Plan Your Day Before Too Late


Friday -- Beautiful sunny one of cold September mornings. It is 6 C, not below zero. We Canadians still can enjoy. It is 9.15, I am done with my breakfast, walking around on the newly built Deck in my back garden. Enjoying my morning tea and the beautiful atmosphere around. 

Grass still green. Trees around are calm and quiet, focus on gathering their energy to tackle the days ahead. They know Fall season is close by and some of their friends already started losing their energy. 

Every season is unique, like stages of the cycle of our life, has it's own beauty. Fall is the season of colors and of gathering treasures. Precious gold and bronze leaves and the articles of art, craft and beautiful sculptures, scattered all around on pathways, give us an open invitation to behold the beauty and also to give a thought that how things undergo transformation, same is with our lives. 

We have to drain whatever we can from our moments in hand. Drain happiness and make use of your present time. Moments go on slipping from our hands. We can not gather these moments back. Every moment is precious, will be lost for ever. Don't have to wait for the next one. 

Get busy with what you like to do. Doing nothing will take us to feeling lethargic, which will result in feeling low and in mood swing. This will lead to negative thoughts, which can take us to anywhere.

We have to do things before it is late. I am thinking about my youngest sister. She lives in Chicago. Couple of years back, she was doing great job in Cook County Hospital, living in big house. Now retired, living in retirement home. She is not in good shape, facing acute depression, might be shifted to hospital. 

She doesn't want to connect with anyone, doesn't pick up calls. We have to plan our day no matter what. After retirement, this becomes more important. We don't have to sit just thinking about our past work days.

We have to set our routine. Try to gather the beauty from the moments, we still have in our hands. We still have time to make our days. Life is not done with the time of our retirement. 

It is all up to us. We can make or can ruin our days. Choices are yours my dear. Negative thoughts will never result in positives. We have to try to be away from thinking negatives. That's it. Everything will be worked out. Try to stay busy with things to do. you will always be away from negative thoughts.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This is market day but customers are coming to my shop in waves. They come here to read the blog first before going to the market. We have lots of people from out of town who come to read blog and then do shopping. The no. of people are more because it is the last month for Smile Corner. I think you are not getting my comments so thats why you have not given any advice, but I informed you 3-4 weeks ago about the show cause notice that I received from the town council because there was too many people in Smile Corner and someone complained.. Since I did not receive any advice from you, I checked with others and they told me that I should file a legal challenge in the courts. The city did not like that and also I lost the challenge. Now I have until Sep 30 to wind up Smile Corner. I dont know what to do as it may be too late. And you may not receive this comment as well, just like all the comments that you are probably are not receiving for the last several weeks. I am sorry for the long message, I know you are very busy.

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome author. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. I dont know why you are not writing for me. Your sister is doing the right thing, I also dont pick up calls. What is the point to talk. Everyone gives long lectures. Do this. Do that..


  4. I read blog in France. Good you go back work.

    1. You blog good. Me English no good. Russian good.

    2. This good. I no Anglais but Spanish good. Work start Spain long time back

    3. I like you blog in China. It very very good

    4. You blog good. It no easy be positive. I read Italy

  5. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Wicked worker come to me and say me how you? I say I no want talk you. She say but I want know if you Madam write about me get my job back? I say no she no write. Wicked worker say but did you tell her about me. I say yes I write comment 1 day back and tell Madam that you fire because you tell me no wear mask because all normal now and Madam go back work. Madame Supervisor was behind you when you were telling me and she hear all thing. She then fire you because we suppose wear mask and you tell me wrong thing. Wicked worker say, can you write you Madam again because I need advice how to get my job back. I say ok . I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  6. Dear Advisor,

    We went for our long walk today. We have been doing that since your advice to us after a while back. The retirees are also resuming our normal activities, such as regular committee business, since you have re-started going back to work however will do so only after your explicit approval.

    The retired psychologist and social worker led the reading of the blog today. She pointed out that you have highlighted an important aspect in your writings today as positive thinking is very critical and is very difficult to learn. In this day and age, it is very important to follow your guidance on positivity.

    To give you an update on the hijab lady and her temple friends, it was agreed that we give them 1 additional week however if we dont hear from you then they will be permanently banned from these gatherings. Also, the evidence gathered from the surveillance videos from their gatherings will be turned over to the authorities. The surveillance video was gathered by the retired spies and the retired private investigators when your Hindu friends informed the retired priest about a gathering that was being held by the hijab lady temple people in someone’s backyard. The video clearly shows that they were not observing the SOPs. Please accept my apologies for repeating some of the items here. I am assuming that you are not getting our comments so am repeating some of the items.

    thank you
    recent retiree

  7. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the Smile Garden today. Due to covid and social distancing, the crowd was much smaller today and only about 250 people showed up. The Dean and professor George were there of course. They listened like they always do, ie heads bowed, eyes lowered, arms folded and standing up during the reading. There is always pin drop silence during the reading and the phones are off. We do that to avoid disruptions.

    The Smile Army are continuing to have beef patties all the time since you wrote the recipe. The Dean tried to explain to them that you just wrote the recipe but it does not mean that they should keep eating it, as its not good for their health but the idiots wont listen of course.

    The students are having a really hard time with our parents. They expect that we will call them regularly, in some cases as much as once every 2 weeks !! And not just that, but for at least 2 minutes. Unbelievable !! We are doing work here and dont have time for these chit chats. We know they are paying for the phones but what the hell ! In case of some students who are living at home, the parents talk to them about various news items. This is so lame ! We know that your grand kids are not going through this hell because of you !

    Mrs. Lucy brought banana smoothies for everyone. Everyone is still very upset with your son because he is not taking good care of you and not taking you to parks and outings every day during the pandemic. Prof George reminded everyone that you have said not to say anything bad about him. Mrs. Lucy said lets play dart and we went to the dart board.

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  8. I read your blog often but this is my first comment. I am a teacher and amazed at your positive thinking. I learned about that in one of the Smile with seniors program that I participated in when I was admitted to the hospital. Over there, we were giving meals based on your recipes along with a copy of your blog

    Thank you


  9. Another fresh new blog today. How does Smile do it!

    cool Kyle

    1. Of course its a new blog. Smile never recycles the blogs!


  10. Father say father get bore because all say father, that father need stay home. Father say it big lie. There is no sick. Father say flu happen all time. Chancellor make big deal. Father say it good you go play dart. No need stay home and put mask. Father say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say Hannah kirs scare father because father no want wear mask and say it normal and sickness is Chancellor lie. Hannah say father want big party and no mask but Chancellor say no party and yes mask. Hannah say father no want listen and want go protest. Hannah say Hannah parent sick too but Hannah no able go because you no say and also because who take care father. Hannah say it good you positive. Hannah say Hannah will prey you sister because that like Hannah aunty. Father say me that Niklas fone problem and he keep slip late. Me say he go time but father say he need go before time, like 30 min before. Me tell Niklas but he say it no allow before 15 min but me say he need stand on road in front school. Niklas say it cold and what point. Me no like that he talk so me take fone. Niklas sad, Hannah scare, Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  11. My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing my Smile is!!

  12. Replies
    1. Same old. Same crazy talk. I was hoping that it will be a good day today. Perhaps was asking for too much. After all, why should it be any different? I know, I know...

      Great job mrizvi. Your comment is right on.

    2. Dont worry about it Plunker. You know that kids consider everything to be fun these days. I guess it is the new era. No wonder we have interesting elections in the world these days. And yes, we must be kind

      Brilliant comment mrizvi. Hope you are reading your assignments before completing them kiddo


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