Lessons Learned

Please also Read My
Recipe Blog Today
Thank You
My Dear Friend " N "
Please Write To Me Your
Whole Day Schedule
I Love To Read That
Kris My Friend
Thanks For Stopping Father
From Going To school and
Father Has To Calm Down
Let You Focus On
Your Work
Father Needs Medicines
To Get Relaxed
It will Help
It is Wednesday 22 Degrees Beautiful
Morning Mix Sunny and Cloudy Day
I am Working Full Time Today
I will Take 2 Buses so I Start 5 after 9 am
I Have To Take Bus at 9.15 -- when I Stepped
Out of My Front Door It was Amazing
I Noticed Rain Just Stopped so Everything
Looking Great after Their Morning Shower
Sun also Giving It's Shine above Between Clouds
I Can Hardly see Any Bird I Think All Gone To South
If They Had a Bit of Patience and waited For a While
They Must Have Been Enjoying This
Beautiful Weather
We Still Waiting For Our October Weather
I Mean For Minus Temperatures We always
Keep in Mind That We Live in Canada so
No Surprises
I am at Kingston Road Now waiting For Bus # 900
and It Started Raining I Forgot To Take My
Umbrella There was a Girl Who Offered
Me Shelter under Her Umbrella
I Accepted Her Offer Right away It was Heavy Rain
It Stopped after 5 Minutes and Sun was There
To Greet Me with Twinkle in It's Eye
I Got My Bus # 900 It was Still Drizzling But
I Managed -- I Got My Lesson Next Time
Wont Leave My Umbrella Home
It is 9.30 I am Sitting in My Office Cubicle
Thinking about My Childhood Friend Who
Lives in Sydney
I Got Her Brief Message on My Face Book
I was Not Getting Her Messages For a While
I was Bit Worried about Her
At Our Age It can Be Anything She was Living
With Her Daughter Nowadays in the Middle of
Shifting Process
Changes Not Easy To Handle Specially
Shifting Your Place is very Demanding
In Our Old Age Time Period
I am waiting For My Darts To Start at 10
After that Bowling at 1 pm -- So Much To Do
It is Like Working Full Time
No Doubt about That
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Customers are still talking about Smile's blog from family issues. It is a big issue here
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
SWS was great. We took the nature route as Smile made us look at nature differently. As usual, we talked about today's blog.
SWN was fun too. The participants were from all lobbies. We also talked about her blogs.
Special toastmasters meeting was requested by the management today due to the significant interest in the topic of teenagers and family unit. Huge interest in that
Why you care about my schedule because you don't care about me and don't write for me. I don't do anything. I only read this blog. It is my lifeline
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome 2 bus taker! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I lost the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards.
I was in early so was able to post the blog. There was a box of SDs there but no donut for poster today
I sorry I wait 40 min and also skip me breakfast but I no able late more because I need go my 2 job.
Dear Madam Smile, You so good. You write good to. Mr. Supervisor come and say how you. I say I very angry because my Madam need take 2 bus and her only son no drop her to office. He say but he go office to so no time. I say but why he no work from home and help my Madam. She work full day to. Mr. Supervisor say may be he cant. I say him no, he no care, like he ask her go walk and get money from her account when she come back from her vacation, and he make grandbabies get slurpee from her pocket and have her feed them. I think he remember joke. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees did not go for our long walk today. We are still very tired from the walk from yesterday. Some of the retirees are still suffering from cramps also. This walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the walks that you have. The retirees instead went straight to the reading of your blog.
The retired physical trainer and the retired professional athlete read your blog today. Though we are all aware of your physical activity but taking 2 buses in pouring rain to go to the "office" and then playing dart and bowling is something that we are still scratching our heads as to how you do it. For us we dont take buses unless it is part of mayor's Christmas light tour or some event like that
The retired chef read your blog today about the recipe. The cafe manager wanted to join but we asked him to not do that because of his previous transgressions. We did however allowed him to listen in as he has apologized and repented. The cafe manager is already planning on adding this item to the menu. The hospital subcommittee also was pleased with the recipe. The hospital food inspector was invited to listen to the blog to help foster our relationship with tehm.. She mentioned that this will provide the patients with yet another healthy menu choice.
thank you
recent retiree
This blog was very timely. It helped me in my meeting. Participants were very lethargic and complaining about everything. When they read the blog, they realized that living actively is very important. We decided to change the meeting and made it very active. That was the key. All got engaged and we ended up with a good outcome
ReplyDeleteKeith Walker
You continue to wow us with your versatility. Based on the depth and breadth of the topics, we are not astounded by the need for the retired ladies and gentlemen to establish various subcommittees. Prior to leading your online journals, we thought that we were somewhat literate however these dissertation put us in our place. The inordinate amount of time that we spend researching the topics that you write so fluently about tells us that we have a lot to learn. Please dont misunderstand us, we are not complaining and critiquing your work, we are merely pointing out our shortcomings.
ReplyDeleteAside from the potency of the material that you share, I think it will be dishonest of us not to highlight the fluency of your writings. As one of the gentlemen pointed out, you have a way with words. You can take a very complex topic and present it in such simple form, that even a layman like us can grasp its meaning. We submit your recent blogs on parenting and family unity as artifacts to support this submission.
All in all, we appreciate you writing for us regularly and not complaining when we dullards a little slow to keep pace
thank you for making our day so much brighter
Dave and Linda
Father say you no talk father now, you only talk Kris. Father say he yes mind much much. Father say he yel Kris (me) and he yell Niklas (me sun) lot bekause they no maner, they need no read blog if no writ for father because father head. They like baby and father big. Father teach everything to Kris and then Kris teach most thing to Niklas. Father say he yel Niklas because he shame that father go skool and go futbal. Me tell him that he need pride. Father say he say he old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say father little upset today so she make good food so home atmosfere good. Hannah say you recipe best. She make eggplant and Niklas and nabor like lot. She will give to father tomorrow. Niklas say grandpapa very angry and when Niklas wake up before sun he still thro ice on Niklas bed so Niklas no able sleep after he take grandpapa for morning walk. Grandpapa then come skool and give hug. Niklas teacher anger. Me tell father no get anger but he very anger because me read blog and you no write father but me. He go skool and go hug Niklas teacher. She very anger and tell Niklas that he need no come. Me yell Niklas but he say it no Niklas fault Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing office goer. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing psychologist. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteWell , well, well. My head is starting to hurt now. I have run out of ideas. Same thing every day. I know, I know ....
ReplyDeleteThanks mrizvi. Very insightful comment.
I dont understand why my name is not showing up. Google goofed again??
ReplyDeleteCCaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmm doooowwwwwwwwwnnnnn ! Just reeeeeeelllllllaaaaaaaaaxxxxxxxx. You are right, Smile has asked us to be kind
ReplyDeleteGood job mrizvi. Brilliant comment. I wonder what we will do without you kiddo
Hello Readers Family
ReplyDeleteThanks Linda Dave Boris Keith Batman Literature Fellow Retiree Group mrizvi Plunker Jimmy Superwoman Karen Brenda Cleo Tiara Kim Jasmeet Smile Addict Kyle N Newbie Kris Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone