Morning Dew

Image result for garden pictures

It is 7 am I take couple of minutes
to lie down on my bedroom carpet
to feel the Earth 
it gives so much relaxation
enough to start my day

While in England I missed my
morning ritual as in my Box room
not enough space but I had
other bonus to balance that
the smiling face of My Daughter
and my Grand kids around

In North America we have
spacious bedrooms so I can
 do that no problem

It is cool morning I picked up
my black pants and navy blue 
cotton shirt which I got last year
from Marks and Spencer in London

It is Friday so will play Darts 
and after that Carpet Bowling
I will be back around 3 pm

My Bus stop is just 2 minutes 
away from my Place
My son keeps in mind while
changing houses that bus stop
has to be at walking distance
He knows I don't drive and
can't stay home

It is 9.20 in the morning
temperature is 16 a bit cooler
I can still see the Morning Dew
glittering in the sunshine

Birds are chirping and beautiful
flowers in the front yard of
some houses adding color 
to the festive atmosphere

I am enjoying while waiting
for my Bus # 120 to take me
to HW # 2 from there I will take
Bus # 900 to my Club
it costs me Dollar 2.50 for
my one way senior Fare

In England after 65 you can travel
for free if you are Citizen

Such a beautiful scenic atmosphere
to enjoy but I have to go to my
Club to do some physical exercise
to push myself and to get going
we have to keep balance 
our Mind and our Body


  1. Hello
    Good Morning
    My Dear Anonymous Reader who is doing Two Jobs
    may be you can get some point from My Today's Blog
    We can find Joy and Happiness from anytime
    from anywhere we have to just Relax and keep Eyes open
    we don't have to run Marathon or have big Parties
    Just be yourself and that's it
    Enjoy Your Day

    1. Dear Madam Smile, I had tears of happy when I read your comment specially about me. I dont deserve it. I cannot imagine that you will think about someone like me. I know my English not good. I do 2 jobs and even then barely pay bills. I cannot even imagine that you will write for me. Thank You.

      @mrizvi: I will push you more now to read. You have to see how good our Madam is. She writes everyone

  2. Dear Madam Smile, your blog has so much detail about what to do in morning, the price of senior bus tickets, and relaxation. Thank you for writing.

    @mrizvi: Please see how much you are missing

  3. My Smile is so awesome. She starts her morning with a ritual and not just roll out of bed!! She does not take anyone's help for her busy daily routine

    @mrizvi: Please start reading


  4. We are continuing to discuss the blogs in our retiree club. We have 5 members and I have been given the task of being a spokesperson for our club. The other task which I have been given is to convince you to be our advisor. I promise we will not be asking for too many things and will do our best to not bother you during your vacation. Is that ok?

    recent retiree

  5. Inspired by your yesterday's blog, we are leaving on a weekend trip. We are just about to leave and Linda suggested that I drop you a note to let you know how your blogs are influencing your readers. Your suggestion of living in the moment and cherish the time that you have really hit home with us.

    Thank you for making our lives better

    Dave and Linda

  6. I welcome you All
    Great Members of my Dear Fellow Retiree Group
    You are doing Great job
    To start anything is tough
    Remember it is always the First Step which sets the Direction
    I will be more than Honored to be with you through your Journey
    Don't call me Adviser
    I am simply your Friend
    Ready to discuss anything in anyway
    I can be of any Help
    I will be more than Happy

    1. Thank you for accepting our request. We will prefer to call you advisor if that is ok with you. You are in a different league.

      I will share the good news with my club members right away

      recent retiree

  7. You know the art of making an average day special. This is simply amazing

    @mrizvi: You are 20 but start reading. Dont act like a 10 year old

    newbie reader

  8. My Smile is awesome. She starts the day with physical exercise, meditation, does not rely on anyone to get around, is full of energy. We are lucky that she considers us her readers Family

    @mrizvi: you can gain so much by reading these blogs

  9. Enjoyed today's blog

    Keith Walker

  10. The daily dose of good writing continues from Smile. One thing which came across to me was Smile's generosity. She is so generous, that she considers all gestures of her only son as positive. For example, she pointed out that he gets houses near bus stops so she can move around. Of course, he does that. If he does not, who will go and get money for him. Who will go and get groceries to feed his young bums. If he has a car, he should be the one driving around Smile and not asking Smile to take a bus or walk. But Smile is so kind that she ignores his antics

    @mrizvi: Please read

  11. Another masterpiece from Smile. Enjoyed it with the morning coffee

    @mrizvi: read and learn

  12. Smile's daily routine is difficult to follow for a 30 year old let alone a senior citizen. No wonder the retirees are asking her for advice. She is simply amazing.

    Not just that, she is taking care of his only son also. He is doing nothing but asking her to get money for him while watching TV on his comfy lazyboy

  13. Ваши блоги очень интересны и inspiriring . спасибо

  14. Once again, I really enjoyed reading this, it made my day!

  15. Good way of starting your day, will definitely try to follow it

  16. Hello My Readers Family
    Enjoy Your weekend Dave and Linda
    Thanks Karen Superwoman Sheema Boris Maheen Plunker Batman mrizvi
    Fellow retiree newbie Keith My Dear Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks so much
    I miss my Fellow Writer Xin Jane and many Dear Friends
    Enjoy your Weekend


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