To Err is Human

Image result for Bus with passengers pictures

I take two buses to go to My Club
I was waiting for my Bus # 900 at HW # 2
I entered the bus and the Lady Driver
by mistake shut the door My left leg 
was stuck in between the Door

I was shocked still tried to scream
she realized and suddenly opened
the door she also was shocked said 
I am sorry and asked that are you OK

At the Club my friend was saying
you can sue her and Govt will 
give you enough compensation

I told them what will I do with lot 
of money at my age 
I agree I can complain and she could
be in trouble wort come might effect her job

Remember we can not be happy by
making someone unhappy or putting
in trouble I know it was a serious
mistake my leg might be broken

I have long time Osteoporosis so
could be anything worst
but to Err is Human and after all
we belong to same Human Family
so Family is Family

God forgives each and every Sin and
mistake we commit and lot of them
are deliberate for most of them 
we never even say sorry

Taken as granted that doing Sins
and disobeying most of the time
is normal and to be forgiven is our right
How smart we try to be

Everything in our favor may be by 
forgiving His Creatures just sometimes
we can balance some of our wrongdoing and
deliberate Mistakes may be !  May be 


  1. Dear Madam Smile, My hand were trembling when I read your blog today. In my culture we do some prayer for protection of others and I have asked my supervisor to give me a few mins brake so I can read those prayers for you.

    It is so nice of you that you did not complain but it is bad of the bus driver to not take care of you and close the door.

  2. Dear Advisor,

    Many members of our group sent me emails to formally express our solidarity with you. This could have been a very serious accident and our group is thankful that you are ok. We also noted that you take 2 buses to go to the library. Most of our members are secluded at home due to the lack of transport so are wondering if it is ok to take the buses?

    @mrizvi: I hope you read the blog and also express your solidarity to the Advisor

    recent retiree

  3. We were both shocked and a little rattle when we read the blog today. This could have been a nightmarish event. I am glad that you are safe.

    We also were appreciative of your gesture of not reporting the driver however we think that you should. This incident should be on her file. If this driver continues to be reckless to others then perhaps she should not be driving the buses.

    Dave and Linda

  4. Posted the blog on our noticeboard. I should point out that there were a lot of nervous employees today


    1. Lots of swearing going on in our office today. People are absolutely angry at the driver. There are some who are also blaming Smile's only son as he is making Smile take buses to get to her engagements


    2. Hope you are doing ok Smile


  5. My Smile is so awesome! She forgave the driver instantly even though the accident would have caused her severe damage. What an awesome example she is for all of us!

    Smile, like some others, I was trembling when I read the blog. You are simply awesome! Please take care

    @mrizvi: You should be reading these blogs


  6. I posted the blog on the notice board but removed it after an hour as there was a huge outcry of emotions in our office today. Lot of our colleagues are very upset.

    Hope you are doing well, Smile.


  7. I will not be truthful if I say that I read the blog and was not disgusted with the driver. I hope you are doing well. You did a big favor to the driver and the transit company/agency by not proceeding with legalities

    Keith Walker

  8. I have been reading the blogs but have not commented. I wish I can punch the driver


  9. I read the blog this morning and was shivering when thinking of what may have happened. I am still shaking. Wish you all the best


  10. What an amazing person my Smile is ! I have lots of things I wish to say to the bus driver but I cant do that publicly. She should be banned! My Smile did not even press charges. What an amazing person she is

    @mrizvi: Please learn from my Smile

  11. I am glad that you are ok. It was a horrible, horrible accident. I hope the bus driver did not just say I am sorry but meant it too. She should have hugged you. Made you feel comfortable. I hope she did all that.

    It was very (very) nice of you to not pursue any legal charges against the bus driver and the bus company.

    Most important, it is good that you are ok

  12. What a day you must have had. And yet you still wrote for us!! You are so cool

    Like others I am absolutely mad that driver did not stop. I am also so upset that she just said sorry but did not appear to me that she gave you a hug or came over to you to check on any injuries that you may have had. Most people would have reported her but what a kind person you are to forgive her.

    I hope you don't take it the wrong way, but I don't understand that why the corporate hot shot son of yours is letting you take the buses. He should not expect that you can hop from one bus to the other. You are no spring chicken. I am sorry for saying things about him but I am so upset right now.

    @mrizvi: We all know that you don't read but do read today's blog at a minimum. If you do, I give you my word that I will not ask you to read again.

    Oh man, I am so so upset

  13. Oh mein Gott!! Ich hoffe du bist ok! Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass Sie den Fahrer zu vergeben entschieden

  14. Lo que un terrible accidente.

    El mayor problema que veo es que usted está tomando 2 autobuses !! Usted no debería tener que hacer eso

  15. 搞什么鬼!为什么公交车司机关闭了大门上你的腿!如果赶走你的腿总线依然停留!我只是无法想象的场景。说实话,我一直以来我读到这哭


    @mrizvi: 我希望你看了今天的博客

  16. Is breá liom do bhlag. Tá mé siopa beag agus a bheith phost seo gach lá. Is breá Mo gcustaiméirí seo freisin. Tá a lán de Ghaeilge i gceist sa lá atá inniu. Tá súil agam go bhfuil tú ceart go leor

  17. Ik wens je al het beste toe. Dank u voor het schrijven van elke dag

  18. I read your blog from our office notice board and was horrified to read about your ordeal. Please take care


  19. Hello My Readers Family
    Thanks Everyone for your Prayers
    Thanks Karen Dave Linda Retiree Group Members newbie mrizvi Tiara Kate Maheen Rita
    Superwoman Batman Xin Jane Plunker Boris My Fellow Writer Kiara Pam Brenda Hina
    Brandon Chuck Ed Sam Francis Michelle Jimmy Pete Jay Mervin Keith Mike Kelly Craig
    My Dear Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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