Sometimes Better to take Exit


Friday -- Beautiful cold cloudy morning with 5 C below zero. It looks, there was rain early morning. I can see it's traces on driveways and road around. Snow is still here but the amount of the white stuff looks diminishing day by day. Still a lot. Sun peeping out from the under, smiling through the steel grey sheets. 

The green grass is still with yellowish tinge but looks full of life. The skeleton trees around look confident with hope and thinking of days ahead. I think they got some assurance that it is just a matter of time. Things will change after couple of weeks.

All credit goes to Sun the Great. His smiling face was able to make all the difference. Changed entire outlook of the atmosphere. Anyone can make a difference, can put smile on the faces around. 

It is 10.30, I am done with my breakfast, sitting in my room. My computer is in front. Blinds of my windows are drawn up. Sun rays trying to enter through the windows, to make my room brighter. I am enjoying all that and also browsing my Facebook messages to connect with family and friends. 

Yesterday, I had an experience to walk on the frozen lake. I was wearing my regular Joggers, with no plans to do that but credit goes to my sun. He pushed me for that and I am always ready to go for experiences. I made it. My son was holding my hand for a while. My youngest grandson, the Slurpee Boy was also there. 

I didn't stay long on the surface of the lake. I left father and son alone to enjoy their time together. Sometimes it is better, for we parents to take an exit, to let our kids to enjoy their time with their own family. It will keep our bond with our kids, strong and lead to a long term smooth relationship.

I enjoyed my own time alone slot. Walking around the lake and listening to the melodious music of the water. People were walking with friends, some with dogs. All having social distancing. Following the Directives. 


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. I think you are not getting comments but I got the notice from the authorities, as you commanded I went to them personally with your blog and the apology however due to the Covid situation, all offices are closed. I asked the Councillor to come but she was in quarantine at that time. The authorities have sent me another letter and also told me to pay a big fine. I dont have that much money because I donated the money that I collected from donations for a lawyer to the church. I was planning to keep it but after you said to not worry about lawyer, the priest said that the church needs the money and you are not in favour of lawyers anyways. I am still posting the blog in Smile Corner. Its still open because its listed as an essential service, but I am running out of time as the deadline for paying fines is coming soon.

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome philosopher. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. This blog is my lifeline. Thank you for writing every day. I pray for you every day


  4. I like you blog in China. It very very good. We dont like you son because he no care you and take you to froze lake

    1. This good. I no Anglais. French good. Son no good.

    2. This good blog. I read Russia. You son need go to Doctor

    3. I enjoy you blog. I no good Anglais but French good

    4. I like you blog in Italy. I ready with family. We pray for you because you son very dangerous

    5. You blog enjoy read because it give good fun message. I read Ukraine. I read with job

  5. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Wicked worker come and say me how you. I say I no want talk you because you trick me all time. She say what you talking. I only ask how you are. I say I very anger because my Madam son take her to ice. It rain too so lake can become unsafe. There is lot slip condition also. She say but remember she no how to skate because he does not use salt on driveway when driveway is icy. I say yes that good point. Wicked worker say also you Madam not child, so if she go on ice it her choice. I say yes you right. Job worker 2 say also why she need take Slurpee boy too. Why she need bother everyone. I say may be slurpee boy want go with her. Job Worker 2 laugh and say have you heard of a grandson who want to come to her grandma. I say good point. Job worker 2 say did she write about the problem you ask her? I say no may be she busy. Job worker 2 say yes she is busy with skating on frozen lake. I will tell you plan after lunch. I say thank. I do 1 proud job and alway read blog

  6. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees appreciate your blog. The retired adventurer was given the high honour to read the blog today. He could not believe at his luck because he said that there is no way he even imagined that he would have this honour. As he was reading the blog, he could not believe that you were asked to venture on a frozen lake in only -5C. He said that he has only experienced walking on a frozen lake once and it was very nerve wrecking even though the temp was -15C. Many retirees did not understand his comment and asked him to clarify. He said that ice surfaces can be brittle and the ice can easily break under the weight of a person even in -15C, -5C is very unsafe. He added that also falling on ice surface can cause severe fractures. He said that your son should not have put you at risk as it is not a safe activity. When we reminded him that your grandson, Master Slupree Boy was also there, he laughed and sad that unless he is a professional rescuer, there is not much he would be able to do to. As the retired adventurer is relatively new to the readings, he is unfamiliar with the antics of your son, so we told him about the numerous incidents related to him. He was simply shocked and said what everyone else depressed previously that it is amazing that you are so nice that you still talk about him without cursing him.

    The Smile with Smile program had another big session yesterday. There was a lot of interest in the remote teen education due to the lockdown situation these days. We will be having more sessions next week. The thinking is that your ideas are revolutionary and in step with the times. A survey done by Smile with Smile program indicated that those families who have adopted your ideas, have seen a reduction in family issues drop by 68% ie more than 2/3rd!

    The retirees living in joint family situations are having some problems. We are not able to finish our food as our appetite is not the same as it used to be. We dont know how best to handle this situation. The only choice that we think we have is to either not eat various food items or waste half the portion. We dont like either of the two options. Can you suggest?

    Your Indian compatriots are getting ready to celebrate the Republic Day. The restaurant manager is also helping with that. The restaurant will be decked in Indian colours and posters of key figures will be displayed. The Hindu priest is himself overseeing this

    I am not sure if you are getting our comments so my apologies if you are reading them again. The restaurant manager has been reinstated after your letter to the owners. It was agreed that the dogs will be allowed at the restaurant premises but will be tied at least 50 feet away in the parking lot. The hijab lady and her Sikh people were pleased with this outcome. The retired priest was also ok with the outcome as he can bring his dogs here. The retirees want to thank you for helping this situation resolved in such a pleasant way

    thank you
    recent retiree

  7. I wish my mother in law can be as active and adventurous as you. She is the first one who wakes up and spoils my day because she hogs the TV lounge!

    Happy Reader

  8. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the Smile Garden today. There were no faculty visits today as it is the weekend and though the students and professors were present for the reading but they were with friends and not in faculties and official groups. Prof George was heard saying to the Dean that this is like a festival here. The Dean joked that even if it is icy conditions like it is in Canada, there will still be a lot of people if there is a blog reading.

    As the blog was being read, the Dean appeared to got shaken when he heard that you were taken by your son on frozen lake. Prof George could not even remain standing and held on to the chair. The Smile Army and others started raising slogans against your son immediately after the reading. It was complete chaos. The Dean usually gets things under control right away however today he simply stared blankly in the air and after some time said that how can he do all this to you. It can be extremely dangerous. The protests kept going for almost an hour, finally the police officers in regular clothes were able to get everything under control. The Dean then asked everyone to join in a prayer for your safety and well being. All 250+ people said amen

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  9. Father say father yell Kris and yell Niklas lot today. Father say father tell them to go freeze lake. Father say they think father no strong but father very strong. Father yell Hannah because she no bring breakfast bed on time. Father say father no say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say Hannah litle tire today because Hannah wake before son to make brakfast ready but father tel Hannah that Hannah need bring food to father in bed. Hannah say Hannah now need spend like 1 hour to complete brakfast because father want hot kaffee and hot oatmeal and fresh fuit but no cut. Hannah say today holiday but Hannah will need wake 90 min before son to complete brakfast 30 min to make and 60 min for Hannah to take all item to father room. Hannah say it easy if father eat brakfast on kitchen table because Hannah can put all item in table but now Hannah need take 1 thing 1 time. Hannah say it good that father enjoy brakfast. Hannah say Hannah no no why brother take you to freeze lake. It kris danger and niklas safe. Hannah say you please be care next time. Father say me that father want go freeze lake but me no want go because me scare. Me say Niklas that he take father but he say he scare to. Me yell him because he big and no need scare. Niklas say that lot accident hapen on lake and no want go. Me say me no care what he want, he need go because father say go. Niklas say but grandpapa say you go to. Me get anger and cut phone because he talk. Hannah tire. Niklas sad. Father anger. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  10. My Smile is amazing!! She is an amazing author. She is an amazing psychologist. She is an amazing councillor. She is an amazing therapist. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  11. Oh Come ON! What is this ! Just give me a break - will yeah! I know .. I know ....

    Thank you mrizvi. Brilliant comment - again

  12. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker, just calm down.

    Fantastic job kiddo. You are bang on. How did you know that this is a good blog! You are right though

  13. Is a brilliant author or a super duper thrill seeker! Dont believe me? Have a look yourself

    "The green grass is still with yellowish tinge but looks full of life. The skeleton trees around look confident with hope and thinking of days ahead. I think they got some assurance that it is just a matter of time. Things will change after couple of weeks.

    All credit goes to Sun the Great."


    "Yesterday, I had an experience to walk on the frozen lake. I was wearing my regular Joggers"

    Brilliant !!


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