I am Lucky I am Retired

Image result for garden pictures

Today I am planning to have Lunch
with my school friend at her place
to say good bye till my next visit
so I started my journey
from Thornton Heath Road
to Finchley Station

Bus # 109 to Norbury Station
from there train to Victoria Station
after that Bus#82
this altogether will take 2 and
a half hours

We have to keep connections alive
it doesn't matter how much effort
we have to make
every connection imparts
Real Happiness

Since my childhood
I have fascination for trains

I started thinking I am lucky
that I am retired
every day have 24 hours 
to spend on my own
no time pressure from any side
from work or family

I think this is a very special gift 
we have at the end of our
Life tenure

Sitting comfortably
I am enjoying the greenery 
from my train window 
Surface trains in London are very good
every four seats have a common small
table attached like that in Airplane

Stations are passing by
I see the buzzing crowd 
it is morning time 
people must be rushing to their work
I am lucky no worries no pressure
I am retired


  1. Glad that you had a great time with your friends

    It is impressive how you can be on the go all the time

    @mrizvi: Please read and learn

  2. You have a way to find beauty and fun in small things. You are teaching us that what is important. We have a lot to learn from you

    Thank you for writing even though you probably are getting ready for your return flight

  3. My Smile is an expert in people skills. She creates new relationships and nourishes old ones.

    She is helping her readers family to get some of these "know how" from her.

    What an amazing person you are, Smile

    As you are getting ready for your return trip, I cant help but think of how your only son is so inconsiderate that he has not presented you with a tablet and now you have to carry all the heavy computer back with you.

  4. You are making use of every day of your trip!! You dont rest at all. If someone is just reading this blog and does not know anything about you, they would think that you are 20 :-)

    @ mrizvi: C'mon. You are 20 now. Grow up. Stop the childish behaviour.

  5. Boy you are good! I am struggling so much with my retirement. And that's just not me, Io also talked to a few other retirees and they all have the same problem - too much time and nothing to do. Most of us go to the bank multiple times a week, go to grocery stores multiple times a day and are in front of TV the remainder of the time. Looks like you have got this all figured out

    @ mrizvi: Though you are 20ish and still have time to retire, you will learn a lot by reading these blogs

    recent retiree

    1. Didn't I tell you that my Smile is awesome. Where others are having problems, she is having fun. She is so active, that she will even make the 20 year olds tired (mrizvi, I am referring to you and others like you).

      She enjoys greenery, Trains and other things like that which "common" people overlook. What an amazing person she is!

      @mrizvi: Please start reading these blogs


  6. Dear Madam Smile, you describe these places so well, that I feel that I am travelling in the train with you. I don't think that I will be able to go to these nice places, unless I do a 3rd job.

    Thank you so much for writing. I pray for your health every day. You are so nice to us

    I still feel bad that your only son is not taking good care of you. In my culture, he should be doing that. He has not even got you a tablet and is just enjoying time with his family. Someone said he is in his 20s so probably has a young family but it does not matter if he is 25 or 50, he should still do it. I wish he at least read all your blogs and the comments so he can learn from you. You have so much to teach us and everyone else

    mrizvi is the other person that I am not happy with. She is just not reading. All the readers family is trying their best but she is just not listening. We asked Sheema and she understood right away why it is so good to read your blog but nothing is working for mrizvi. It is sad because only she can benefit by it

  7. Like always, we enjoyed your blog. We both agreed that this should be a required reading at all retirement parties and for everyone who has retired. We were not surprised that one of the retiree already commented positively about the contents.

    PS: We are both looking forward to your safe return.

    Thanks again for obliging us with your regular dose of thought provoking writings

    Dave and Linda

  8. I posted your blog in our notice board again today and again it generated a healthy discussion about retirement living

    Thank you for writing


    1. Hi Jimmy, I have also been posting these blogs at my company. And we are also having the same reaction. We have a small office of about 12 employees (including contractors). Sounds like yours is a bigger entity


    2. Hi Brenda, yes we are a big corporate office, so a tad bigger than 12 people.


  9. J'adore lire votre blog. Il est mon lieu de détente. Vous avez de l'énergie incroyable et attitude très positive

    Je vous remercie

    @ mrizvi: Lisez s'il vous plait

  10. Ihr Blog hilft mir, und so viele andere Menschen positiv zu bleiben. Wir alle lieben es. Vielen Dank dafür, dass die Zeit, dies zu schreiben

    Sehr geschätzt

  11. Thank Jimmy for posting it on the intranet today. That way more of us were able to read it

    Smile, just to let you know there are a no. of us who are reading your blog because Jimmy posted it on our intranet site. Thank you for writing


  12. Dear Smile,

    You made me snap out of my depression of being an old lonely woman! I have never thought of retirement the way you do, as being free and liberating. I admire you for the way you are independent and rely on only yourself, that is my ambition to no longer rely and be dependent on my daughter. Thanks for reminding me,


  13. Smile,
    I was immediately hooked by your title and am now envious of peaceful life you live. My life is cluttered with work, family, cooking and my children, I barely have time for myself. Your blog reminds me of the peaceful things in life.


  14. Dear Smile, now I know where you get your inspiration from. Seems to me you have adventures everyday, big or small and that is how the best writers I made, I believe. You are a credit to the world.
    Fellow Writer

  15. Hello Hello
    My Dear Readers Family
    My Dear Karen Dave Linda Superwoman Plunker Batman Boris
    Xin Jane mrizvi My Fellow writer Fellow retiree newbie Brenda
    Jimmy Justin Sehr Kelly Keith Aiden Pam
    My Dear Multilingual and Anonymous Readers
    You All make My Day


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