Road To Happiness

It is Time For Celebrations
Time To Celebrate Your Victory
All of You Deserve
All The Credit
You Earned That
If We Believe and Focus
Nothing is Impossible
To Achieve
You People are Lucky To
Have Dean and Principal
Beside Your Great Team
This is All Team Work
Dear Students From University
Great Students From School
Smile Army All of You My Friends
I Salute My Dear Friends Personnel
From Police Department
You are Great -- It is a Big Step
I Mean Not To Press Any Charges
This will Be a Big Step For All My
" Great Friends " To Come Forward
They will Come To Join Hand
To Eradicate The " Unhappiness "
From Around The World
Specially To Make Life Of Our Young People
Happy and Beautiful -- They will Light
Other Candles To Spread Happiness Around
You are Just Not Pressing Any Charges But
Taking Big Step in Setting The Direction
Clearing The Path -- Towards
Road To Happiness
One Request To My Great Students
My Friends Please Don't Call Them
" Dealers " We Call Them
" Great Friends "
Our Personality Reflects Our Character
We Don't Have To Label any Person
With His Job Description
I Give Credit To Dean and Principal
Not Because of Their Position in Office
They are Great as a Person
My Dear Friend " N "
I always Have Time For You
For All My Readers Family
We are Family
I am Happy You Started Reading Comments
Please Don't Stop That -- It will Give You
We Have To Be Connected with All Creatures
Of God Big and Small -- This always
Brings Happiness To Our Life
For The Same Reason I Asked You To have
Bird Feeder -- We Have To Be around
Creatures of God
We Never will Be Feeling Lonely and Down
We Start Feeling as if God Showering
All Of His Love Around -- We Start
Feeling Safe
God will Be Happy To See We are Taking Care of
His Creatures -- just Do That and Be Happy
Happy Reader and Mother in Law My Friends
I Told You Many Times That We Can Not Get
Happiness By Writing Anything Sad
Anything Negative
When We Write Anything It is Like Print
Of Our Emotions of Our Inner Self
Please Be Very Careful While Writing Anything
It will fax To Your Brain The Same Negative
Material and after That
Your Mind will Take Your Body
Your Mood In Negative Direction
Enough To Ruin Your Day
My Friends Please Be Very Careful
Write Anything To Get Happiness
Not To Ruin Your Day
I am Happy That All My Readers Family
Celebrated This Event -- This is Everyone's
Victory -- Time For Whole Family
To Celebrate
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner
ReplyDeleteI lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I got there. Of course, there was also a box of fresh SDs with a note from SA
ReplyDeleteI was in early today and posted the blog. Of course the SDs were already there.
DeleteAnd I posted the one from the weekend
Unbelievable. There was a big cake from SA to celebrate the success of the Great Friends
Thanks for writing for me. This blog is my lifeline
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome philosopher! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
This blog provided me with a perfect ice breaker for my business meeting today. We were talking about our naming departments and this gave us the idea that we should use positive nomenclature as it will fax to our mind
ReplyDeleteBTW, we also did a small celebration for the Great Friends
Keith Walker
I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D. Still working on getting the blogs posted from the weekend.
We are still waiting for the weekend blogs. Cant wait. Mondays are the best day of the week
I have now posted all blogs in all noticeboards in lobbies A, B, C and D.
DeleteSorry for the delay, I was delayed as people kept coming to get copies from the printouts.
SWS was fun. There are some managers who also join these walks. People were saying TGIM (Thank God Its Monday) and now we get to read 3 blogs.
SWN was fun too. We talked about Smile's blogs from the weekend and the fact that there is an encyclopedia being created for them
There was a big celebration today. The senior managers got the cake. Interestingly, there was no planning involved, it was an impromptu celebration.
Dear Madam Smile, you so good, you write good to. I go Job worker in job 2 to talk walk but she say how you. I say I no suppose talk you because you bad people. She say remember that does not make me happy and you madam suppose to make people smile. I say yes she does, like she no call dear dealer dealer but call Great Friends. She say she need go. I say yes because you mind fax you idea. I think she remember joke. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees went for our long walk today. After that we had our lollipop. This walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the walks that you have. The retirees were very tired as we are out of practice for the few days. We had our lollipop after that.
As you instructed us, we continued our celebration today. The cafe manager also extended his Smile Discount for today. We wanted to contribute and pay full price because we found out that he is losing money with these discounts but he said no and refused to accept full payment from us
The retired psychologist was amazed at your comment about think carefully because you will then live that thought. She pointed out that this research has been in its infancy so she was surprised that you were able to get that. She is wondering if you are friends with seasoned and leading psychologists because this idea is supposed to be confidential and even the retired psychologist didn't know about it despite the fact that she was a leading published researcher and was advising multiple batches of post grad students. She commented that the thought about policemen not wearing uniform is so ahead of its time that no one that she is aware of has thought about that. In other words, it is a novel idea. She asked if its ok to use this as a research topic. When we informed her that you dont mind, she insisted that we get formal approval as this may become a ground breaking research area
thank you
recent retiree
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteThe students, Smile Army, Great friends, Professors, the Principal, the Dean as well as the police staff were all present at the reading of today's blog. We held it at the Smile Garden because there was no way that all these people can fit inside the SRC (Smile Research Center). The Dean brought a big cake and asked the Great Friends to cut it but they refused saying that they are not good enough to cut it. They instead requested the students to cut it, they did that to honour you. One of us asked the Great Friends if they were not nervous to show up here as they may get arrested and they smiled and said that Smile will take care of that. The police was there and they continued to be there in plainclothes and not in uniform. We heard that there senior staff is putting pressure on them but they are refusing to do so. They said that even if they lose their jobs they will still not go against Smile's words. The Dean has asked the law department to help provide legal defense for the police staff. IF you can do something to help, that will be great
thank you
Literature Fellow
Father say you no yell father again. Father say it good. Father enjoy lot. Father say why you say police no wear uniform. Police need wear uniform because that way everyone fear so they no make mistake father say he celebrate lot and get little sick. Father say he spend time alone after that and do walk drive way to. Father say he no say he old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say she celebrate and make berliner pfannkuchen. Father very happy to. Father eat lot so get sick. It Hannah fault because she forget hide. Hannah say you please ease because you kare all Niklas. Niklas say grandpapa make Niklas stand on driveway lot time because he very sick and need walk driveway lot time like 10 min. Niklas also get 7-up for grandpapa but he no space in tumy. Me yell Niklas lot because he no remind father to stop eat. He say it no his fault but me tell him that I cut phone. He sad. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing philosopher. She is an amazing friend of the readers' family. She is an amazing psychologist. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeletegood post
ReplyDeleteI am just banging my head against the wall. There is absolutely nothing which is working. I have tried to be kind, I have tried to be harsh, I have tried to be reasonable but it just is not working. And yet Smile wants us to be nice to everyone in this forum
Deletegood job mrizvi. Great to let us know that this is a good blog. I dont know what we would have done if you would not have told us
Just caaaaaallllmmm down Plunker. Reeeeellaaax. Take a deep breath. Go for a walk. Or better still just read the blog again
DeleteThank you mrizvi. This is a good comment. You are doing an amazing job
Hello Readers Family
ReplyDeleteThanks Boris Linda Dave Keith Batman Literature Fellow Retiree Group Jimmy Brenda mrizvi Jasmeet Kyle N Newbie Tiara Kim Craig Marg Smile Addict Plunker Karen Superwoman Cliff Cleo Kris Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone