Not a final "Good Bye", We will be back


Beautiful morning, shining day. Sun is out of the hazy, misty skies. Brown Rabbit is back, he must be gone for his vaccination, day before. Red birds not here. They come once a while to my bird feeder. I think, they are watching their calories. Black Squirrel is here, enjoying his morning walk. Such a beautiful scenic view, more than enough to make my day. 

I am done with my breakfast. It is 9.45, now I am in my room, with my computer. All set, ready to connect with my loved ones, with my family and friends. Pink flowers giving me smile from the top of Magnolia tree. Not many flowers left there. Just couple of weeks back, the tree was full of flowers. 

Flowers are now losing ground. They know, they are done, have to leave the space to give the floor to leaves to flourish, to fill the space. It is turn of the leaves to run their show. Flowers are leaving, but not with heavy heart. They, still playing their part in beautifying the atmosphere in spreading happiness around, as much as they can. Their pink petals giving a beautiful look of carpet, spread under and around the tree. What a graceful style to take an exit, to step down, to say good bye. I salute these flowers. 

I think, they have very strong determination. Not only hope but belief that, they will be back next year. That is enough for them, to stay positive, and not to spoil their present moment. They have faith that, "This too shall pass". 

How to stay positive and cope with smile the adverse conditions. Not to spoil present moments of our life. We Humans have to learn a lot from other Creatures, to run our life.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. As you ordered, all are observing Covid protocols. The priest is very pleased as there are starting to be a lot of people at his sermons. He is keeping them short and because its Covid, also talks about mental health issues. Some customers say that he is enjoying the benefit of the seeds that you sowed as it was you who created Covid awareness in this town. The priest is also drawing people away from Smile Corner because he always say something as a joke, that we should not have outsiders, specially aristocratic British influence. I am nervous that the crowds at Smile Corner are starting to get smaller. The old councillor is also giving Priest ideas. He was heard saying that if people get used to one place, then they start going there automatically. I wrote about this for the last few weeks but I think you are not getting the comments because of the glitch. Can you please help

  2. I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I got there. Of course, there were a fresh from SDs there with a note that "enjoy these Smile Donuts, courtesy Smile Addict"


    1. I was in early today so was able to post the blog. The box of SDs was there when I came. There was an extra donut for the person posting the blog.


    2. I wait 40 min and then give recipe blog to baker. I need skip breakfast because I no want late all time to my 2 job


  3. My Smile is awesome!! She is an awesome writer. She has an awesome philosopher. She is an awesome adviser. She is an awesome writer. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  4. Thanks for being my lifeline. I read your blogs many times during the day


  5. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. SWS was fantastic today. Turnout was great. We took the nature route. Lots of long faces today as it is Friday so no more blogs until next week. We were masking and social distancing


    2. We talked about Smile's active blog during the SWN today. She is an inspiration to all


  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I meet Happy Worker in shop near job 1. She say me why you no come job. I say because I fire. She say what happen. I say because there vaccine person in job 2 . Job Worker 2 tell me that this is because they want all people to get vaccine. Happy worker say so what problem, that good. I say yes but then job worker 2 ask me if Madam get vaccine ? I say YES and show her copy of blog and tell her that Madam give permission to use Smile Corner in Ireland for vaccine center. Job worker 2 say yes but did Madam get SECOND vaccine? I say that good point because I dont know. Madam only write about 1 vaccine but not not 2nd vaccine. Job worker 2 say me then do you want get 2nd vaccine. I say NEVER. Job Worker 2 say but supervisor say all must take vaccine or will fire. So I go to supervisor and tell her I fire me. Happy Worker say but Job Worker 2 trick you because no one is required to get vaccine. I say Job Worker 2 bring me cake so she very nice. Happy Worker say but why you no understand that she give you cake but also trick you. Happy Worker then get head hurt and go. I do 1 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees appreciate your blog today, We are amazed at your variety of interests and positivity. The retirees are trying to follow your lead but this is very difficult.

    The retirees are having a very challenging time with our food situation. The retirees cant eat big portions. Some eat the same thing for a week as we cant finish everything in one sitting. We have also tried to reduce portion sizes, but some of the sizes are standard eg if we get pastry then it is one standard size and that pastry can last 3-4 days. This is a problem because we cant have variety as we need to finish that item first. Some retirees have tried to throw away items but they feel bad as they are throwing away so much food and also because it gets expensive. Can you suggest how you are doing it?

    I am happy to report to you that the fundraiser for the India has concluded successfully . The Indian people highlighted your connection to the country to raise thousands. Some retirees pointed out your blog in which you gave specific instructions that we should not connect with you any specific country or faith but the Indians noted that Gandhi was like that too and thats what you mean. The hijab lady and the temple people wanted to do a fundraiser for Palestine but the retired priest told them that because you told us not to associate these readings with any religion, he will not let that happen from this forum. The temple people tried to persuade saying that it is no different than what the Indian people did but he presented a resolution and there was overwhelming support from the retirees to not do that fundraiser.

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the Smile Garden today. There was a big turnout for the blog reading today. The Smile Army volunteers were here, along with great friends and the students from the local school. The faculty of journalism was here today. This is the first opportunity that they were granted to come to a live blog reading in a while. They were simply blown away as to how you communicate. The senior professor of journalism highlighted that you use your folksy style to create a very clear picture of the surroundings and then describe the event. She is planning to use some of your blogs as reference material for educational and lecturing purposes. She wanted to clarify about the copyright terms, but the Dean smiled and said that you have been very generous with your work, and unlike the common authors, are not interested in the legalities but prefer to keep things simple. The senior journalism professor was blown away. She wanted to come again tomorrow but the Dean said that the readings become too crowded and though vaccinations are ongoing, he prefers if everyone come when it is their turn so as to maintain social distancing. The Smile Army volunteers were heard saying to the great friends that they are very lucky as they get to come to the readings every day

    Some of the students have completed their uni and have gone back home. They are facing a really challenging time with their parents. Not all of us have landed jobs yet . This is very typical because it is typical that it takes some time for students to get first jobs. It is worse these days because the economic climate is quite bad and not many companies are hiring. The parents of some of those kids are giving these students a very hard time. In some cases, parents consistently brings up this subject. There are some cases in which they have reminded the students, ie their kids, to look for jobs regularly like 2 times in 2 months. In one case the parent talked to his son every 3 weeks ! What the hell is this ? ! We are already under stress and dont need these constant reminders. Also, we have finished our uni so need some time to relax. We know that the lucky guy is not going through these issues but for the rest of us, its a nightmare to be constantly reminded every month that we have to look for a job.

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  9. Your blog was very timely. I was at a business zoom meeting with some of our senior client executives. We were having a difficult time to get everyone to agree as there are some difficult decisions that we need to make. Your message that “this too shall pass” helped use to get the meeting back on track

    thank you
    Keith Walker

  10. Father say you forget ask father helth. Father say you probably forget. Father say it ok, father no mind because father angle. Father say father ring bell lot time because father sik and need lot medicine. Father say father no say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say father little upset today because doctor no alow father eeet. Hannah say Hannah parent keep call Hannah and tell Hannah to come back to parent home and levee Kris but Hannah tell parent that you like Hannah mommy and Hannah listen you. Hannah say Hannah tell parent that you order Hannah go back to Kris so Hannah will do that. Hannah say Hannah mistake that Hannah make kris Cabbage Chiken Roll and forget lock fridge. Hannah say it kris good idea you that you niklas eet. Hannah say Niklas kris niklas and all kris yell niklas Niklas. Hannah say you please take care and niklas wory. Niklas say grandpapa yell Niklas lot because he say Niklas no ask grandpapa helth but Niklas feel shame that he ask grandpapa tummy ok. Father yell me and say he want watch Magnoloa like you but me say father that we no tree so what do.. Father then say me take him doctor but doctor laff and say he no eet for 2 day. Father very anger and come home and ring bell all time and say Hannah come and give medicine father but father no need take medicine. Only no eet. Father say he no able no eet all time. Me say it good and eet all time is bad. But father no listen. Me tell Niklas ask father health but he no do. Me yell him and take his computer. Niklas sad. Hannah tire. Father anger. Me cofuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)


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