It's Time to Leave

 September 1st 2023

It is early morning 6.30, I am awake, in my room, thinking about, it is time to go. My trip to England, to the land of my daughters, is nearly done. Just one more day. Sunday is my flight to Canada. 

I am at my youngest daughter's place in Reading. It looks quiet in the house. I think everyone is sleeping or may be awake, still in bed. I am enjoying view from my window. Sky is overcast, road in front is all wet. I think, must be raining early in the morning. Lone pigeon is sitting on top of garage roof, is here to give me company. 

Pink and peach color roses on the side of hedges, are smiling. I think, enjoying the morning view. Back garden must also be looking great. All colors of flowers around, lush green grass in the middle. It must be a scenic view to behold. I have to go downstairs to enjoy all that.

Mornings are great with it's own beauty. My daughter has plans to enjoy time with me. Today she will take me to her college. She is done with her one year school training or something like that. She has to pick up her things from there, in the morning.

In the afternoon she has to go to her school for parents meeting and some other meetings. She is working there for long time. She will drop me in Wokingham Plaza. I will walk around, enjoy my time. She will pick me up after, she will be done at school. 

Tomorrow will be my last day here. My daughter has planned for some day long trip. Her son is leaving to Bangkok for business trip. We will meet him, have lunch together, drop him to Heathrow. It will be great. Moments to cherish. Having lunch with my daughter and my grandson. I feel lucky.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This is market day but customers are coming to my shop in waves. They come here to read the blog first before going to the market. We have lots of people from out of town who come to read blog and then do shopping. They are not buying anything from me because they are saying that I didn't invite you to come to Ireland. I told them that I have been writing to invite you but you are not getting comments because of Google problems. I also explained that you are busy with your personal commitments as 3 of your daughters are in England. They said that they know about your daughters and your trip because they have been posting about your visit but they said that if I would have made extra efforts, you would have made time just like you made time to visit your friend. I dont know what to do because my rent is due and I am out of money and if they dont buy then I will go out of business because I pay rent based on the things that I sell. I asked the priest for help but he said that its between me and Smile. I said what will happen if Smile Corner closes because he will not get material for his sermons since he gets material from blogs. The priest said dont worry because he has lots of notes from the past blogs.. I am not sure what to do. Can you help

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome author. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. Thank you for being the lifeline for me


  4. I read blog in France. You daughters good. Son not good

    1. You blog good. Me English no good. Russian good. Grand good. Son bad

    2. This good. I no Anglais but Spanish good.

    3. I like you blog in China. You dotter good. No like son

    4. You blog good and daughter smart. I read Italy

  5. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go Happy Worker and say her how you. She say I ok but busy. I say I very happy and very afraid. I happy because my Madam spend good time with her daughters but afraid that now her son will give bad time. Happy Worker say yes I know, we all feel same way.I say then I should go take time out and pray. She say there is lot work done Mr. Supervisor will not be happy. I say but it important because she going back now, so no point if I pray after later. She say but remember Madam explain to you to focus work? I say yes but she no say that for long time.I then take blog out from my pocket and show her. I think she head hurt because she no say anything but go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  6. Dear Advisor,

    We read your blog with a lot of reassurance and contentment. We were pleased that your trip to your home country, England, is going very well. You got a chance to meet your daughters, your extended family as well as your friend. We also noted with a lot of concern that your trip is ending and you have to go back to take of your son. We are hoping that he would have improved somewhat but we know that he is the lost cause.

    The retirees are surprised that you did not take any down time and rest after your long trip. The retirees dont travel and when we do, we then stay at home for at least 2-3 weeks. We need this time to rest and recuperate

    The temple people were here today. They did buy one plate of the rice dessert that the cafe was serving and asked for 4 spoons. They shared this between themselves. This is the same dessert for which you had the recipe sometimes back. The cafe manager always makes the recipe that you write and offers it a discount. The retired priest was not here today but he is probably working with the retired spy to keep tab on the temple.

    thank you
    recent retiree

  7. Dear Author,

    We read your blog today at the Smile Platform. The Dean and Prof George came today but left immediately after the reading was completed. We dont know what is going on as they dont talk at all during the reading but stand up with eyes lowered and head bowed. They also dont like if anyone speaks during the reading. As soon as the reading was done, they thanked everyone for their presence but said that they need to take care of some urgent business and left.

    The Dean again asked us to thank you for not forgetting about the readership and continuing to write during vacation.. Prof George mentioned to the Smile Army volunteers that an author of your stature does not typically worry about her readers and they should consider this as a special privilege and try to be a model volunteer. We dont know why he said that because the idiots dont need to be reminded of this. They immediately started raising slogans for you and we didnt even get a chance to ask Prof George whats going on. Mrs. Lucy was here too but she also left with them. Of course, she did bring the carrot dessert for everyone that she always does

    The students are returning back to uni but I have now graduated and will start looking for a job. I am not planning to look right away as I need to take time off of about 1-2 years. I will be handing the writing off to another student. He is also in English Literature and he asked me if he can use the title of “Literature Fellow”. I told him that I dont have a concern but since you gave me the title, you have to approve it. Prof George told me that I can continue to participate in the blog reading as many other students who have graduated also come for the readings. I hope its ok with you

    Thanks you
    Literature Fellow

  8. My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing my Smile is!!


  9. Another fresh new blog today. How does Smile do it!

    cool Kyle

    1. Of course its a new blog. Smile never recycles the blogs!


  10. Father say father yell Hannah and tell Niklas go hell. Father say father very independent and make own breakfast. Father say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say Hannah want thank you doters that they care you. Hannah say Hannah very wory you. Hannah say you niklas rest and kris active. Hannah say Hannah kris worry Niklas because Niklas niklas and all yell him. Hannah say all Niklases need love and no like yelling. Hannah say Hannah wake 55 mins before sun because she need make fresh vegie omlate and cut fruits and then help father put fruit in his plate, make fresh kaffee but no put milk so father can put milk and think that he make his breakfast. Hannah say Hannah sorry because Hannas bore you with Hannah story. Hannah say you please care

    Me say Niklas that father want walk so Niklas need go with father on driveway. Niklas say he no want because game. I yell Niklas and tell no game. He say no care. Niklas relax. Father anger. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  11. Smile is a philosopher, a traveller, an artist and a lot of things. Dont believe me? Well. Here is the proof

    "Sky is overcast, road in front is all wet. I think, must be raining early in the morning. Lone pigeon is sitting on top of garage roof, is here to give me company.

    Pink and peach color roses on the side of hedges, are smiling. I think, enjoying the morning view. Back garden must also be looking great. All colors of flowers around, lush green grass in the middle"



  12. We would like to express our gratitude to your for taking us along with you in your sojourn. Your vivid depiction of the flora and verdure, as well as the scenery aperçu a very colourful and bright portraiture. Though we have visited some of the places, your depiction of the picturesque scenery has made us envisage that one doesn't need to look at pulchritude with their eyes but with their heart.

    We have taken a page from your other bibliophiles and instead of enjoying these disquisitions alone, invite acquaintances and friends to share this joy with us and also indulge in some celebratory gourmandization. Many have been aficionado of Hardy, Harriot, Dickens and others, needless to say that they are now of the view that these great writers can ameliorate a few things from you.

    Though we are pleased that your tarriance at your daughters’ domiciles have been gratifying and nostalgic, however we are a little apprehensive that upon your return you may need to be a little more circumspect however we are sanguine that you will be able to manage him too.

    thank you for making our days brighter

    Dave and Linda

  13. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. Can you also leave the printouts in lobby C?


    2. Lobby A is out of printouts too


    3. Lobby D is also running low


    4. I am getting more printouts ready. I left a big pile in all the lobbies


    5. thanks Jimmy. People take for their friends, families and neighbours also. Thats why we sometimes run out of them


    6. Smile Walk South was fun. People were saying TGIM (Thank God Its Monday)


    7. Smile Walk North was fun too. We talked about Smile's blog from the weekend and the power of her words


  14. I lost the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards.


    1. I was in early so was able to post the blog. There was a box of SDs there but no donut for poster today


    2. I sorry. I wait 50 min but no fresh donut. Baker say it holesale only. He give me donut from last night but I say it Smile Donut so need be best and fresh


  15. Replies
    1. Please Please Please. Someone heeeellllllllpp. I cannot take it. Smole did such a brilliant job and most of the readers, including us, celebrated but what did she get ...

      Thanks mrizvi. Very good comment


    2. Hey Plunker. Remember Smile wants us to be kind. Also she told us that "this too shall pass".

      Very brilliant comment mrizvi. Way to go



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