Our Body Parts

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Our Children are like our body parts
when they move out and start
Family go to different places
because of their work
It looks like our body parts are
scattered all over the world

We try to keep connection alive
as long as possible
but as we become old it is getting
difficult for us

Children are busy with their work
and with their Family
they still love you but are tied up with
their own priorities

We don't have to blame them
we did the same to our Parents
not anyone's fault
it is the cycle which goes on

Parents are the same they may be
from any country
of any color any cast or creed
specially Moms are Moms

We have to keep in mind that
our children are no more children
they now have their own lives
besides family and work 
have their friends their own
circle to move around

It is one sided connection
from our side only
they don't have time
we are not any part in their lives
so just close your eyes
and leave them alone

We have to keep our distance  
not to disturb their activities
we can not afford problems in their lives
we don't want anything like that
we love them
Keep the Flame of Love burning

The Happy moments we spent together
will be like Happy Memories
in our Memory Box 
will be enough to make us happy

Leave them alone so that we
wont have to be sorry
otherwise they will start ignoring
we cant take it

When they call our voice should be
full of life and happiness

No one likes complaints and grievances
they are also helpless
remember if we cry we cry alone
when we laugh the entire world 
will laugh with us
Choices are our's my Dear
so pretend to be happy


  1. This is a very nice blog about parental engagement and communication. I am going to print this out and put it on my fridge as a reminder

    Thank you so much for taking the time to write and providing your comments

    recent retiree

  2. Dear Madam Smile, I left my parents when I was migrating from my old home. I felt really sad and I still do miss them. Parents are like body parts too. When I do 2 job I still miss them. They took care of me even though we were poor.

    Thank you for writing. I hope your youngest daughter read this too.

    @mrizvi: Please read today's blog. Since you are 20 and probably living with your parents, it will guide you

    1. Dear Madam, I am so sorry that I got carried away while reading your blog that I did not even thank you for your beautiful advice. It is so kind of you. You are on holidays and still thinking about us.

      Thank you very much

  3. This is a blog that we can use as well. We usually read your blogs at breakfast and today we ended up getting a few minutes late to work as we ended up having a lengthy conversation about some aspects that you have highlighted. We particularly found the mix between sentimentally and pragmatism quite interesting

    Thank you again for continuing to provide a daily diet of sagacious writing

    Dave and Linda

  4. This is really good, Smile. Someone asked you for advice and you whipped up a post in a matter of hours. All this while you are on vacation.

    I shared that with some of my colleagues and they all loved it

    @mrizvi: You may be a 20 year old going through a phase but this post will help you

    1. sorry forgot to tell you that this comment is from me - the newbie member of the family. Though I have noticed that the family is growing fast


  5. My Smile is amazing. Any time any one of her readers want an advice, then she provides it right away. No wonder her readers family love her to death

    I understand now why she was trying not to say anything bad about her only son even though he does not care. My Smile is a really amazing and generous person


  6. Loved the post. It makes me reflect on some relationships that I have with my family. I liked the advice and guidance you provided. I specially liked it because you are not just talking about it but living it.

    Sounds to me that your youngest daughter is a nice person as she treats you well however I get the impression that your only son is one of those people who just care about themselves. It is really nice of you that you are not saying anything bad about him. It sounds like he is in his late 20s or so. I hope he learns from his mistakes.

  7. Smile is teaching us all how to be a good parent. Her today's post should be shared with all the parents.

    Sounds like her son is one of those nut cases we hear about in the media - ie living their own merry lives. It is really heroic of her to be kind and considerate towards him also

    Thank you Smile from your readers family

  8. Didnt I tell you all that My Smile is awesome!! She is not only a great marketing guru, an amazing writer, a globe trotter but also a great parent. As some of you have said many many times, she just does not say things but actually live them. What a person my Smile is

    @mrizvi: Why dont you make a pledge that you will start reading as of today. You owe it to yourself.

  9. My work is very grinding and I dont get too many spare time to relax. Heck, i hardly get time to eat. However in the few minutes of spare time that I got, I checked out your blog and I am glad that I did. I wish I would have come across something like this earlier in my life

    Thank for writing. You made my day

    Keith Walker

  10. 这是一个博客这是所有文化的真实。感谢您每天都写。你在中国在这里有读者

  11. I am continuing to post your blogs at my office. It provides for good and positive water cooler conversation within our company.

    Thank you for writing


    1. Thanks Brenda for posting them religiously. You are right, that it provides for good chatting material. Jay and I had a big discussion on today's blog. We were talking about parenting stuff


  12. Aimez vos écrits. Il est très frais. J'aime particulièrement les photos que vous choisissez.

    Je vous remercie

  13. Hello Hello
    My Dear Readers Family
    Thanks to Karen Dave Linda Fellow retiree Fellow newbie
    xin Jane I know they are reading
    Fellow Writer Congratulations for your New Assignment
    Boris Plunker Superwoman Brenda My Dear Thank You
    Pam and Jay mrizvi Keith Fellow Spectator Jeanine Batman
    Aiden Sheema My Dear Anonymous Readers and My Multilingual Great Readers
    I Love You All


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