Glass not Half Empty

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My Wednesdays are busy
I leave at 9.15 and back home
around 3 afternoon
I love my Club so much that
I don't mind taking two buses 
to go there

My activities from 10 to 12 Darts
then from 1 to 3 pm Lawn Bowling
I go to the library between
12 to 1 pm to get busy with my
favorite hobbies reading and writing

My son knows I can't stay home 
so always give me a push to go out
it keeps me mobile and active
he can do things but I am sure
he does that to make me Happy

We have joint account
when trust is there money
doesn't count
he knows I love to write
so gave me idea of Blog writing

Gym is just opposite to Mall
he goes to Gym and I go with him
to move around the Mall specially
in winter time it helps me a lot
as winter is hard in Canada

I love to be part of my family 
and want to make my
Grand kids Happy
what goes around comes around
happiness comes back to me

My Family -- my Seniors Club and
my Readers Family all are my
pockets of Happiness 

I can always find some
Happiness in one of My pocket
Pockets are like stocks of Happiness
Try this it never goes wrong


  1. My Smile is so nice and kind. She knows the art of being happy. We have so much to learn from her

    @mrizvi: Please read.


  2. Dear Madam Smile, you are so generous. I talked to the people at my job and they could not believe it that you are so active. All retired people want to rest but you want to be busy. We have to learn from you

    @mrizvi: You are young but should learn this

  3. It is good that you have such a positive outlook in life. Most people look at glass half empty yet you look at it half full

  4. Dear Smile, the retiree group met yesterday afternoon for 2 hours and we talked about your blogs for at least 1 hour. There were lots of interesting points other retirees noted, eg how to manage the day better, being active, being independent, having an optimistic and positive disposition that you have been communicating via your blogs. We also thought that your only son should do a better job in taking care of you. We will meet again next week. If you have any thoughts that you can share with us then please do that. Some of the retirees are ok with computers but most are not, so I have been given the task of printing out your blogs and taking it to them in the meeting

    Also, we all wanted to thank you for writing so regularly. It is still a mystery to us that you can do all that so quickly and regularly

    @ mrizvi: Please read we all thought that you will benefit from these blogs too

    recent retiree (on behalf of other retirees)

  5. Dear Smile,

    You are retired, but still your life is so busy. You seem so content. It is my goal to be as content as you, as independent, not needing anyone but yourself. Thank you for your delightful writing,made my day as always.


  6. Smile, I have noticed other readers sharing your work in their offices, I will now do the same. Your readership has just doubled. Thank you for your wise words and positivity, we all need a person like you in our lives. I am glad I found you.


    @Anonymous, as I said in my last post, I am a little tired of people making judgments on mrizvi, assuming that his inconsideration of other's feelings is down to her age. Saying 'you are young but you should learn this', is almost insulting to me as I am a young person and I am delighted to learn all of Smile's advice and hear of her wise words. What I am trying to say is age has nothing to do with one's desire to learn or listen, it all comes down to whether that person wants to. I'm sure a ten year old girl will read Smile's blog and be as equally fascinated as an eighty year old lady. It is all about wanting to read and learn, and yes I agree with you that mrizvi does not want to read or learn but that is not down to his age. T

    Thank you.

  7. I really enjoyed reading this, thank you for posting!

  8. It is a good thing we changed our routine regarding your blogs otherwise we would have been late to work again. We discussed your blog at length today. To be honest, we had a really bad day yesterday, thinking about how your only son is taking advantage of you. He is asking you to walk to the bank to get money for himself, asking you to get groceries for his kids etc etc. Your today's blog provided some more perspective. Though we appreciated your perspective ie taking the positive approach from all this. You are giving him the benefit of the doubt that he is asking you to do work for him, just because he wants you to be active, but thats just because you are a generous person. May be he is doing all that, just because he is lazy. May be he just wants to sit in front of a telly and eat crisps. In any case, it is a great message you are giving to all the readers, that they should try to find a silver lining in every cloud

    Thanks again for your writing

    Dave and Linda

  9. Posted the latest blog on the notice board. The team had their discussion in the coffee room - starting to be a routine when it comes to these blogs


    1. I have also posted this on our notice board. And our office/colleagues loved it too


    2. I loved the blog. Craig and I talked about it during lunch. Thank you Jimmy for posting it every day


  10. My Smile is the best. Her blog is so awesome that lots and lots of people are loving it. Yet she is so humble that she thanks us all every day.

    @mrizvi: When will you start reading. It will help you in your maturity

  11. It still bugs me that Smile's only son is not doing enough for her. He is asking her to be active so he can sit and watch TV. He should be going out and working to put food on the table for his family. I wonder if Smile also took care of his vacation.

  12. Smile rawks! She knows how to take a bad situation and make it into a really good one. Case and point: Her only son is juicing her, and yet she not only is not upset but thinks it is a plus. This is great as far as she is concerned but her son should stop sponging off her. He needs to turn the TV off and leave our Smile alone. She has not been at her home for 1 week and yet she is being asked to walk to the bank to get the money from a joint chequing account!!

    Thank you Smile for being so generous with your readers family

    @mrizvi: Read and you will learn

  13. 這是非常樂觀的。你已經變成一個糟糕的情況到一些真正正為自己。

    @mrizvi: 請閱讀

  14. Vous êtes un symbole de positivité pour nous. Il est vraiment agréable de vous être aider votre fils unique et sa famille

  15. Schön für dich. Froh, dass Sie selbst genießen. Sie haben die Leser auf der ganzen Welt

    @mrizvi: Ich glaube, Sie jetzt beginnen müssen lesen

  16. Smile, I thought you just came back from your trip. How can you re-join any activity or club. Dont you rest at all?

    Keith Walker

  17. Thanks so much
    Karen Dave Linda Maheen Superwoman Batman mrizvi Brenda Keith
    Jimmy Xin Jane Mike Tiara Craig Fellow retiree nebie Boris Plunker
    I am Missing My Fellow writer Sheema fellow Spectator
    Thanks to All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    I Love You All

    1. thank you so much for acknowledging us, your fans!

  18. Dear Madam Smile, Please dont thank us. We should be thanking YOU

    Good night. Please get some rest. I am finishing my 2 job now. Going home. Bus taking too long. Have to start get ready for the morning shift. Will read the blog 2 times before 1 job. Thats my rest. Thank YOU for that


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