Era of Our Golden Age

Tuesday -- Beautiful cold sunny morning with 8 C below zero. White stuff is all around. Must be snowing early morning. Yellow garbage truck is at my door. Today is garbage day in our neighborhood. Green grass of my front garden is covered under the white blanket. Red wooden bench shining on the white floor. Looks a very quiet atmosphere around. Skeleton trees are also quiet. Cars sitting on driveways, waiting for order.

It is 10.15, I am done with my breakfast, now in my room, sitting with my computer, browsing Facebook messages. My youngest daughter called me from Reading. She was just back from school. It is already afternoon at her place. She is in different time zone, five hours forward than of our time here in Toronto. She was busy. With kids, work and looking after bed ridden in laws, not easy. I salute her patience. 

We had a brief talk, just to connect. We parents have to realize that our kids are busy, so many things to do, to deal with. We don't have to put them on the spot so that they have no option except to hang up. That will not be a good option for any of us. We have to be short and sweet. No complaints. Our kids wont like that. 

Calls to anyone, have to be a welcome one, also have to end up in a positive note. This results into long and smooth relationships. Our tone, timings  and how we communicate, all matter a lot. If the other person looks busy, we have to let him go right away. When we make calls, the tone of the person is more than enough to give us a clear picture of the things at the other side.

I have to check my table calendar. I think, time to wash my hair. Yes it is. I don't wash my hair every day. At our age, we start losing our  things. Our teeth, our energy, our strength, same is with our hair. We have to be careful to handle the things, we have.

Every stage of the cycle of our life is unique, has it's own beauty. It's own plus and minuses. When we become old. We enter in our Golden age era. We don't have to go to work. We are done with raising our family. No obligations. We are done with our assignments. 

This is time of our own. To do whatever we want. No pressure. Just relax and plan your day. Your own things to do. We lose couple of things. Doesn't matter to me. There is always give and take. Nothing is total plus. I think, it is fine. I am ok with that. Let's enjoy our time.

Dear Readers Have a Great Day. I will get your comments after a while. Hope things are fine with you people. Just have patience and take one day at a time. Things will be fine.

Dear friends in Ireland. Please post the letter of apology to the authorities right away. It is urgent. I will keep praying for you people.

Dear Retirees hope the celebrations are now cancelled. Please keep my Blog reading sessions out of political and Religious talks and activities. Thanks.

Dear Reader who was doing 2 Jobs. Hope you got your job back. Listen to your supervisors. Follow the Directives. Use Masks whenever required. Keep distancing. You will be fine. Focus on your work please. Thanks.


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