Mom in the Kitchen

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Open Letter to My Readers Family

Thanks for reading My Daily Blogs
By the way My friend whom I
visited was not a Scientist she is one
of my friend from My Senior Club 

My Microbiology is History
I try to live in my present
I open my Memory Box to check 
my Treasures to dust off to
keep their shine that's it

Same with my England Trip
it is also History now
I believe in Ring out the Old
and Ring in the New

My Children are my Life
same is My Son
He is Motivation force behind
my active Life

He pushes me to get out
takes me along everywhere
never sick of his Old Mom

He is not a Couch Potato he is a
Big Shot in a Corporate
Office also loves outdoors
I am the same love to go to
scenic places to walk around

During winter time Hockey Arena
is my Refuge to walk around
and to enjoy
While my Grand kids playing Hockey
I do whatever I want

My Son never leaves me home
to get bored or to sit all the time
beside my Computer

We don't have to be judgmental
on face values there are
always two sides of each and
every Aspect in our Life
Glass is Half Full is the positive option

My evenings meant to be part
of my Family to get involved
in cooking and making Big Salads
I Love to do that

By this way it looks to me
I am still a Mom active 
in my kitchen and not a
Retired Old lady counting
Her Days

I think there is nothing one way
we have to give something
to get something back
Love is the same if we become
liability to our Children
They will get sick of us 

Their Love will be rusted and it's
shine will be gone also it will
take away our Self Esteem
Self Esteem is a very important
aspect of our Personality to
look up and feel strong

Families add pleasure to keep us
away from loneliness 
our lives have to be
Multidimensional for our own 
good and Happiness


  1. Dear Smile,
    My favorite post ever yet. Today, I got to find out a little bit more about the wonderful lady that sits behind her computer screen and who advises people around the whole globe. Your post was personal and tell your only son, thank you for taking such care of our Smile. I never judged him and I am not surprised he works in a high position in the corporate world, having you as a mother probably got him where he is today. I have printed out your post and am going to take it on my plane journey back to China in a few days. It will be a good read on a long plane ride.


    PS: I am glad I beat out that mrizvi person for the first comment today. You deserve the first comment on your remarkable post to be one worth reading. Please do not be put off with this mrizvi .

  2. Hi smile,

    Thank you for your short letter to me the other day. I've only just read it now, I was trying to keep myself busy these past few days as you've said in your previous blog posts. I had no time to think of negative thoughts or of the racial tension! Today's post was autobiographical and you are such an interesting person, I'd love to sit and read your biography of your past experiences. Just as a suggestion, you should take up writing a biography as a side project!


    PS: All the readers are always on mrizvis case, what about this '+1' person? At least mrizvi writes actual words, this person doesn't even respect Smile enough to write one word, just a number that doesn't mean anything.

  3. Dear Madam Smile, you are so nice. You have friends who are no scientist, but probably writers. You are so nice that you write nice about your son. You made him get to the office post. It is good that he does not make you burden but I think he should get you tablet and not ask you for money.

    @mrizvi: Please read before you comment

  4. This was a personal letter to all readers. Thank you for doing that. It gave us somewhat more insight about you. Thank you for that

    Dave and Linda

  5. Thanks for the letter Smile. It is very nice. I am not sure how you ring out the old and bring in the new new.

    @mrizvi: Start reading these blogs


  6. My Smile is so awesome! She has friends who are writers and not just scientists. She wants to go to different places. She has helped her son get into corporate sector and yet she still takes care of him and his kids. What an awesome person she is

    @mrizvi: Please read. You will enjoy this


  7. Dear Advisor,

    Thanks for your personal letter. Some of the retirees reviewed it individually and we had a quick informal phone meeting about it. We think that there are some points from today's blog which we can include in our checklist. Specially the one about ringing out the old and ringing in the new.

    Also, the retirees felt that you are being very generous by not taking credit for your son. We also thought that he should give you a tablet, specially when you are helping him so much.

    @mrizvi: All retirees will like to request you that you read these blogs. Thank you

    recent retiree

  8. Thank you for the blog. Enjoyed the letter

    Keith Walker

  9. My Smile is amazing. She knows how to have a great time in summer and in winter. She knows how to shut down the past and live in the present. What an amazing person she is

    @mrizvi: Please read

  10. This is a nice blog. It is good that you love your son and he also does things to keep you busy.

    @mrizvi: Please read the blogs before writing comments

  11. This is a nice blog. I enjoyed reading it. It shows that you care about your son. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings. My intention was not to hurt you

    @mrizvi: Please read these blogs

  12. Your today's blog was very personal. I felt that some of my comments may have been harsh. I still think that people are taking advantage of your generous nature. Your son is probably earning well, so he should gift you a tablet, and should not be asking you for money. Also, he should be more careful to take you to the beach in cold Canadian September weather. I am sorry if I am saying bad things about him, but I just want him to take better care of you. After all, he is the reason because of which he has been so successful

    @mrizvi: Please read. Thanks

  13. Hello My Readers Family
    Thanks for not getting tired of My Blogs
    Thanks Karen Dave Linda Retiree Group mrizvi newbie Superwoman Hina
    Fellow Writer Plunker Keith Batman Sheema Xin Jane Boris
    Brenda Craig Pam
    Xin wishing you a Safe Trip back home
    Thanks to My Dear Anonymous and Multilingual Readers

  14. Please dont thank us, Smile. We should be the one thanking YOU

    You make our day every single day.

    Thank you


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