They are Back from South of the Border


Beautiful morning sunny and bright. Snow around, giving glitter under the sun. March already started. Weather getting better every day. Snow still here but storms are done for now. Red wooden bench is shining, not under snow anymore. Snow melting down every day. 

I can see some green spots on my front garden. Birds are back too, from South of the Border. I can hear them. Skeleton trees around look happy, shaking their heads. Magnolia tree on the left of my garden, will be the first one to announce that Spring is just around the corner. I love it's beautiful smiling flowers. 

Today is busy day for me. I have to make lunch for my youngest grandson, the Slurpee Boy. He is leaving for school. I will do it before having my breakfast. My oatmeal porridge is on the stove. It will be done by the time, I will make burger for him. 

It is 9.30, I am sitting in my eat in kitchen, enjoying my breakfast, my oatmeal porridge, stir fry egg and my morning cup of tea. Blinds of my patio doors are drawn by sides. I can see the clear view of my back garden. Red garden chair is nearly out off the white stuff. Glass top of my garden table is out of the heavy white blanket. It is just a thin sheet over there. Snow is slipping away, leaving ground. I can see clear green patches on my garden. Days of shower and flowers are about to come. Winter is nearly done.

It is 10.15, I am sitting in my room, beside my switched on computer. My daughter, the middle one, calling me from Grimsby. She is done with her school, going home. Today was her early morning presentation. She is talking about that. You feel lucky, when they talk about their personal matters and share special moments. 

I checked my table calendar. I have to change my bed sheets. Have to do laundry too. At our age, not easy to remember "Things to do". This calendar helps me out, to keep track of my things. I put dates when to wash my hair, do laundry, change my towel and bed sheets. So easy. 

Today I also have to go to Costco to order my glasses. I noticed some scratches on my lenses. My son pushing me to get new frame too, which I am not interested. At my age these things are not so important. Anyway, I got a new frame too for my glasses. I think, we have to avail chances, to make our day. My son is now fine, back on the Driving seat. 

We have to be considerate while our kids take time to do things for us. We have to make sure, not to be too demanding. They make extra efforts for we parents, beside their work and their family obligations. We have to realize all that. Don't have to put pressure on our kids. Let them enjoy their own life.

I am worried about my Reader Friend, living in Ukraine. No one likes wars. It has to be over the sooner, the better. We have to pray for all the people involved and facing difficult moments of their lives. May God bring peace for each and everyone. Amen.


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