Smile Recipe ---- Baked Egg Plant

My Dear Readers
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Dear Retired Chef
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All My Dear Readers
Today I Baked Egg Plant for Dinner
Everyone Liked That
Take Few Egg Plants Small ones
Cut into Four Don't Cut the Top
so it will be Joined at Top
If Separated Don't You worry about
Take a Baking Dish
Put some Oil --- I use Olive Oil
Chopped Onion
Spread in the Dish
Take a Bowl
Now Put
Yogurt --- I use 2%
Red Chili Powder
Black Chili Powder
Salt to Taste
Cumin Seeds
Pinch of Turmeric Powder -- It is Bright Yellow Color
Gives color and Taste Too
If You Don't have Turmeric Just Leave it
Some Oil -- Couple of Tea Spoons
Some Water Not Much
Just to Make Steam To Cook
Tomato Paste ----
I Freeze in Plastic Bag
Put The Bag in Plate and Flatten the Paste
It will Freeze in Thin Layer
Microwave for Few Seconds
to Break into Small Portions
of Frozen Tomato Paste
Use one small Frozen Piece To Give Color
Mix Everything in the Bowl
Spread the Whole Content over the
Egg Plant in the Baking Dish
Turn on Oven to 375
Cover The Dish with Foil
Put The Dish in -- Don't wait for Temperature
For 20 Minutes Note the Time When You Put the Dish
After That Check The Liquid in The Dish
Cook for 20 more Minutes
Check again Turn Oven to High 400
For 20 Minutes Then 450 for 15 Minutes
Keep Checking the Liquid Not Watery Not Too Dry
If Too Dry Sprinkle some water and Cook
for 5 Minutes at 450
Too Watery --- Cook for 5 - 10 more minutes
Now Take off the Foil
Broil for 2 -- 3 Minutes To Get The Color
I Baked Just Now for Dinner and it was Gone
in No Time