
Showing posts from July, 2024

Take Day Plans like Combo

    It is another hot humid morning of late July. I start my day with a cup of honey drink. One tea spoon of honey in hot water. I enjoy that, sitting outside at my deck. It looks great with green all around. Beautiful flowers of all colors, dark pink, golden yellow, deep purple and white, all giving you smile to make your day. Nothing else we need to give a good start to our day. It is enough. Mornings are face of our day. We have to take good care of that. Try to give color, to beautify it. It will make your day colorful. You will never go wrong with doing that. Start thinking positive as soon as you are out of bed. No matter, your sleep was good or not. Start forgetting all negatives. Focus on, to be positive. That make a big difference.  Keep yourself away from negativity. It is like a disease, like an infection, spoils everything. Your mind and body will get infected in no time.  Your face is a mirror of your inside. Whatever we feel inside, deep down, reflects on ou

I am at Flowers Isle

    Beautiful morning. Great day. Not too hot. It is 10.30, 23 C, will be 26 later on. I have to get ready now to enjoy outdoor. We have to switch plans to make our day. I have to make some calls. I can do that after. It is too early to call anyway. We have to keep in mind that timings are key for calls to maintain relationships. We have to avoid to call early morning and also at late night.  Our face reflects our emotions from inside out. While we are talking face to face, we can read face expressions. We can figure out that the person, we are talking to, is in a mood to listen or not. We can coordinate our talks accordingly. Sometimes it is better to cut it short, rather to drag and linger on.  It is better to cut it short. It is always a good option to finish at the right time and with a right tone from the other side of the phone. Don't have to push him to keep on listening, all we want to talk. Better to cut it out and set him free to leave. When we call, we can&

I am at Coffee House

    It is one of another hot humid days of late July. Every season is very distinct here in Canada. We enjoy and have a feel of all seasons. Couple of more weeks to go before we will start digging our closets to look for sweaters and jackets.  For now, we are enjoying our summer days. Sun is shining up and above in full bloom. We are hitting roads, waters and trails to enjoy outdoors. We know that summer is short for us. We give value to every moment of it. AC is on in our homes and cars. Life is all good. It reminds me of the days. I was in England with my daughters. It was June, July period. Fans were out of market, sold out. My daughter arranged somehow one for me. They have two more for the entire house. AC is not common in England. It is tough, not easy to enjoy summer days, over there. It may be not so bad for them. Your body gets used to the climate, where ever, you live for longer time. We Humans have ability to adopt to coordinate with the circumstances. I was th

Bird are busy picknicking

    Beautiful morning sunny and bright. No more rain. We had already more than enough of it. Grass and flowers, don't need any watering. It is 26 C, hot day.   This is weekend, I have to do my hair color. My friend invited me for afternoon tea. I will go there. It is always good to be with friends and family. We have to accept invitations, to make our day. I think, calls are sort of blessings. Signals from God for us to gather happiness. Life is nearly the same for everyone. It is all up to us, how we take it.  Try to give color to the moments in hand. Sitting idle, doing nothing, won't bring happiness. Try to be active, do something, anything you like to do. Go for walk, to look the scenery around.  Some people like outdoors, some not. They like to be indoors. Find the spot of your choice in your garden / balcony, get book / magazine of your interest, to be happy. Bird watching is beautiful. You feel great, watching them doing things, you get involved. Happiness

Rain is in full Bloom

    Nowadays, so much rain every day. Thunder storm warning today on top. This much rain is not usual for us in Toronto. Global warming is changing things all around the world. There is an empty flower pot in my back garden. It is nearly full of rain water in just couple of days. Water is coming down from flower bed.  Flower beds looks saturated, so is grass. It is 2.30, rain just stopped sun is shining in full bloom. Couple of minutes ago, rain was in full bloom, still drizzling. Amazing view. I am outside, enjoying everything.  In the morning, I was not feeling good. Some days, your mind and body are not ready to co-operate with your plans. We humans are not Robots. So many things around control our mood swing. Sometimes we take control, sometimes we are helpless, have to go with the flow. It is 4.30, I am sitting in my room, beside my computer. My window blinds are drawn up. I am connected with the outside world. It is a beautiful scenic view to behold. I switched on m

Black Squirrel busy in Gym

    Hot humid days, 26 C, feel like 32. We are trying to manage, taking precautions, while getting out. We know summer is short in Canada. Water parks are full. Sprinklers are on, in play areas. Few more weeks to enjoy outdoors.  AC is on in full bloom at homes and cars. I still remember, we had our first pedestal fan in 1993. AC was out of question at that time.   I talked to my daughter, she is in Edmonton, it is hot there  too, 37 C. She has no AC. Never needed before. Thinking to install one next year. Winter is for more than six months in Edmonton. It usually becomes around 50 C below zero. I think global warming changed so much every where.  T hirty years ago, I was in Ottawa. I still remember, ice used to be floating on lake, even in the month of May. 30 C below zero was normal.  It is 8.15, morning time. I am having my breakfast, sitting under shade, on my deck. Black Squirrel is busy with his exercises on the wooden fence of my back garden. He takes it like his Gym.

Birds join me for breakfast

  It is hot and humid day. I told you that every season in Canada, is very distinct, intense. We can have a feel to enjoy. Summer time is to get out to enjoy outdoors. Rain forecast is in weather channel. Let's see. It is morning time, 8.15, I am enjoying breakfast at my deck. Pink and purple seasonal flowers are smiling in white and brick red planters, lined up by the left side of my deck. On my right, are two big flower pots with red and green leaves. I don't remember their names. I am not good at names. Maple leaf tree is on my front. I think, it is at least 20 feet high. I am 5 plus, under 6 ft. I compare trees with my size. I know it's not the exact measurement, still gives an idea. Flower bed in front, at the back, is full of dark pink seasonal flowers, in between, is Canadian rose plant with pink flowers. It's flowers are now done. I see just couple of them, sometimes ago, it was loaded.   Three blood red roses are smiling on David Austin plant. On

Letter to my Friends

  Hot day today. It is the beauty of Canada that every season comes in full bloom, intense. Very distinct. We can have a feel to enjoy every bit of it. Summer is short, we know, so no time waste. It is time to hit roads and trails and go to waters. It will be over, just couple of weeks to go, to enjoy outdoors. It is 10.30, I am at lake, after walking around by the beach side, now sitting on a bench under trees. It is so cool, amazing, reminds me of Charles Dickens. " It is one of those days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in light, and winter in the shade". So true. He was right.   It is 11.30, I am done at the lake now sitting in Tim Horton. It is my second home. I am thinking about you, my dear friends. Not getting comments for so long because of Glitch. I miss that a lot. Hope things are fine at your end.    My Friends in Ireland, hope things are going well. You people still be enjoying reading my Blogs at Smile Cafe and must be followin

Trail with bushes around

          July 5th 2024 It is a hot day, feel like 34 C. I don't have to go to my work. Kids summer camp is going on, in library premises, so Fridays will be off for we seniors, for some time. No Darts for now. I have to make plans for my mornings.  My grandson, the youngest one is working from home. I will cut fruits and make coffee for him. Kids are now diet conscious. They keep track of what to eat. That is good to be aware of things for your health.  I skip my walk today, it is too hot. We have to be careful, have to adjust with circumstances. We can switch plans to make our day. Computer and kitchen, are always there for me to enjoy my time. No worries. My son is planning to go to lake later on. I will get ready to go with him. We have to avail any chance available to get out, to change our scenery. It helps to elevate our energy level, manages our mood swing. Life for everyone, is the same. It is like a trail with bushes around, not a bed of Roses. We have to walk through, to

My friend White Butterfly

  July 2nd 2024 Great weather, beautiful morning. Sun is up in full bloom, still not too hot. It is 10.30, 22 C, I am getting ready for my walk. I have to do some laundry today. I just checked my table calendar.  It is not easy to remember things to do all the time. I use to jot down on my small calendar. It helps me to keep track of what to do and when to do. No pressure to remember day to day matters. My calendar takes care of all that. I have to wash and change my bed sheets and towels today. It's time. I gathered my laundry load, will put in washer later on. My eldest grandson is sleeping downstairs. I don't want to bother him now. While doing things to make our day, we have to keep in mind, peace and comfort of others. It is key to maintain harmony around, specially at work place and our household.   Everyone is different with his own habits. Some like to stay up late at night, start their day late. Some go early to bed, rise early morning. In household, we