God is Smiling From Above

My Dear Readers Family You People are Great
Your Prayers Came True You Did It
This is The Ultimate Power of Love and
Total Trust in God No Matter What
I am Proud of You My Dear Friends --
Senior Members of Police Department
You Don't Know What You People Did
You Were able To Give Happiness To God Almighty
By Giving Happiness To His Creatures
He is Happy and Smiling From Above
You Made This Possible Please Keep That in Mind
We Have To Support Everyone Whoever Tries To
Light Candles To Make This World Brighter and
Beautiful Place To Live For Others
Whoever Takes Road To Happiness This will Spread
Happiness All Around The World
Love and Patience are The Best Tools
To Deal with Humans in any Circumstances
We Have To Keep in Mind They are
Creatures of Same God Belong To Same
Human Family As Simple as That
I Thank My Dear Chancellor and My Friend Dean
To Include My Dear Students in The Team
I Love To See These Young Faces in The
Driving Seat They are Our Future Our Asset
My Dear Retiree Friends You People are
Always There To Play Your Part in My Mission
Mission To Spread Messages of Happiness Around
Thanks To My Dear Friend Retired Member of
Police Department
My Blogs Have No Power -- I Ink My Inner Thoughts
My Feelings My Emotions From Bottom
Of My Heart -- You Readers are The Driving
Force Behind -- Which Make Me To Write My Blogs
My Dear Friend " N " I Love All My Readers Family
I was Busy in Writing For My Great Friends and Friends
From Police Department as They Have To
Tackle Some Difficult Moments
Things Happen I Mentioned in My Earlier Blog That
Life is Not Bed of Roses It is Like a Trail Like an
Unpaved Path with Bushes All Around
But always Keep in Mind God Is Watching Over All Of
His Creatures Big and Small God Never Leaves
Anyone Alone His Love is Unconditional
Trust in God -- Love His Creatures Take Stress away
From The People around -- You will
Always Get Happiness
Kris My Dear Friend Father will Be OK
Don't You Worry It Happens To Everyone
I Mean We Human Have Our Moments
He Needs Time so Just Relax
Niklas My Friend Focus On School and Football
Grand Papa will Be Fine -- Kris Dear Please Focus on
Work -- Father is Having His Moments
I Will Write For Him Don't You People Worry
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Lots of customers in my shop even though it is Monday. Priest brought cake to celebrate. I served banana smoothie and cherry smoothie. I was out of yogurt so was not able to serve yogurt smoothie
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
Can you also post the blogs form the weekend?
I was getting the printouts ready. I should be able to post the weekend blogs within the next hour or so. I posted the one from today as I know that some wants to start their day with todays blog
I have now posted all the blogs. Also left some extra copies in some team rooms
SWS was fun. People were saying TGIM (Thank God Its Monday)
SWN was fun too. We talked about Smile's blog from the weekend and her open letter.
Hope everyone enjoyed yet another celebration. Again the management provided the cake. Though having "Way to Go Smile" was my idea :-)
Thank you for writing the blog for me. It is my lifeline. I celebrated too. I gave bread to the birds.
ReplyDeletethank you
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome psychologist. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I lost the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards.
I was in early so was able to post the blog. There was a box of SDs there, a big cake, but no donut for poster today
And I posted the blogs from the weekend
I get cake because celebrate. I no get donut because it to lot sugar.
Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I bring cake to celebrate. I go job worker with video kid and say her that do video kid go school. She say yes. Do you include him in all decisions. She say no because he no big. I say her that it important because he student and you need include her in all decision. She say what you talk he go JK. I say but my Madam no say that you no include JK. She say it important include student all time. I think she remember joke. She say she need go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Author,
ReplyDeleteThe students, the professors, the police officers, the great friends and the Smile Army celebrated the decision from yesterday. The honour of reading your blog was for the police officers but they refused and insted asked the great friends to do so. They in turn asked the Dean to come but he said that it is Smile's victory and it is better if we let the students read the blog. So in the end it was the students who read the blog and all the others cheered. Some of the police officer were ribbing the Law professors saying that she should be a professor to which the senior most law professor said that Smile has definitely taught us why she is Smile. They already have set up a committee to learn from this experience
The great friends requested the law professors to formally write up the agreement so later administration cannot prosecute them too. The Dean has asked your approval before the lawyers can start this . This will help the great friends be free from fear of prosecution
thank you
Literature Fellow
Father say he no use. Father say he say he old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say she celebrate and make cake but father no eat. Hannah say that she very worry. Niklas say Niklas ask futbal kid to come home but grandpapa no talk. Me tell father that you no mean that senior no use but he no say. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
Dear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees did go for our walk today. The walk was under 10 mins and it was much shorter than the ones that you take. After that we had our lollipop.
The retirees suspended all business today and instead spent the time to celebrate your success. We asked the retired Police Commissioner to read the blog as he was involved in setting up of the meeting but instead he said that it is your victory and invited one of the family with young kids and asked the kids to read the blog. It was a very moving moment courtesy you
thank you
recent retiree
My Smile is amazing!! She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing psychologist. She is an amazing councillor. She is an amazing trainer. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeletePlease Please Please. Someone heeeellllllllpp. I cannot take it. Smole did such a brilliant job and most of the readers, including us, celebrated but what did she get ...
ReplyDeleteThanks mrizvi. Very good comment
Hey Plunker. Remember Smile wants us to be kind. Also she told us that "this too shall pass". And yes I celebrated too
ReplyDeleteVery brilliant comment mrizvi. Way to go
Hello Readers
ReplyDeleteThanks Boris Linda Dave Keith Batman Literature Fellow Retiree Group Karen Superwoman Jimmy N Kyle Newbie mrizvi Plunker Tiara Kim Craig Brenda Jasmeet Kris Smile Addict Cleo Cathy Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone