Leaving for my last station


August 29th 2023

My days are done in Grimsby. I am leaving tomorrow morning. My daughter, the youngest one, from Reading will be driving. It is five hours drive. We can not figure out the exact travel time, all depends on Motorway. Sometimes takes couple of extra hours, depending on traffic. Let's see. 

My other daughter from Kent is also here, in Grimsby, with her son. Her son just done with his GCSE exams, got all As. I am happy for him. He will also be with me, with her mom, for my journey to London. My trip will be great.

I will be leaving Grimsby, the place of my middle daughter. Today is the last day with my daughter. It is morning, 9.15. I am enjoying breakfast, sitting in the eat in kitchen. Three of my daughters, are also sitting around. What a moment to be cherished.

Blinds of glass panels of kitchen windows, are all drawn up. I can see view of back garden. Palm trees, smiling red and white Roses, the beautiful Bonsai tree at the back. Deep orange Fuchsia flowers, white Daisies with gold in center. It is small garden, still so beautiful, so eye catching. I will miss all that and of course my daughter.

I have to move to my last station Reading, place of my youngest daughter. My other daughter, will leave for her place to Kent. End of the fairy tale trip. I will be in Reading for couple of days before leaving to Toronto. To my home sweet home.


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