Magnolia Tree is Ready to Smile Back


It is 8.15, mixed sunny cloudy morning. I have to go to work at 9.30, to play Darts. Have to make oatmeal porridge and stir fried egg to enjoy with my morning tea. My back garden is looking good, back to life. Grass is all beautiful, with green tinge. Black Squirrel is back, busy with his exercises on the wooden fence of my garden. Flower bed is ready to plant whatever we want. We have to pick plants to give colors of our choice. 

Summer is back. It is 1 C, feel like 6 Below Zero. Not so cold for we Canadians. I see couple of birds in my front garden. I think they all are coming back from South of the Border. Red wooden bench is shining on the left. Magnolia tree looks ready to be back to full of life. 

It is 9.30, I am leaving for my work. It is sort of a mixed atmosphere here, in our Recreation Room. Masks now, are not mandatory in Canada. Still some are using Masks to be on safe side, to feel comfortable. Others are not using Masks. It is everyone's personal choice. We have to respect that.

But please make sure to follow the rules of the place, you live in. Every Country / City has it's own Directives. It is a must to follow those rules. Things differ from area to area, from place to place. 

It is 10.30, we are having break time, enjoying our Tea / Coffee and Cookies. We use to pith in for Cookies and Goodies, to give color to the atmosphere. Tea / Coffee is from our club. 

We have to enjoy the moment in hand, taking safety into account. Time flies, things change, so is our health. We don't know what will be the next. Present moment is everything. Value that. It wont be coming back. What is gone, is gone. Keep that in mind. 


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. I finally had my court hearing yesterday. I was charged for organizing the protest against Covid restrictions. I told the judge I have not done anything and showed your letter that you wrote and also some of your other blogs. The judge smiled after reading your letter and dismissed the charges. He also asked me to bring some of these blogs to him. I will do a big celebration because I was very nervous . Thanks to you for solving this problem too.

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome therapist! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome author. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. I read this blog every day. It is my lifeline


  4. You are the best mother in law in the world. I wish all mother in laws are like you. Please give some advice to my mother in law too. She does not understand the concept of joint family living.

    Happy Reader

  5. I read blog in France.

    1. You blog good. Son no good. Me English no good. Russian good

    2. This blog important for China to.

    3. This good. I no Anglais but Spanish good

    4. Good blog. Italian like cook to

  6. Dear Madan Smile, you so good. You write good to. Mr. Supervisor come and say how you? I say I ok. He say some people have complained about you. They say that you call names and keep talking about blog. I say who complain? He say I am sorry I cant tell you who and that not important also. The important thing is that you should not call people fat, or keep talking about people getting sick, or give advise about how to take care of kids. I say I no do that. I only help people because Madam say that be nice and enjoy time at hand.He say but remember Madam also say that mind your business. I say yes Madam very good. She big author. She big scientist. She give advice Dear Mayor. She give advice Dear readers, like Dear Kris, Dear Kris Father, Dear David and Linda, Dear Boris, Dear Retirees, Dear Literature Fellow, Dear Happy Reader, Dear Happy Reader Mother Law, Dear me. I wanted to tell him more but he said, Yes, Yes I know but you let her give advise but you dont do it. I dont want fire you because you only 1 job now but please dont bother anyone and dont tell them about Magnolia and things like that. I say but how you know? He say he need go and make important call. I say ok. I do 1 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    We appreciate your blog today. There was a lot of discussion about the reading of the blog but we asked the retired gardener to lead the reading. Reading of the blog is the highest honour for a retiree. As the reading takes place, it always draw a crowd and others in the cafe also listen to the reading.

    After the reading we went through sub-committee business. The committee for Joint Family living are asking for your advice. The retirees are having problems with their kids. The kids dont take spend time with us but spend time with their kids and their spouses. Can you please help

    The subcommittee for family with teenagers is also asking for advice. They have heard complaints from families that the teenagers are staying out late. They dont contribute to any household work. They dont help with groceries. They dont even have dinners in their rooms. Some are thinking of kicking them out.

    The retired chef also provided the update. He said that your description of cooking has given a new dimension to this art. The retired chef has been sending copies of your blog to the 5 star properties because its a big morale booster to the chefs.

    Your Indian compatriots gave a hard time to the temple people today. Apparently there is a change in government in the temple people’s country and the sitting President is not leaving and making accusations about other countries. Most of the temple people think that this is a conspiracy against him and the Indian compatriots are saying what a country. This made some of the temple people leave early from the session. Before leaving they bought 5 coffees. Each of them buy large coffee and ask for 2 extra cups. They then share this coffee between themselves. The cafe manager does not like that but he does not say anything because they are your guests.

    At the end of the reading session, the retired priest asked for donations for Ukraine. The Hijab lady said that what about the donation for Palestine but the retired priest said that we are only doing donations for Ukraine. He said that even you have talked about it in one of your blogs and talked about everyone peace and harmony. The retired priest is planning to have this collection regularly since he and many retirees believe that this is what you want

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the Smile Garden today. During the blog reading there as a little incident. Smile Army is spending a lot of time on maintaining the Smile Garden, They prepare the Smile Garden before the reading and then spend hours to fix it after the reading event. Yes it is an event with about 200 + people there. We also play dart afterwards because of the treatment that you get from your son. The clean up takes quite a bit of time. As this is exam time for us, Prof George said to them that they should focus on the studies as this is important time in their lives. They got upset and said that who will take care of the Smile Garden. Prof George said I will. Mrs. Lucy said that I will too. The Dean then joined them and said that please dont deprive them of this honour. Within minutes, a lot of professors joined in. The Smile Army are idiots and took that as a sign that they are not doing a good job. They said that there is no way that they will give this to anyone. Prof George pleased with the idiots and tried to explain to the fools but it didnt work. Finally, the Dean signaled to Prof George to let the idiots carry on. What fools they are

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  9. Another new blog today. Smile is a factory of ideas. I dont know how she does it

    cool Kyle

    1. Yup . She is a factory of ideas alright!!


  10. My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing family living expert. She is an amazing therapist. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing my Smile

  11. We are writing today to seek your counsel. We have been tasked to lead communication efforts to support Ukraine's defense efforts. We know it's a tall order for our small group to take on the Russian disinformation campaign and will require gargantuan endeavour, however we have one big ally on our side. And that of course is You. We have already started to craft some messages using extracts from your curiology. We hope that your invigorating words will commove bourgeois to donate generously for Ukraine’s cause. We are hoping that your blogs will aid us engender funds for both humanitarian as well as defensive weaponry.

    Thank you for making our days brighter
    Dave and Linda

  12. Your blogs continue to be a source of inspiration to our management teams. This is specially helpful in these tragic times. Like other companies, we are also pulling out of Russia. We know that this is a small effort but a step in the right direction. As you have been reminding your readers in your blogs, it is important to do the right thing. We thank you for your inspiring blogs and doing your share to help Ukraine

    Thank you
    Keith Walker

  13. Father say father yell Niklas because Niklas keep say save Ukraine and Russia doing bad. Father say father favour Russia. Father say media do brainwash. Father say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say father watch too much Russia news and think Russia no doing bad. Hannah say Hannah kris sad for Ukraine and do prey and do fund for Ukraine. Hannah say father yell niklas Niklas too because he try help Ukraine. Hannah say Hannah sorry that Hannah bore you with Hannah story. Hannah say you please care you and no worry. Kris say Niklas get bad and get wrong idea. Father try explain him and teach him but he keep watch German news and that no watch real news. Hannah sad. Niklas sad. Father anger. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  14. Is Smile a brilliant psychologist, a brilliant psychiatrist or a brilliant author? Perhaps all of this. Don't believe me? Well, have a look

    “We have to enjoy the moment in hand, taking safety into account. Time flies, things change, so is our health. We don't know what will be the next. Present moment is everything. Value that.”


  15. Replies
    1. Smile put together an amazing blog. She talks about how to change the lives of kids who will become adults. And what does she get ? Did someone even had courtesy to read? I know I know. ... Smile is so generous that she wants us to be kind to all

      Thank you mrizvi. Good guess buddy

    2. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaxxxxxxxxxx. You are right about what you said but keep in mind that kids are kids. They dont take things seriously

      Good job mrizvi. How is school kiddo


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