Hockey Arena

Image result for Don Beer Hockey Arena pictures

My friend I visited last week
is neither a scientist nor a
writer she is a Cleaning Lady

I believe friendship doesn't
get mixed up with Career
Age  color  cast or creed

Friend is a person whose 
company you enjoy and
have a Good time to Relax

My son has Joint account with me
never keeps his money separate
he got me the Tablet long before
My Trip to England but I didn't
take it with me as I need a
computer to read your Comments

Comments mean a lot to me
My Day is not done until I go
through all of these Beautiful
Messages from My Readers
I feel I am talking to my friends

I am used to Canadian winter
never miss my Club in minus 25
so plus 18 is OK for me
if we push our Body we get used to

I don't know if I am doing right
or wrong but I don't read Papers
or watch TV News Channel

I love to watch Sports Channel
Talk shows and Sitcoms
I think if I can not play any part
in World politics why to get
involved and worry about
I don't want to be aware of
all the Nonsense going on 

I have My own small world 
my friends my Family and my
Readers Family My Seniors Club
and anyone who touches
me in anyway 

Above all God is taking care 
of everyone and everything
we don't have to worry so just
be kind to All His Creatures
and enjoy the beauty He
created all around us to relax

Say Thank You God for
Everything then go to bed
and have a good night sleep

I am sitting in Don Beer Hockey 
Arena now going to Rink # 1
to watch my Grandson Game
I have to remember his Jersey is 
black and he is # 6 so that I can
watch him playing otherwise
with all the Gadgets on
they all look the same 

It is a Festive atmosphere here
kids getting ready tightening
their skates putting Helmets On
Parents having Chat and lined
up at the Coffee Shop
it is lovely to be around but
I love to walk outside

Weather is 18 so I will be
OK with my light jacket on 
On the front side of Arena is a
small Flower bed on the back
and on the sides all the way are
bushes and Trail to walk

At some point bushes are 6 ft high
it is very quiet raw and untouched 
Vegetation you feel so close to Nature
very relaxing atmosphere

Blue purple and yellow wild flowers
are everywhere
White and yellow butterfly taking
a  sip of nectar from the flower
for which flower is saying
not to take too much


  1. Dear Madam Smile, I think I do 2 jobs and that's a big deal but you do so many things! I don't know how you get time for that

    @mrizvi: You can learn from Madam's example

  2. Dear Advisor,

    Our retired executive has completed a checklist of the tips. We have captured 29 items that Smile has suggested. Smile, you do it all in one day. This includes things like going to Seniors club, preparing meals for grandkids, walking to Tim Hortons, Enjoying hockey game etc. There is no way we can do all that even in a month. Some of us have never done that ever. So our next step is to go through that list and see what we can do.

    @mrizvi: Please go through these blogs. They are so helpful

    recent retiree

  3. Hi Smile, you are such a busy person. Never realized that you are doing so many things


  4. My Smile is so awesome. She goes to watch hockey game. And also takes the time to smell flowers. She is friends with people from so many different backgrounds. What an awesome person my Smile is!

    @mrizvi: Please read before you write your comment


  5. We enjoyed this blog with our morning coffee. We were not surprised that you have a variety of friends, ie different ethnic, professional and social background. You enjoy Canadian winters and also summer! That is pretty rare. Though we are not a formal group like our retiree friends, the two of us do go through these blogs religiously. We love this experience

    Dave and Linda

  6. Posted the blog on the notice board.

    Craig chaired the Toastmasters meeting last week. Like previous week, it was a big success.


    1. thanks! Yes the meeting was a huge hit. We have many Smile fans here. They want to keep a section open in the agenda to discuss Smile's blog for future meetings too.


    2. I was at the meeting and people just loved it. Thanks Smile

      @mizvi: Please, please. Read the blogs. They are so gooood!


    3. I am one of the coop students who attended the meeting. All coops liked it. Smile is so cool


  7. I have also posted the blog in my office. Our team also loves these blogs


  8. Enjoyed the blog. Thank you Smile

    Keith Walker

  9. Tu es tellement occupé. Vous avez pas le temps de vous ennuyer

    @mrizvi: Lisez s'il vous plait

  10. 你有一个非常亲密的家庭。我们有我们的文化相同的东西

    @mrizvi: 请阅读

  11. Sie sind eine wirklich gute Person zu sein mit. So viele verschiedene Interessen, so großzügig , so angenehm.

  12. Sorry I haven't been able to comment recently, clearly I need to learn how to manage my time as well as you do! Once again, a great post!

  13. Y hacer todo esto en un solo día !! Llevará muchos meses para que haga la mitad de estas cosas

    @mrizvi: También voy a pedirle que lea. preguntándole en español :-)

  14. My Smile is so amazing!! She has friends from all the different walks of life, different backgrounds. She watches soaps and sports! She takes care of her family and goes to hockey games!! what an amazing person she is!

    @ mrizvi: Please read the blogs

  15. I enjoyed the blog today. I wish I have not made any comments about your son. He sounds like a nice person.

  16. You have so much variety in you life! Most people want to stay in bed on weekends but you look for things to do. I also noticed your comments about your son, I am sorry that I commented about him. I am sorry

  17. I was so embarrassed to read today's blog. You showed me the mirror and I didnt like my reflection in it. And you did that in such a polite way!!

    Please accept my apologies, and please let your son know that I am really sorry and ashamed

    Thank you for putting up with me and readers like me.

  18. Hello My Readers Family
    Thank You Karen Superwoman mrizvi Dave Linda Plunker Maheen Tiara Boris newbie My Retiree Group Jimmy Brenda Batman Keith Craig Mike Jane Xin My Fellow Writer Hina Brandon My Dear Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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