Things change Life goes on
January already started. New Year is no more a new year anymore. Days are passing so is life. My front and back garden is loaded with white stuff. Red wooden bench is half under snow. Skeleton trees are standing still, around. They know couple of more weeks will be tough to handle. Sky is clear still misty. Sun is hiding somewhere inside. It is 15 C below zero.
Cars staying on driveways, some are inside garage. It is calm and quiet atmosphere in my neighborhood. Yesterday more restrictions announced to tackle this Covid thing. We have to accept and follow all that. This is for our safety, also for our loved ones and for the people around.
Two years of Covid already done. We handled things well. This is the third year. We will manage with our safety measures, keeping social distancing and using Masks whenever required. This is sort of usual for nowadays. We Humans are amazing creatures, can adjust in any circumstances. No matter what.
It is a different world but I think this is also normal. It happens. Things are not the same as were in past decades, in the years of our elders. I remember my Mom used to say all the times that things are changed not like that as in our time.
This is an era of Internet, era of gadgets. Kids are in their own world. Everything is virtual, no human contacts. Letters are gone, now time is of messages, time of Facebook, Twitter and so many others, which I am not familiar with. Things change life goes on.
Two bird feeders are still hanging in my back garden. Garden is covered under thick white sheet of ice. The glass top of my steel garden table is covered under six inches thick white slab of ice. Small red bird still comes to our bird feeders. We make sure to put feed for her.
Yesterday I was at Frenchman's Bay. Snow was around, path was clear. Our city people make sure to clear the roads and pathways. So nice of them. I was bundled up, my maroon sweater under my heavy winter coat and my woolen cap and gloves were on, to handle 19 C below zero weather. I was enjoying my walk and the Musical Notes of water around. Such a festive atmosphere to behold, to cherish the amazing moments. No complaints. Life is good.
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