Things Change Life Goes On
Happy St. Patrick's Day to my Irish Friends and to all who celebrate.
It is Tuesday, mid of March. Weather is like a roller coaster. It is snowing since morning. Sun hiding deep down under thick misty blanket. Yesterday was sunny bright. I was planning to go for my walk but sometimes your plans not able to get materialized. I was hooked up with couple of in house matters.
I had to do two loads of my laundry. Change my bed sheets and towels. From yesterday, time also not the same. It is one hour ahead than before. Had to make adjustments. Kitchen is part of my daily schedule. I like to make something to put on the dinner table for my family. I believe doing things on your own and contributing in some way in the household, you live in, makes your day. It boosts up your will power. Keeps you busy, takes you to the right track, to positive direction.
Nothing is total plus. Yesterday I did all my work, I planned for the day but missed my walk. It was already evening. Weather was not the same as in the afternoon. At our age, we have to avoid taking chances, being too ambitious. Not a good idea to be a burden for our kids. We have to do things to push ourselves, taking health and safety into account. Anyway done is done.
It is 9.30, in the morning. I am done with my breakfast, sitting in my room beside my switched on computer. Window blinds are drawn up. I can enjoy the view of outside. Light snow is showering from above, dumping the white stuff on my front garden. I can't see any greenery, just small brown area on the left. It will also be covered under the white sheet, in no time. It looks like that.
No activity in my neighborhood. It is calm and quiet. Cars standing still, on driveways, for orders to move. The lady living across, is also staying inside, not taking her dog for walk. Skeleton trees are standing quietly, waiting for what be the next.
I checked my table calendar. I have to wash my hair. I love my calendar, it helps me out to track my day to day Things to do. I don't wash my hair everyday. Not many left. Have to be careful.
I have to make some calls. Have to call my childhood Grade seven friend. She used to live in London, now moved to her daughter in Netherland. We talk about our day to day matters and also to share our memories. The days we spent together. I used to stay at her place for couple of days, while visiting my daughters in England.
Things change. I don't think, we can see each other any more. Not easy to plan a trip for that. Anyway, we enjoyed our time. Memorable moments are still cherished and locked up in our memory boxes. That is more than enough. What is there is there. We have to accept and move on. Things change life goes on. This is reality.
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