to make full use of our life and try celebrate the days, we are here. Life is a Gift from God Almighty. 

I appreciate your gestures, your sincerity, to share my sentiments. Time to move on.

From time to time we have to fill up our lives with colors, with something good, to get happiness, especially whenever feeling low, to balance it out. Death is reality, like life. We have to take it with patience, with courage and with grace. 

Dear Reader doing 2 Jobs before. Please join your jobs. Go to work. Talk to my friends, the Supervisors. They will help you out. Have patience. Listen to them. Don't listen to the Job Worker 2. She always tricks you. Try to focus on your work.

Dear Retirees, Please start doing your usual activities. Thanks to all of you and to my Friend, the Restaurant Manager for sharing my grief. Please don't bracket me with any Group. I believe that we all belong to the same Human Family. No grouping please. Thanks.

Dear Students, My Friends. Please move on. Start doing your routine activities. Men may come and men may go but life goes one. This is life. I Salute my Friend Dean. He is always there to support his Students, It was nice of him, to ask Students to come forward, to lead. You people are our Asset, our Future. I am happy.

Kris, I thank very much to you, to Father, to Hannah and my Friend Niklas. Thanks for doing Prayers for my Sister. Nice of you people.

Keith my Friend. Thanks to you for sharing my Grief. Please covey my Special thanks to My Friends, your Corporate Employees . Thanks, May God Bless everyone of You.

Thanks again everyone. All my Dear Readers have Great time. Talk to you people later.


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