Pockets of Happiness

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Tuesdays are off for my Senior's Club
I mostly go for a walk to my
favorite spot 20 minutes walk from
my place to Tim Horton 
sit there for a while
to enjoy and write my Blog

My son asked me if I can go to Bank 
to draw some cash
I am always ready to avail
such opportunity
you know they don't need us 
they drive so they can do everything 
on their own

These are the Moments
we can cash into our Happiness 
it rarely happens when
we can justify our utility
I never miss such opportunities

I walked 20 minutes to the Bank
nearby is Pharma plus I got my shampoo
and other stuff from there

I made a brief stopover at
Herbal Pathway to say
Hello to John he doesn't know my name
but he knows my face it is enough
to exchange smile 

In the same Plaza is Fresh Co 
I got fresh Bagels cheese Buns 
and fiesta cheese to make big Salad
for my grand kids to make them Happy

When they will come from school
I will serve them and see smile on their faces
That will be enough for me

If we Create Pockets of Happiness
we can switch on and off very easily
and get ready to avail happiness from
anywhere from any corner

Happiness is not dependent on
Friends and Family circle only
it is like a flower you see it from
a distance still enough to make you happy

I am not talking about the Happiness
I availed by walking to the Bank
and coming back

All the green plants lined by the road
white and yellow Butterfly dancing
in between flowers 
giving all the color to the
festive atmosphere Birds chirping
on every step for me
lots to behold lots to absorb

Happiness is all around us 
how can we not switch off and
switch on our present Moments

God is making things happen to us
just relax and enjoy and say
Thank You God for giving me
strength to enjoy your priceless
Creations which I see everywhere


  1. Dear Madam Smile, I was crying when I read your today blog. Your only son is asking you to get money for him!! And not just that he is making you walk for 20 minutes even though you just came from a long trip. He should be getting money and other things for you. And you are so nice that you dont say anything bad about him!!

    What an amazing person you are

    @mrizvi: Please read and you will see how to live nicely

  2. I am appalled that your only son is making him do his work for you while he is sitting around and doing nothing.

  3. My Smile is amazing. She is helping out her only son all the time. It should be the other way round though. Even though she is helping him out she is still happy.

    @mrizvi: Please read and you will learn

  4. I get the impression that Smile's only son is living with her alongwith his family. If thats the case, it is even worse because he is not even taking care of his own family. He is asking her to take care of his young kids too!! Thats just not right. She just came back from a long trip

  5. I agree with comments from other readers about Smile's only son.

    Smile, It is quite interesting that you are able to find happiness in all this. Please get some rest you must be tired. You just came back from a long trip

  6. My Smile is very generous. She is generous to us, and she is generous to her family. It is wrong of her son to be asking her to get money from the bank from him. He should earn his own money. Also, he should not be asking My Smile to walk 20-30 mins. Who does that!! Also to ask My Smile to feed his young bums

    My Smile is a very generous person. Like the other readers in our family, I also was very sad that Smile has to go through all that

    @mrizvi: Please read, you should learn how to find happiness through all this


  7. Hi Smile, we were both very discouraged by the act of your son. Neither of us have talked about him as yet, but today, we thought that we should. He is in his 20s and you are way older than him. It is him who should be running to banks and grocery stores, not you. If you can please give him the message that he should change his attitude if he wants to make anything out of his life.

    Dave and Linda

  8. Some of us retirees have formed a retirees club and we are discussing your blogs in that forum. We think that by using your ideas and advice, it will help us all to lead a better retirement life. You have been sharing lots of nice tips with us. When you get a chance, please let us know more.

    As for the action of your only son, I also think that is completely wrong. We will discuss this blog in our meeting tomorrow, and I will not be surprised if other retiree members feel the same as me. I get the impression that your daughters are treating you much better but I could be wrong there

    recent retiree

  9. I cannot imagine how your only son can even think of asking you to run errands for him. This is absolutely appalling. Also, I hope he didnt ask you get your money for himself.

    It looks like you are taking care of his kids. That is utter disgrace. He should know better. After all, he must be around 25years

    @mrizvi: When will you start reading


  10. I wish I can say that I enjoyed the blog today, but to be honest, it was very depressing. I have however printed it out and posted it on our notice board for other people to see that you can still live with dignity and happiness despite all craziness.

    I am sure it will generate a lot of water cooler discussion


    1. Hi Brenda, You beat me to it today. I have also posted the print out at our office and boy is it generating some discussion.

      Smile, thank you for sharing your blog. It provides a source of inspiration to many here. I hope your only son grows up and start acting more maturely


    2. Thank you for posting it. It was an eye opener to read that Smile's only son is taking so much advantage of her. Fionna was literally crying

      For our young co-ops, like John and Tiara, it was good to see what goes on in this cruel world of ours. Better that they know about these things at this stage of their young lives


  11. Dear Smile,

    I am so sorry! I had not realized you would post right after your flight?! I am in awe that you have recovered so quickly and I am very annoyed that I missed your last two posts. It seems your setting has changed, (Canada I believe?). I am having fun following your adventures, wish my life was as exciting.

    Xin Miller

  12. Smile, such positive words, best way to start my morning. Thank you!


    PS: To all the readers family that is saying mrizvi is 20 year old something and lives with his mother, do not assume and judge. I am in my mid twenties, and I live with my mother, yet I still have time to read Smile's blog. Age is but a number.

    1. @ Jane: We know that mrizvi is in her 20s but we don't know whether she lives with her parents or not. We do know that Smile's only son lives with her. We think that hs is in his mid 20s with a young family. And Smile is taking care of them financially as well as physically

      I think you are thinking that mrizvi and Smile's only son are the same people. They are not. They are 2 different people.


    2. Dear Newbie,

      That's not the issue. The issue is people are thinking that just because someone is in mid twenties, it automatically means they are irresponsible. This is quite frankly ageism, and I'd like the readers to stop assuming that mrizvi/Smile's only son are twenty, just because they show attributes of not being considerate of others. I am mid twenty, I have a family, a job and I never leave my mother alone and read this blog religiously.

      I'd like people to stop judging someone on there age.


  13. Alors déçu d'apprendre que votre fils unique profite de vous. Il doit apprendre à être indépendant et ne pas compter sur vous. Vous avez besoin de repos aussi bien

  14. 它是心脏痛苦阅读今天的博客。为什么你唯一的儿子问你拿钱给他!

  15. Gut, dass Sie genießen, sich, obwohl Ihr einziger Sohn ist stört Sie so viel

  16. You know, I am really upset with the fact that you are commenting without reading. You are 20 but act like a 10 year old girl

    Please, Please, Please, read

  17. Hello Hello My Dear Readers Family
    Thanks everyone
    Karen Dave Linda Superwoman mrizvi Batman Plunker Boris Brenda Jimmy
    Keith Fellow Writer Fellow Retiree newbie Xin Jane Kelly Mike Maheen
    Pam Jeanine James Jerome Sheema Aiden John Tiara
    My Dear Anonymous and My Great Multilingual Readers
    I Love You All


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