It is Just matter of Weeks
January 31st 2023
It is a cold morning with 16 C below Zero, feels like 21 below. It will be colder day by day. Friday showing 27 C below zero, feels like 35 below. It will match with the temperature at Edmonton, at my daughter's place. I have to go to Edmonton on 19th, don't know what will be there, waiting for me. I was never there in February. Let's see.
Snow is everywhere, here in Toronto too. My red garden chair, in my back garden, is full of the white stuff. Glass top of my garden table, is loaded with thick slab of ice. My deck is covered under thick white blanket.
It is just, matter of couple of weeks. Things will change. March will be, with total different scenario. Every season is unique, with it's own beauty. We are lucky to have flavors of all seasons, to enjoy. Thank You God. Love You.
My younger brother is, now back home, enjoying his time with friends and family. Not many left, there. Most of the young ones are away, out of country for work. Most of their parents are also not there. Some are gone, some living with their kids abroad. He was not in good shape. May be, this trip will be helpful for him.
Change is always good. It distracts you from current situations. Your focus is changed. That helps, to change your attitude, your thinking. You push yourself to enjoy the time in hand. No time to think about the issues.
Attitude is key. Positive attitude helps you to tackle every situation. Boosts your will power. Elevates your Mood, to counter the issues. Our Body is totally dependent on our thinking, on our Mood swings. Our Mind controls our body, our physical health. Try to think positive. It will help to live happily. Try that.
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