Social Animals

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It is Saturday My Seniors Club
is off on weekends so I have to
find other activities to get busy
and get going

My Grandson has to start his
Ice Hockey Season
I picked up my Baggy black 
Jeans and just any shirt
now I am ready to go with him

It is 10 am I am sitting in
Don Beer Hockey Arena
my grandson will be playing in
Rink # 2 and I will be walking between
Rinks to enjoy and to get going

Weather is 19 and cloudy
 now started to drizzle 
walking indoor is only option

Last night I was at our family
friend son's Graduation Dinner Party
always nice to see people
to talk and to share
after all we are Social Animal


  1. It's really great to see that you find other ways to keep busy even when you don't have your seniors club, it's really inspiring!

  2. My Smile is simply awesome. She can create a new environment for herself everyday.

    @mrizvi: I am appalled at your actions. We have been asking you, pleading with you, explaining to you, to read. And yet, you just keep on writing your inane comments without reading. It is ridiculous


  3. The retirees were extremely happy when I informed them about you agreeing to be our advisor. The group is taking the weekend off however we do plan to review and discuss your weekend blogs too, so will need to spend an extra time during weekdays for discussion. I am letting you know as we may request some more advice after that

    @mrizvi: I will also discuss your actions with the retiree group. Though you are 20, but I think you need some help. Hang in there

    recent retiree

  4. Dear Madam Smile, you go to so many different places, like hockey rinks and waterfalls, and tourist places like Traflgar and Seniors Club and Library. It is amazing that you find time to write to us every day. Thank you

    @mrizvi: I am so angry with you. You are 20 but you are not growing up. If you need help, then ask Smile, she has helped so many. Just yesterday, she wrote a comment for me too. She is really nice

  5. Good stuff. You are interested in sports as well!! How do you find time for all this

    @mrizvi: I am also upset with your antics. We all know that you are rebellious but please stop being so hard nose about it


  6. My Smile is going to all sorts of different places. She loves people. She has so many varied interests. She is a poet, a blogger, a traveller, a sports enthusiast, a marketing expert plus. But above all, she is a really generous person. What an amazing person my Smile is

    @mrizvi: I am so mad at your actions, I am not writing anything as I will regret my comments

  7. Liked your blog though I am not a social person but a prefers the company of my dog only

    Keith Walker

  8. Smile likes to live in a day tight compartment. For ordinary people, they would have liked to sleep in, but not Smile! She wants to create busy schedule.

    @mrizvi: Please start reading. I am not sure why you think it is such a big deal. All 20 year olds read, so why not you

  9. It is good that Smile is enjoying this, but I am wondering if her only son is asking her to take his young bums to the hockey game. She just came back from long journey and it would have been good for Smile to not have to go and get money for her son, or groceries for the young bums or take the young bums to a hockey game ! It is just not right

  10. It's good to know that you are back in your routine and enjoying time with your family

  11. Smile, great work again! It's nice to read another adventure of yours, you should really write a book, I'd love to read.


    @Anonymous, I am tired of telling people to stop assuming mrizvi is 20 years old.Young people are very considerate and intelligent people and I am sure they would love to read Smile's blog. So again, mrizvi's age is NOT a factor of his bad attitude towards smile.

    @ALL MEMBERS, AGE IS BUT A NUMBER. It is upsetting for me that people think young people are as inconsiderate as mrizvi.

    1. Hi Jane, we know that mrizvi is a 20ish year old girl. Who is rebellious and does not want to conform. If you happen to be 20 as well, then thats great. We are not suggesting that all 20 year olds are rebellious and not intelligent. All we are saying is that 20 year old mrizvi can do better by reading these blogs. That's it. Period. So please dont get upset, as this is not related to you at all. We dont want any of the Smile's readers to go back from this adventure, unhappy or unpleasant. We are also not trying to make it unpleasant for mrizvi too

      Hope this clarifies it


  12. Dear Smile,

    I am noting down everything you do in your day to keep busy. It is really inspiring to know you've joined all these clubs and have so many friends, at our elderly age. I will try keep busy and look out for clubs in China, but it is so hard to find some and so far away. Still, knowing you make the effort alone is enough to get me out of bed everyday. Shame on me for feeling sorry for myself when you are in a similar situation, and yet make the most out of it.

    Truly inspired by you,
    Xin Miller

    @Anonmyous, please do not upset my daughter Jane any further. She has come to me very upset that you think so badly of young people. How do you know how old mrizvi is? She could be middle aged, elderly, young, any age? How are you going to ever know? Stop assuming things, I know of all my grandkids who are 20 and they are all considerate citizens who would never insult Smile's blog.

    @mrizvi, if you are a 20 year old, know that you are giving a bad name to the younger generation.

    1. @ Xin, please dont feel bad. Newbie already replied to Jane so hopefully she will feel better now. We are not asking mrizvi to read because she is 20 years but only asking her so she can improve herself. We do have other 20 year olds in our readers family eg Tiara and Craig are co-ops students. Both are learning so much by reading these blogs. I hope this is helpful

      Again, sorry for unintentionally hurting Jane's feelings. She is a member of our family and should not feel bad

  13. Hello My Readers Family
    Thanks Karen Superwoman Jane mrizvi Batman Maheen Boris Plunker Sheema
    Keith newbie
    Xin my Dear retiree Group and My Anonymous Reader who has two Jobs
    Please read Tomorrows Blog may be you get some points
    Thanks to All My Anonymous and my Multilingual Readers
    I still miss My Fellow Writer
    I know Dave and Linda are enjoying on weekend
    All of You have a Great Day

  14. Smile, please dont thank us. We are the ones who should be thanking YOU.

    I hope you had an easy day today. IF I remember correctly, you came just last Sunday.Please take some rest. I hope your only son does not make you take walks tomorrow or ask you to take bus or make food for his kids. Please, your readers family is pleading with you, to get some rest

    thank YOU


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