Writings = Inner Reflection

Father is Right
I Don't Talk To Him
Because Father Not Listens To Me
I ask Him Don't Go To School
Don't Go To Football
He Never Listens
One Thing I Can Not Understand
Father Can Not Walk On Driveway
Without Niklas Help
Who Takes Him To School
Kris My Dear
Why You Yell at Niklas
Not His Fault
You Can Not Manage Father
He is Throwing Ice on Niklas Face
I am Really Very Sad
I Love You Niklas
Don't Stop Going To School and
My Friend " N "
Why You Say I Don't Care about You
You Don't Care about Me
I asked You To Read Comments
I Told You To Have Bird Feeder
You Never Listen
Smile Addict My Friend
Please Don't Bother To Get
You are Doing Two Jobs
It is Too Much
Retirees My Friends
Please Let My Friend Cafe Manager
To Read My Blog
We All are Family
Please Keep That in Mind
It is First Week of October We are Still
Enjoying Our Extended Summer Season
Thank You God
It is 22 Degrees in The Morning will Be 24 after
It was Just Yesterday in the Six O 'Clock Evening News
There was Snow Storm in Alberta
Alberta is One of The Provinces of Canada
It was 25 Cm of Snow There and In Edmonton
At My Daughter's Place was 10 Cm Snow
That's Why We always Keep in Mind That It is
Canada -- We are Ready Just Bring It On
It is 12 after I am Done with My Darts
Waiting For Carpet Bowling To Start at 1 pm
I am also Done with My Light Lunch
Now Working in My Office Cubicle Writing My Blog
Thinking about My Dear Retiree Group Comments
They were Thinking Probably It Took Me
Long To Write My Blog about Their Meetings
See My Blog " Mission Possible " Please
I Just Have To Make It Very Clear That It was Not
It was Done in 5 Minutes -- Believe Me All
My Blogs are Like That
It Doesn't Take Much Time -- I Mentioned That
Before -- Writing is Nothing But To Put Your
Inner Thoughts on a Piece of Paper
Writings are To Ink Your Thoughts Coming Direct
From Your Heart -- Don't Let Interfere Your Brain
Between Your Pen and Your Thoughts
Your Thoughts Have To Be Pure with All Your
Emotions -- It Has to Reflect Your Inner Self
You Don't Have To Worry about Language
Don't Worry about Choosing Your Words
This All will Take away It's Beauty It's Impact
Readers are Very Smart Very Intelligent
They Can Figure Out Very Easily whenever
We Try To Polish Our Inner Thoughts
To Make it Sugar Coated To Make It
More Presentable
It Has To Be Raw -- Natural and Like an
Untouched Beauty -- Writing is Not Hard
Just Try To Keep It Pure
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Today being Friday, there are lot of customers here. I have bought extra biscuits as it has become a tradition in our small town that locals come here and read blog before going back to their homes or pub. This week there is an even bigger crowd as Smile's blog about teen and family value is very popular. Priest is making notes from the blog about family values, Customers are smiling.
ReplyDeleteI lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I got there. Of course, there were a fresh from SDs there with a note that "enjoy these Smile Donuts, courtesy Smile Addict"
I was in early today so was able to post the blog. The box of SDs was there when I came. There was an extra donut for the person posting the blog.
I wait 45 min and miss breakfast but I wait because I want make post happy. Smile donut is thank you for post blog. Blog real good and Smile very kind
DeleteAnd please no thank me. Thank Smile
Why do you think I don't care about you? I care about you a lot. I pray for your health every day. I hate it when I see that you are taking the bus to go to the library.
My Smile is awesome!! She is an awesome writer. She has an awesome carpet bowler. She is an awesome adviser. She is an awesome writer. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
SWS was fantastic today. Turnout was great. We took the nature route. Lots of long faces today
We talked about Smile's active blog during the SWN today. She is an inspiration to all
I hosted the Toastmasters meeting today as Kim was not available. Today's toastmasters meeting had an open agenda ie people can discuss any topic that they want but the only topic that was discussed was Smile blog. People wanted to talk about her positive attitude and her kindness to her readers.
Dear Madam Smile, You so good. You write good to. I go job worker in 2 job and say how you. She say I busy and no time to talk blog. I say I no come to talk blog, I come to let you know that my Madam care lot about reader family. Like today she write for Dear Kris because she care for Dear Niklas. She no write for Dear Kris Father because he no listen. And she write for Dear N and Dear Retirees and Dear Smile Addict. She say what about you? I say she no write about dear me because I no problem. She say what problem does Smile Addict has? I say her Dear Smile Addict no problem too but he wake early and miss breakfast to get donut. She say but you read blog so many time and help so many people, so why no write for you? I say I no want listen you and go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees did not go for our long walk today. We are still very tired from the walk from yesterday. Some of the retirees are still suffering from cramps also. This walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the walks that you have. The retirees instead went straight to the reading of your blog.
The retirees asked the cafe manager to read your blog. Though the blog was not relevant to food and nutrition but we still asked him to read the blog as per your instructions. The cafe manager was very thankful and had tears in his eyes and his voice was choking with emotion. It is a very high honour for us to read your blog. We try to not have the same person read it twice in the same week so we can share this honour among many retirees
The retirees were surprised to hear that you write your blog so quickly. After debating about it, we came to the conclusion that this must be a typo in your blog and you may be talking about 5 hours and not 5 minutes. We concluded this because your blogs require lot of time to read and understand, so there is no way that you can write it less time than that. This of course does not include research time
The Smile with Smile program gave an update. They mentioned that they are in discussions with another school board as the program has got raving reviews. They mentioned that your blogs are very helpful for teenage kids and their parents as it provides unique perspective in how to deal with teen issues
thank you
recent retiree
Yet another new blog today. Fresh ideas
ReplyDeletecool Kyle
Yup Smile's factory of ideas always produces fresh (and useful) thoughts. That's why her readership remains constant
Father say you no want talk father but father no slave. Father need take care lot thing like take care Niklas and take care Kris and take care father but no take care Hannah. Father go skool so he check Niklas and meet teacher. Father give smoke to one futbal kid so he take father to skool. Skool very far like 5 min walk. Father also give bier to some futbal kid. Father friend with Niklas teach to. Father say he say he old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say she bake egg plant like you recipe. It very good. All like. Father like to. Hannah make lot as it health and good for father. Niklas say he only go skool and futbal because you say but he no want go because all make fun. Niklas go micdonald. Me anger Niklas because he no apreciate that him grandpapa come skool to take care him. If he speak father there then father no need hug teacher. Me go skool and say teacher that me sorry but father no mean bad. They alow Niklas come but say father no hug again. Me tel father but father say he no care. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing dart player. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteWell , well, well. My head is starting to hurt now. I have run out of ideas. Same thing every day. I know, I know ....
ReplyDeleteThanks mrizvi. Very insightful comment.
CCaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmm doooowwwwwwwwwnnnnn ! Just reeeeeeelllllllaaaaaaaaaxxxxxxxx. You are right, Smile has asked us to be kind
ReplyDeleteGood job mrizvi. Brilliant comment. I wonder what we will do without you kidd
Hello Readers Family
ReplyDeleteThanks Linda Dave Boris Keith Literature Fellow Retiree Group Batman Karen Superwoman Plunker Jasmeet Cleo Jimmy Brenda mrizvi Smile Addict Craig Marg Kyle N Kim Tiara Kris Newbie Greg Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteI am sorry for writing so late but you wont believe what we found out today. There was a very unusual finding that we had about the students. Apparently we have been in the wrong all along. We found out that the students have been making copies of the blog and giving it to the dealers who provide the unpleasant substance. They are using the power of your words to get the dealers to stop getting themselves involved in this trade. They mentioned that they have been working on this for several weeks now. They did not share that with us because the dealers wanted to keep the information secret. The principal is involved too. Apparently it started when one of the dealers accidentally listened to your blog. He was surprised at the positive tone of your message and wanted to come back for more. This gave the students an idea and they said to him that as long as he does not sell the unpleasant substance, then he is welcome in the gathering of your blog readers. He agreed and started noticing a positive change within him. Soon other dealers started noticing this change and the students made the same offer to them ie stop trading and you will be allowed to listen to the blog. It took some time but they also agreed to the change. Later on, the students started giving them copies of blogs in exchange for the dealers to dispose their unpleasant stash. The principal played a big rile in all this. Once we found out this, we apologized to them because we have been thinking about negative things relating to them. They have accepted our apologies. They said that the biggest tet for the them was that they have been in your bad books. They said that they want to issue an apology to you for not being open but they were concerned that if the dealers find out that this discussion is no secret then they will stop cooperating as secrecy was something that they insisted on. Upon finding out about this, the Dean called the principal and she also apologized. She said that she hopes you will accept the apology. The Dean joked that the high powered committee of psychology experts could not do what you were able to do with your well chosed words
thank you
Literature Fellow