Lamp Post

Image result for Lamp Post in garden  pictures

Sometimes your mind take
you to different places
to different people to visit

I was sitting in the Tesco Cafe
enjoying my Tea in China cup
and Raisin biscuits
my mind gone stray and took me
to my Trip of the surface train to
Stratford Train Station
where I was last week to go
to Chemsford to my Nephew's place

The surface Train was passing through
Baker Street  ----  Westminister
Waterloo  ---  London Bridge
Canada Water after that 4 more stations
to Stratford Station from where
I got my Train to Chemsford
last week

Baker Street reminds me of
Sherlock Holmes address #1 Baker Street
I don't know whether it is real or
just faicticious whatever
I think about that to enjoy
enough for me

Now I come to the point
at Stratford Station I was looking
to get Ticket and after that had to go
to Platform # 10 for my Train

An  Old man came near
to me and asked
what are you looking for
I explained to him after that
he took my heavy Trolley and
guided me throughout to my Train
I was trying to stop him but the way
he was trying to help looked like
it will give him pleasure and Happiness

I think I will never see him again
we didn't make any conversation
still he is in the back of my mind

I could have managed everything
on my own but he was so kind and
I think had a unique talent
or some sort of Antenna to sense
if someone needs any help and
he could be there to avail that
opportunity of mutual Happiness

You don't have to do something Big
to be Happy or to impart Happiness
even Small things can do Magic

these people are like Lamp Post
always there to Brighten Our World


  1. There were tears streaming though my eyes as I was reading this. My Smile's only son is not even getting her a tablet or light weight device so she does not have to lug her heavy laptop everywhere. It is really sad. He is relaxing and enjoying himself while My Smile has to take heavy trolley because of us.

    I wish that man how helped Smile ever read this so he can know how much gracious Smile has that she wrote about him to her readers' family

    Smile until you get a light device to carry, please dont take your computer with you when you travel to different places


  2. Dear Madam Smile, I am not surprised that a stranger helped you. You are so nice that anyone will.

    I wish your only son takes better care of you

    @mrizvi: Please read and see what Madam is doing for us

  3. I read the blog today with a heavy heart as I believe it was my doings of asking you to write daily which made you carry the heavy equipment everywhere. I explained this to Linda, my wife, since we read the blogs together now, and she was besides herself. Though we both enjoy the blogs, please be mindful of your health and convenience.

    Thank you for writing daily

    Dave and Linda

  4. This is a real inspiring one for me. As a recent retiree in relatively decent health, I should be able to enjoy these things.

    I agree with others about the indignation of the guy, ie the only son. I hope he gives some decent presents to you on your birthdays, mothers day, Christmas etc. If he is taking family trips to England, I think he can afford presenting you with a tablet

    @mrizvi: Please read and get inspired

    recent retiree

  5. What a nice and beautiful way to spend a day. Enjoying tea and biscuits at a cafe.

    I am sorry that you had to carry the heavy trolley all the way to so many places on our account. I agree that your only son has to step in. Dont understand how he can be so negligent

    newbie reader

  6. My experience of reading today's blog was conflicting. As the family knows I usually read these blogs on my phone while breakfasting, just as some read their morning paper. At that time, I enjoyed the blog, had a good imagery of Smile having tea at a cafe in a China cup, the mental diversion about Sherlock Holmes was good and liked the person who helped Smile.

    However after reading comments from Karen and others, I also felt upset that our Smile has to go through all this and her only son is sitting pretty somewhere comfy. I think Smile is of the type who never imposes on anyone but that does not mean that she should not be taken care of.

    What an amazing person Smile is

    @mrizvi: Please read,you dont know what Smile is going through for us

  7. Our small act can be somebody's remembrance, we never think about it.
    Now we should attempt more to do small deeds for others.

  8. My Smile is simply awesome. She is so kind and generous, that it is not a surprise that so many strangers are willing to help.

    I have been saying it all along, that her only son should feel more responsible towards her. Not only is he not getting even a tablet for her, she travels all alone in trains. He came to London with his family for 1-2 weeks, so probably can afford to get a tablet for Smile. I am really upset with him

    @ mrizvi: See what our Smile is going through to write for all of us, including you. She even thank you every day. Please start reading.

  9. I enjoyed the blog. It was a very good description of her having coffee and the kind gesture of the stranger.

    Like others, I am also upset that Smile has to go through so much hardships, just so that she can write to us. I also think that her only son needs to step up and start being more responsible towards her. IT appears to me that he is living well, so he can surely afford a tablet.

    @ mrizvi: Please read. You will learn so much

  10. Smile talks about the lamp post. She and this blog is the lamp post for us.

    She is simply amazing. Every day she writes for us and gives us cool ideas to live a good life. Thank you Smile

    @mrizvi: you can also get some light from this lamp post

  11. I came across your blog as I was doing a Google search on positive living. I took the opportunity to browse through your blogs and was glad that I stumbled upon it. You are doing a great job in not just living positively but also inspiring an entire community all over the world. I will be sure to drop in for frequent visits to this family


  12. Really interesting post!
    Wise words


  13. Great post, I'm glad you're enjoying your time in England :)

  14. Smile,

    As my mother has said above, we went to Kew Gardens and my mother was overjoyed saying 'This is what Smile described!This is what Smile has been talking about!' It was nice to see her happy and I myself, fed off that happy energy. However, when I opened today's post I had a mixed response. I was happy that you found someone to help you, there are good people still left in this world, despite what is on the news. But, I was so sad that you had to carry such a heavy trolley. I closed my eyes and imagined my mother carrying her heavy case so far away, it was sad thought.

    Maybe your only son does not know about the good deals out there? I work in computer/mobiles, it is really not that expensive if you take on a monthly deal. You can pay it in chunks, your journey will be a lot more comfortable.

    Thanks again for an interesting post, and like a reader said above, you are our lamppost, all your readers need you to get on with our day.


  15. Dear Smile,

    I had such lovely time reading your blog today! I visited Kew Garden yesterday, would you believe I took my blog with you? I carried round a tablet in my purse, and then I took it out and reread your blog post. You were right Kew Garden has stunning beauty and I enjoyed rereading your words against the beautiful scenery.
    Please Smile, ask your only son to buy yourself a tablet. It seems to be such an injustice that I am sitting here so comfortably whilst you are in such hardship, carrying heavy bags. It seems unfair after all that you have done for me, so let me help you.
    My daughter works in computer/mobile industry, she always knows of good deals.I know they are expensive but it's worth it and comfortable. Send your son this link:

    It is not too expensive and cheap. This is the one I use.

    Xin Miller

  16. Hello My Readers Family
    I Love You All
    Just to make it clear my son was insisting me to give a Tablet
    I was not anticipating that it will be so tough
    It is my Fault
    Next time keep in Mind
    Thanks to Karen Dave and I forgot to welcome Linda My Apology
    Thanks to Fellow Spectator Fellow retiree newbie Boris
    Plunker sheema Batman Maheen Superwoman mrizvi Brenda welcome to Keith Jerome Aiden
    Pam Jeanine
    and I cant believe Xin You are enjoying Kew Garden good
    Thanks Jane and to All My Readers
    Love You

  17. My Smile is an awesome person. She wants us to blame her and not her son for the heavy trolley. I hope he presents her a tablet or a lighweight device this Christmas.

    Smile, there is no way we would blame you for anything. You are simply amazing. I was so sad that whole day thinking about you carrying the heavy bag with you.

    And please dont thank me for reading the blog. It is embarrassing. It should be me thanking YOU for doing all that you are doing for me and the rest of the family


  18. Hi Smile, Please dont worry about not welcoming me. You are the best

    thank you so much for your blog and your nice thoughts

    Good night.

    1. Sorry forgot to mention that this is from Linda


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