Keep The Flame Burning

Image result for mcdonalds mcflurry and apple pie  pictures

Sitting in McDonald's
I am enjoying Crunchy Mcflurry
with apple pie cost me 1.99 pound
I am thinking about my
Youngest Daughter who lives in Reading

First time couple of years back
she ordered this menu for me and
we enjoyed together

Now whenever I order this
I go back to enjoy the moments
one time I had with my daughter

We have to take control
of our memory switches
to brighten our moments
Sad moments are like Virus 
for our Mind and also for our Body
switch on only the Happy
Memory Button to enjoy your day


  1. Dear Madam Smile, When I migrated to my new "home, I left all my family behind. I was sad for months. Your post reminded me of that. Even I do 2 jobs and send money home, I still feel sad. I dont know what to do. If you get chance, can you please guide me?

    I am sorry Madam that I asking you advice when you are on your vacation. Please no worry about it if it is too much. I feel bad asking you for guidance at this time

    @mrizvi: Please read

  2. Your today's post brought back some memories for me as well. My kids live in different countries and I try to visit each of them at least once a year. It is never easy for me to say good bye to them. I know that they are happy and all that, but it was a much simpler world when I was young as all the family stayed within 1 hour of each other.

    recent retiree

  3. Looks like My Smile is missing her youngest daughter. It is tough when you have family all scattered. Also, since her only son does not really take care of her properly, she is probably missing her daughter more.


  4. Thank you for continuing to write this blog, Smile. It is interesting that you have been able to turn a meal that you had with your daughter into such a strong memory. This way you can enjoy it more.

    To be honest, this is the reason why we look forward to reading this blog daily. It is little "tricks" like this to create a positive and happy environment which is so appealing to us

    Dave and Linda

    1. It is Smile's speciality to turn something which many think as negative, into something positive.

      I also read the blogs because of this positivity

      PS: Great blog Smile. Looks like you like McDonalds :-)


  5. Next time, try strawberry Sundae, its lovely

    1. @ Sheema: My Smile is feeling low. She is missing her youngest daughter. Her only son is insensitive and does not take good care of her. And you are asking her to try strawberry Sundae!!

      Let her enjoy whatever she likes.

      I am sorry if I am being harsh but I am feeling so bad that my Smile is not her usual cheerful self.

      On the positive note, at least you are reading her blogs, unlike mrizvi. She is still not reading these blogs

    2. @ Superwoman I think we should focus on mrizvi and make her read too.

      BTW, I agree with you that Smile's only son should be more caring. It makes me upset that Smile is getting help from strangers and he is enjoying himself. I am guessing that he would be getting close to 30 since he has family. However he is acting as a teenager

      recent retiree

  6. I feel that her readers family feel so close to her and yet her biological family is not taking care of her. They don't seem to realize that she is an amazing person. I hope they read one of her blogs.

    Though Smile is so generous and so kind that she said that her only son wanted her to have a tablet but it is actually her fault that she refused it. I wish he would have just presented to her as a Christmas or Birthday or Mother's day present. Why offer it when you can just present it!

    Also her youngest daughter should have offered her something better than a McDonalds McFlurry. I mean common!

    I hope Smile regains her normal positivity. I am feeling so sad

    1. Boris, I don't think her youngest daughter is at fault. May be they were just having a light snack. I do it with my kids sometimes. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. In fact, it shows that she cares for Smile

      I wish I can say the same about her only son. I still am upset that he cant present her with a tablet. Also, remember the other day when she was having some trouble posting the blog for us, I wish he could have helped out. After all she is a creative genius, she does not have time for learning the boring techy stuff.

      BTW, I hope mrizvi does not write her genius comment. It angers me to think that she does not read.

  7. Though we all go through these moments of living with memories of time spent with our loved ones, only Smile knows how to prolong these memories and she is also teaching us to do the same

    Thank you Smile

    @ mrizvi: I hope you do read today's blog and just don't write an inane comment

  8. Vielen Dank für die Fortsetzung täglich zu schreiben. Ich war vor kurzem in die USA und hatte zu verabschieden, um meinen Schritt Sohn. Ich bin in der Nähe zu ihm und es war hart

    @mrizvi: Bitte lesen Sie

  9. Vous avez toujours un message positif dans tous vos blogs. Je l'aime absolument. Je vous remercie de le faire

    @mrizvi: Permet de commencer la lecture

  10. I really enjoyed your post, thanks for writing!

  11. Dear Smile,

    Today your blog post is nostalgic and somewhat sad, I feel lucky to be with my daughter eventhough she is at work most days. Thank you for reminding me how precious time is with our family, we must do with what we have. I have read your last paragraph three times now, your words have hit me very deep.

    Xin Miller

  12. Smile,
    I am sorry I have been missing in action these last few days. Please don't think I have stopped reading, I will never stop reading but my work is very intensive so I can't always leave a comment, for that I'm sorry. You have done so much for me, dedicating a blog post, giving me advice and this is why I wanted to share my good news with you. I told you a few days back that I have written my best piece of writing, but was unsure how my boss would take it. Turns out, she loved my new writing and the new direction you guided me to, she was so happy she gave me a bigger writing assaignment. Smile, you not guide our minds to positive thoughts but our careers also.

    You can always count on me as a reader.

    Fellow Writer

  13. Mme de travail incroyable , ils ne font pas génies créatifs comme vous aujourd'hui . mots vraiment unique!

    @Mrizvi Aller si vous avez rien d'autre à dire, mais votre fameuse phrase 'Good Post' .

  14. Smile,
    It seems you are feeling down today missing your youngest daughter. Don't worry, your writers family are with you, when you feel sad, we feel down. You are our hope and inspiration, but I'm happy you are enjoying your time in England.


    @Sheema- You have seemed to miss the entire point of this post and paid attention to the trivial, insignificant details such as what Smile ordered on the menu!? I feel you do not see how much of a creative writer she is. Please try read the deeper meanings of her post.

  15. Hello My Dear Readers Family
    Dear Karen Dave Linda mrizvi Xin Jane Superwoman Fellow Writer Fellow Spectator
    Maheen Jeanine newbie Boris Plunker Sheema Batman
    Fellow retiree and My Dear Anonymous Reader I am writing for you guys in
    Tomorrow Blog I hope You get the Message Let me know Please
    Thanks to My Multilingual Readers and My Precious Anonymous
    I Love You All


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