Recipe for Happiness

Image result for tim horton pictures

I love to walk to Tim Horton
it is 20 minutes walk from my Place
on the way so much to see
so much to enjoy while walking

Beautiful scenery with flowers
birds and butterflies
I am sitting in Tim Horton
having my small Double Double
enjoying my Blog writing

I am always thankful to God
who made me able to walk and
to enjoy his beautiful Creations
also to enjoy my own Company

Thank you God  I don't deserve 
any of that
I just noticed the Tim Horton
Logo and with that 1964 
I think this is the year when
they started their Business

My mind goes back to year 1964
the year when I completed 
my Masters with Honors in

Things change so many memories
Great Moments to cherish
but we have to live in the present
so just forget everything
Ring out the Old and Ring in the New
The Recipe for Happiness


  1. Dear Madam Smile, you are so educated and intelligent. I did not know. You are a microbolost and writer. And you are so nice that you call us family. If I have that knowledge then I will not need to do 2 jobs.

    @mrizvi: Please read the blog, see how knowledge she is

  2. Dear Advisor,

    Thank you for writing the blogs and giving us ideas. Our volunteer has got some additional help, and is targeting to finalize the complete inventory of all the points by Monday. After that we will prioritize them as we don't think that we can do all the things that you are doing

    @mrizvi: Please read these blogs. They are very informative

    recent retiree

  3. My Smile is so awesome. She can turn ordinary things into major distressing activities. She is a senior microbiologist and an awesome writer. Plus a therapist.

    @mrizvi: Read and enjoy


  4. Posted the blog on the noticeboard. The toastmaster meeting is planned in the afternoon. I think Craig or Tiara will be chairing it


    1. Thanks Jimmy. Sam and I go through these blogs every day at coffee


  5. I did not realize that you are a scientist by profession. I was thinking that you will be either a marketing expert, a writer, a psychologist or perhaps a psyhcatirst

    It is really good that you enjoy so much of your life

    @mrizvi: Please read and learn. This is a great opportunity

  6. This was a shock!! Did not know that you are so accomplished. I have a much deeper respect for your writings and suggestions. Someone said earlier that we will like an autobiography and I think I will like to bring it up again

    @mrizvi: Please read today's blog


  7. I did not win the race to put Smile's blog on the noticeboard. Someone else beat me to it.

    By the way, our office is buzzing with the revelation in today's post that Smile has specialized in biology. No one was expecting it.


  8. Enjoyed the blog, specially the fact that you are a seasoned microbiologist

    Keith Walker

  9. What a nice blog that you wrote today. We still find it so refreshing that you can find so many niceties in life. You are absolutely right, that you don't need to spend big to find happiness. We tried that last weekend and it was a success. We are debating if we should go somewhere again this weekend. We are truly inspired by your words and enjoy them.

    Others are finding it a surprise that you are a learned scholar, however both of us knew that you must have been quite accomplished. That is why we have been requesting that you share some more background about yourself. We have already asked so many favors from you in the past, so will not be imposing on you again, however if there ever is a vote, then ours will be for your autobiography


    Dave and Linda

  10. thank you Jimmy. You have been great to keep posting these blogs every day. If you start getting tired, then let me or Craig, Sam or anyone else here know and we can take over. I am hearing that the OMA department is starting to use Smile's blog in their weekly department meetings. Brian is the manager there and he found out about it through our toastmasters meeting. I am sharing that with you so you know that your efforts of posting the blog daily is having a significant effect. If Brian shows up I will ask him

    PS: The toastmasters meeting is in the afternoon. I will let you all know about it next week


  11. Es ist gut zu wissen, dass Sie ein Wissenschaftler sind. Ich dachte, dass Sie ein Künstler oder eine kreative Persönlichkeit wird.

    Vielen Dank für das Schreiben regelmäßig. Unsere Familie liest sie zusammen

    @mrizvi: Ich bin in Deutsch zu schreiben, so vielleicht eine andere Sprache können Sie inspirieren zu lesen


  12. 谢谢你的鼓舞人心的写作。 我喜欢它


  13. Aimez votre écriture! Il est très agréable à lire. Il nous donne aussi quelques bonnes idées pour mener une bonne vie.

    Je vous remercie

  14. This is very impressive! I had no idea that you would be a seasoned scientist. You keep on surprising us. If you tell us that you have been interviewed by the media, I wont be surprised at all!! You are a true inspiration to all the readers family.

    I do want to thank you for being so generous to us all. No wonder you are so generous to your son and his family too. I just hope that he takes better care of you

    @mrizvi: Please read today's blog. It is an eye opener

  15. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks to Karen Dave Linda Plunker mrizvi Boris Tiara Craig Retiree Group newbie
    Batman Superwoman Sam Jimmy Brenda Keith Sheema
    My Dear Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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