Happy with my old Machinery


Today is 29th, April is nearly done. One more day to go. It is 12.30, I am just back from my work, playing my Darts. Yesterday also, I was working from 1 to 3 pm, busy doing Carpet Bowling. At our age, time is running out. We have to grab and avail each and every slot, to make our day. I am not 100 %. My back giving me problems. What you expect with seventy years plus old machinery. This is life. In couple of days, I will be one more year older.

I believe, age is just a number. We have to keep pushing ourselves to do things, to enjoy our time, to make our day. Of course with taking our health and safety into account. One of my friend at my Seniors club, gave me a beautiful Birthday card. So nice of her. 

One of my old time friend, came back after years, to play Darts. She had stroke, was also busy with other family matters. She looked very fragile, not so strong to hit the Darts board. She was feeling low. We were trying to boost her up. We have to be for our family and friends, in their difficult moments. Anyone can face such moments, sometimes in his/her life time period. These are normal after age. Things start coming up after we get older.

We have to put ourselves in other person's shoes, to have an idea of the challenges, other people have to face in their difficult times, especially dealing with their health issues. It is not easy, need our support. This is very touchy time. They must be very emotional, deep inside. We don't have to hurt their emotions. Our purpose has to be supportive, not to let them down. 

Let him be relaxed. Don't have to pin point the issue, he has to deal with. Talk something else, to calm him down. something of his interest. Try to ignore the issue and talk in friendly manner, any table talk to let him distract and to enjoy the moment in hand. We all are members of the same Human family. Keep that in mind. We have to share special moments of our fellow being.

In happy moments, sharing will magnify the intensity of joy and celebrations. In troubled period of times, sharing will diminish the gravity, takes the burden away to some extent, so to handle it comfortably.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Everyone was very concerned when they read the blog. Even the priest was very emotional and led a special prayer to give you strength. Everyone said Amen. Some customers are of the view that it is your son who is giving you problems and thats who needs to relax. The priest also said that if you dont come to church then your kids can also become like Smile’s son. All customers with young kids are now planning to go to the church. This is to pray for you and also to curse your son for the trouble he is causing you. Thank you

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome player. She is an awesome great friend. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. This blog is my lifeline . I hope you are feeling better now


  4. I like you blog in China. We celebrate because you strong

    1. Dear China reader, it good you read blog all time and no write comment without read like mrizvi but you no supose celebrate because Madam get sick and she stuck with bad son. Please no mind I no yell you, I only try help because we reader family and family family. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

    2. I mean say that we celebrate because Madam strong will power and go play dart even when sick and even when bad son. I no good English no able good write.

    3. Dear China reader, it no problem if no English good. You can ask me because Madam write complicate. My English good so I explain Madam blog. I no supose talk blog so I no explain if you no ask. I do 2 proud jobs and always read blog

  5. I enjoy your blog in Russia. I read with family.

  6. I read France. No comment but read all time

  7. I read blog in Spanish.

  8. I like blog because it give help to deal with war. We read Ukraine. Please tell Putin stop war. May be he listen you, because you big author

  9. I told my daughter in law that she should listen to you and be respectful. She has not been taught respect by her parents and teachers. With the amount of sleeping that she does, I wont be surprised that she is on drugs but I dont want to say anything.

    thanks you
    Mother in Law of the Happy Reader

  10. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. You blog very emotion and I no able go job. I keep reading blog because I dont know what to do. I tell all job peoples that I wont come and go temple to prey for you . I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  11. Dear Advisor,

    Your today’s blog was very emotional. It was full of hope, will power but also of agony. Many retirees were very upset as they listened to the ordeal that you have to go through . We also thought that you must be stressed out mentally and psychologically because of your son. Many retirees had choice words for him.

    We suspended all committee business and had a multi faith ceremony for you. The retired priest prayed for your health to which we all said Amen. The hijab people also chanted Emma Youjib or something like that. Your Indian compatriots also did a special puja for you..

    Thank you
    recent retiree

  12. Dear Author,

    The students are having a very challenging time with our parents. They want to engage us in different things eg getting groceries. What next, are we also going to have dinner with them too.! We hate that. We have our own friends and we play video games with them. We dont tell them what happened in the video games. If we dont participate in these activities then they get upset. What the hell is this?

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  13. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing advisor, She is an amazing therapist. She is an amazing writer. She has amazing will power. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  14. Father say why you no yell you Kris that he no take you lake. Father say father yell Kris because he no take father see sea. Father say father yell Hannah that she no send lot food. Father call her family and yell her to because they no support Russia. Father say Russia good, Ukraine bad. Father say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say Hannah kris scare because you niklas health but kris will power. Hannah say Hannah feel bad because father keep saying Ukraine bad. Hannah say Hannah will go church tomorrow and pray you and pray Ukraine. Hannah say niklas Niklas also support Russia because father influence. Hannah say Hannah no want bore you with Hannah detail. Hannah say you please kris care you. Father yell me and say me that father want go see sea. Me tell Niklas come but Niklas play video so me yell him and tell him that father more important not video. He know that if he no go then I cut net, so Niklas get ready and go but father decide no point going because it too cold like 18 C. Niklas say why make me stop video, so I cut net because he talk. Niklas sad. Father bore. Hannah sad. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  15. Replies
    1. Will this craziness ever going to stop. I know, I know, Smile wants me to be kind to everyone but my blood boils when I see this.

      Great work mrizvi. You guessed correctly today also. Thank you

    2. Caaaaalllmmm down Plunker. Just reeeeellaaax. No need to get yourself all worked up over kids. They are not serious about anything

      Brilliant comment mrizvi. Appreciate you writing to let us know that this is a good blog


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