The Ultimate Caretaker

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My Days are passing so quickly
my Trip to England nearly
coming to an end
Air Canada flight from
Gatwick Airport will take me
back to Toronto on 11th September
just couple of days left

Last few days always used to be
very important to me
I have to go to Finchley Station
to say goodbye to my school friend
will have lunch together one more
time at her place

Will see my sister who lives at Ilford
she was away with her Daughter in Derby 
I will check if she is back

Today I planned to see my ailing 
Cousin brother at Tooting Broadway
from there will go to Purley Train Station

I am sitting on the front seat
of the Upper Deck of  Bus # 127
tall trees are either side of the road
full of green leaves
making very mellow screeching sound
while touching the glass of my window
seems like an Orchestra

Narrow road --  trees loaded with green
bus passing over the pond with ducks
swimming and the Floral shops all this
gives such a beautiful scenic view 
this route takes whole one hour
I enjoy the whole like a Trip

Now bus stopped at Carshelton Road
couple of years back my grand daughter
was here in the college 

I still remember the way 
my daughter who
now lives in Grimsby selected this
college for her Autistic daughter
after checking two three colleges

I was visiting London at that time
so was with her through all this
it was December
London was in the grip of
freezing cold we were walking on the
streets between bus stops and colleges
at that time my daughter
had no car so using public transport

My Grand daughter now lives in Home 
my daughter use to come
to see her Autistic daughter
from Grimsby every month

It needs lot of courage to leave your
special child in Home
but we have to keep in mind that
these Children are like Angels 
never commit any sin in their lives
so we don't have to worry about them
God is their Custodian 
their Ultimate Caretaker


  1. My Smile sounded like a poet today. The way she described the orchestra of the branches brushing the bus was interesting.

    Also, I get the impression that she is there for all her children. She didnt have to go with her daughter in the cold winter, yet she did. What a person she is

    And she writes for us every day!!

    Thanks Smile


  2. Loved it how you described the bus trip. Made it look like a scene from a movie.

    Looks like you are having an amazing holidays. Filled with visits to relatives, wedding, meeting your daughters, meeting friends and of course sight seeing.

    On a selfish note, the best thing was that you did not forget us for even a single day. I still dont know how you do that

    Thanks Smile

    @mrizvi: Please read

  3. My Smile is awesome. She can take a boring bus ride and make that into a trip!!

    She takes care of her family, her cousin and us. Every time anyone of us asks us for her guidance, she never make him wait for a single day!!

    @ mrizvi: Please learn from her example. Every blog that she writes is beautiful

  4. Cool stuff. Glad that you have so many good memories. Reminds me of your blog that you wrote for us about Memory Box. I re-read that one after reading today's blog. Made me like this one even more

    Thank you

  5. I enjoyed today's blog because I found out that you are coming back home. Made me really happy as you will be able to rest a little. It made me feel bad that we have been asking you so much during your holidays and did not give you a chance to enjoy more. Perhaps if we would not have been requesting so much of your time and your blogs, you would have enjoyed more

    Thank you so much for being there for your readers every single time!!

    @mrizvi: You gotta read our Smile's blog. She is the best

  6. I cannot but help notice that you have a very full schedule every day. I am not just referring to the next 2-3 days but the past days as well. As a retiree, I know that passing time is a challenge but sounds like unlike many of us, you know how to live well in your jam packed, schedule filled days. Like others, I also wonder how you are able to find time in your busy schedule for these blogs

    Once you are back and have settled in, I would really appreciate if you can provide me for some pointers about this. I know that you shared a post to fulfill one of my earlier request, and I am still grateful for you for that

    @mrizvi: If you are going through some challenges which people your age do, I will recommend you ask Smile. I have found her guidance very practical

    recent retiree

  7. Smile, we were late again today :-)

    We need to change our habit of reading your blogs in the morning. Today's blog was so involved that there were certain parts that we read and re-read multiple times. And of course we have had our discussion. We specially like the one where you touched on being able to find beauty from seemingly mundane items, IF there is a willingness and eye for it. Though your writing is illustrative and poetic, it is this ability, ie the inner eye that we find so appealing

    We also liked the messaging at the end, where you brought up the details of your autistic granddaughter and then made it into a broader conversation about other kids like them.

    Interspersed in all these were nostalgic moments, and tips for retirees and others about how to live a good life.

    We thought that this was a masterpiece

    PS: Like others, we are also amazed how you find the time to write

    Dave and Linda

  8. Dear Madam Smile, I had tears in my eye from happiness that you are going to go back home. Every day I prayed that you will take some rest. You have busy schedule every day. You must be tired. You do so many things. You take care of us all the time

    @mrizvi: Please read our Smile's blog. You are a young girl but you will learn from her so much

  9. Ich habe den Blog heute. Es war voll guter Ratschläge und schöne Szenen

    Vielen Dank für jeden Tag zu schreiben

  10. Sunteți un scriitor bun și să aibă o personalitate perceptiv. scrisul este foarte inspirat

    Vă mulțumesc pentru a face asta

  11. We printed out this blog and posted it our notice board today. There were some new co-ops starting in our office today and they took photocopies of it.

    Thought I will let you know


    1. Hey Jimmy, I was one of those coops. Thank you for the tour of the office and letting me take a photocopy of the blog. I loved it. I also checked out some of his previous blogs and gave me a good tour of England.

      It will be great if we can email blogs like this to our office. I am sure they will all find it handy.

      PS: will see you in the office tomorrow


    2. Hi Jimmy, I loved it too. Thanks for giving me a copy. Please say thanks to the author. He is gooood!


  12. Hello Hello
    My Dear Readers Family
    Thanks Karen Dave Linda Jimmy Kelly
    Superwoman Batman Boris mrizvi Plunker Brenda Keith
    Xin Jane My Fellow Writer Fellow Spectator newbie Fellow retiree
    Jeanine Jerome Aiden Sheema My Dear Anonymous and Precious Multilingual Readers
    I Love You All
    You All Make My Day

  13. Thanks Jack
    I just saw your Comment

  14. My Smile is so generous, she thank each and every one of the family members.

    Thank you Smile. You make our day every day



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