The Ultimate Creativity

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This Blog is for
Fellow Writer of Readers Family

Back in my School days 
in my High school English Book
I read a poem I don't remember
the Author but I remember the
theme which is still there
in the back of my mind

A person was trying to be closer 
to God so he climbed the hill to the top
He heard Voice of God
Go back down with people 
I live there

Same is for everything
I love people of any origin of any cast
remember the Third Law of Motion
it's theory is that what goes around
comes around
I don't know if this theory still exists

I believe this theory when we give Love 
we will get Love back
be with the people
it will give inner peace and satisfaction
for any creativity we need that peace
and tranquility

Loneliness is disaster it will damage
our happiness and ruin our personality
we love people for our own sake
our own happiness
creativity is nothing it can't give us
inner peace

Be with people to be happy 
you will become creative 
don't have to push yourself for anything
just be yourself that's it
we all are individuals with our own
unique character
We are God's Creation 
The Ultimate Creativity
We should be proud of ourselves


  1. very good, we can all work towards this and can find inner peace and happiness.

  2. Dear Smile, I am also a fellow writer, writing has been in my blood for generations and been passed onto me. Your advice is useful for upcoming writers, I never thought that being with people will lay down a foundation for creativity. I always thought writing was a solitary activity, thank you for showing that writers do not have to choose a life of loneliness to be successful.


  3. Very wise words from my Smile. It is important that we read these blogs so we can focus on things which are important

    @ mrizvi: You should read too


  4. Hi Smile, thank you for continuing to write for us. Your today's blog is philosophical. It is good to have these blogs too along with inspirational ones that you write

    @ mrizvi: Please read, you will learn from it

  5. I liked the psychological and philosophical tone of the blog however I like the inspiration ones too.

    recent retiree

  6. You are a creative genius. You write every day on so many different topics. Thanks for doing that

    @ mrizvi: Please read and learn new things. You are 20 at this time, but you should grow up

    newbie reader

  7. Dear Madam Smile, your blog is so refreshing for me. I think I told you that I work 2 jobs but I read it when I get my lunch break. It is so helpful to me. Thank you

    I am sorry that you had to go through so much trouble yesterday. I felt bad that you are writing for us and going through so much trouble. I hope your only son take better care of you.

    @ mrizvi: If you read then you will enjoy too

  8. There is a different flavour to today's blog. From a lively tone it is more of a philosophical tone. From my perspective, I think the variety is good.

    As always I remain in debt for your dedication. It satisfies our selfish needs of reading new ideas but I do realize that it puts a lot of onus on you. Thank you


  9. Cool stuff. Thanks for writing Smile

    @ mrizvi: When will you read

  10. Smile, the sheer joy on my face to open my computer and realise that you have dedicated a post to me. I am so sorry for not commenting earlier, terribly sorry I have a day job and now is the time I find to be free. Smile, I will take your advice to the heart and go and be with my family, try to find the inner peace you talk about and then see how much my writing will be affected.

    Fellow Writer

  11. Smile has a no. of attributes and one of them is philosophy. I still think that shes was a marketing expert before retirement.

    @mrizvi: Please grow up and read

    @ Fellow Writer: You are lucky that you are getting person

  12. My Smile is awesome. She is a multidimensional personality and an inspiration to all of us. She shows us how to spend our time and also is telling others what to do in their situations

    Thank you Smile

    @ mrizvi: how can you sleep easy knowing that Smile thank you everyday even though you have not read the blog.

  13. 偉大的意見。


  14. Ik vond je andere blogs beter. Deze is te ernstig

    Dank je

  15. Dear Smile,

    This is probably my favourite blog post. You have inspired me to take up writing as a pastime, I see how much peace it brings you and I now want a piece of it.

    Xin Miller

  16. Smile,

    Amazing blog post! Although I'm not a writer myself, I'd like to learn how to be one and your blog seems a good way to start. Thank you again for making the time pass for me and my mother with such enjoyment.


  17. To Our Smile, how can I write a comment that will justify your post? I cannot, and I remember this is why I stayed silent after admiring all your other blog posts. But you mentioned in a previous comment that our comments make your day. I want to make your day like you have made mine and tell you how much I treasure your advice, I try and think about the lesson you put in the last two lines before I start my day. Thank you so much


    @mrizvi Shame on you, that is all I can say. You don't deserve to be a reader of Smile's work.

  18. Hello Hello
    Readers Family
    Thank You so much
    Karen Dave xin Jane Jeanine Dear Spectator Dear Recent Retiree
    Fellow newbie Boris Plunker Sheema Batman
    Superwoman James Juan mrizvi Fellow Writer AH
    if you are still reading
    Precious Anonymous and My Multilingual Readers
    I thank everyone
    You All make My Day


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