Waiting Time is a Platform


Tuesday -- Beautiful sunny morning of late December. It is cold, 10 C below zero. Snow piles started melting down. I see the green lawn of my front garden is out of the white blanket. Some of the white stuff is still there, around my neighborhood. 

My friend, the Black Squirrel is enjoying his morning walk, now busy with his exercises on the wooden fence of my back garden. I am getting ready to get out, to enjoy my time too. I know it is cold and windy, I have to dress up in layers. My maroon sweater is underneath my winter coat. Woolen cap. stole and gloves, all, I think, will be enough to tackle the weather. I will be fine. 

We have to take measures after that nothing to worry about. Same is with the Corona Virus. Follow the Directives and things will be fine. My son is not ready, will let me know when to leave. I have to make some calls, will make use of my time for that. Get busy with things to do, will help you out to deal with waiting time. 

Waiting for your friend, for transport, for messages, for cooking time, I mean when things are in oven and you just checking the timer. Even waiting for kettle to boil. Try to distract yourself, get busy with anything, to control your patience level. 

Patience is the key. It controls our entire personality also our relationships. All depend on our patience level. Patience is capable to ruin our health and our beauty too. Our face is the weather report card of our inside. Our face reflects, our inner peace and also our emotional turbulence.

Any change in our patience level can trigger our Mood swing. Our thoughts, our lack of proper sleep, the outcome of our meetings, the talks with our friends or anyone else, anything can disturb our emotional equilibrium and that is enough to balance out our patience level.

Sometimes we are busy with doing something, cooking, building, painting, anything and we wont get the results up to our desired satisfaction. We start losing our patience and after that we are not the same person. We start behaving differently. 

Sometimes, we are having good time with friends and family. All of a sudden, something comes up and we start losing our patience. That is enough to change the entire festive atmosphere.

Sometimes, we are waiting for our friend, he is late and when he comes, we are already out of patience. Not in a mood to welcome him with the same attitude and warmth as before. Our relationship is now under review. 

Under the review from both sides. I mean the other person will now evaluate the change in our normal personality style and behavior. He will set his limits to carry on the existing relationship. Goal will now be in his court.

When we are waiting for our office person and we are at higher position, his career will be in jeopardy. We will take it like an stigma, will be tough to forget and forgive. It all will depend, how long, we waited for him.

If we are waiting for our Boss. He is late, still not be good for our career. We start thinking that, may be my boss not giving me the same importance as was before. May be I am not doing good job nowadays. 

May be someone saying something wrong about me to ruin my relationship with my Boss. We start losing our confidence. When the Boss comes, we are not the same person. Start feeling ourselves at the receiving end. We become a meek person, out of our dashing ideas. feel like we are done. 

Waiting time acts like a platform, where trains come from all directions. We have time and there is nothing to do. We easily get distracted, mistakenly get the wrong train, which is not going on the right track. Going in the wrong direction. Direction of negative thoughts. 

Try to be busy at that time also at any time, whenever you feel there is spot, to fill in. Whenever the slot is vacant in your day schedule. Find something to do, to get away from negative thoughts. This will keep your patience level in place. You will be fine after.  

Dear Readers, got your comments after more than a week.

Dear Friends in Ireland, please follow the Directives. Don't have to share food. It is not good nowadays. We have to follow the rules. Keep distancing and use Masks. I hope things will be fine. 

If you get any notice from the government. Write an apology letter, get signature of customers and my friend, the Councilor will be kind enough to go with you to deliver the letter personally to the authorities. Hope no such thing happens. I am not getting comments so will keep on praying for you anyway. 

Keith my friend, hope your friend will be fine by now. I will pray for him.  

Dear "N " I am happy you are reading my Blogs. You are always in my thoughts.

Dear Reader doing 2 Jobs. I am not happy. You always have to listen to your supervisors. They are my friends. 

Dear Retirees, I am not happy with the Retired Priest. He is always ready to ruin everyone's day. I told him so many times, not to bracket me with any cast,  creed and not with any Religious group. 

I believe that we Humans belong to the same Human Family and are the Creatures of the same God. I hope it will be clear to him by now. 

I request my friends, the Cafe Owners, to please not to fire my friend the Cafe Manager. He is a good person. All blame is on me. Not his fault. I believe we have to be kind with all people. Not only to the dog lovers. I will be highly grateful to you. Please don't fire the Manager to make me happy. Thanks.

Dear Readers, I am thankful to all of you my Friends, the Students, the Teachers, Dean, Chancellor, Great Friends, George, Lucy, Book store Manager, Students from school, the Police Personals, who always come, not in their uniforms. I salute them for that. 

My Dear office friends, my Multicultural friends. Keith, Dave Linda, Boris, Plunker, Batman, mrizvi, newbie, Kyle, Kris, Happy Reader and her Mother in law, Karen, Superwoman, each and everyone of you my Dear Friends, give me power to write my Blogs. Thanks to everyone of you.


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