File Cabinet

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I am back in Toronto from London
it takes 15 hours Door to Door
Every Monday I have my
Senior's Club activities
!0 am to 12 Noon Darts

I am addicted to Playing Darts
I start my Journey taking public
transport at 9.25 it take two
buses to reach my destination
as there is no direct bus service

I skipped this Monday to revive
and to settle down
did all my laundry
and organized my cupboard
did some cooking for my family
to make my grandsons happy
we become happy by giving Happiness

My Tuesdays are off I mean
no Club activity
on Wednesday Darts as well as
from 1 pm to 3 pm Carpet Bowling
I go at 9.15 from my place
come back at 3 afternoon

This Thursday is Pot Luck 
at My Club
Friday same till 3 pm
I love my Club very much
it is like office for me
I never think to take time off

I switch off my England Golden
Memories buttons
close file and put it safely
in my Memory Box
take out my Toronto File
from my Mind Cabinet
to check what is going on here
and what to Do to reconnect

Try to live in Day tight compartment
Ring out the Old and Ring in the New
I use this Recipe for My Living
Try That you wont regret


  1. Good Strategy to keep you busy, happy and active.
    No time left to moan for the things which you don't have.
    I will be following your footsteps

  2. Your post has brought a smile on my face

  3. My Smile has everything all worked out.

    @ recent retiree: Hope you are taking notes. These are lots of tips for you :-)

    @ mrizvi: Please read. You will also find this useful


  4. Dear Madam Smile,

    I do 2 jobs and I thought that my schedule is tight but you have more busy schedule than me. I dont know how you do it. Please take some rest. This is for 1st week back. One my friend came from 3 hours flight and was so tired that could not do anything for 3-4 days. He was only 25. Madam, I dont know how you got so much energy

    @mrizvi: You are 20 but you should read Madam's blog today. She has so much energy.

  5. Thank you for writing for me. Too be honest I dont think I can do half of these things. I never did half of these things even when I was not retired and was full of energy

    I am going to re-read this blog with my other retiree friends tomorrow. We have all individually read this but want to get together tomorrow to discuss it too as we think it will help to have a broader discussion

    Thank you so much for writing

    recent retiree

  6. You are living in a day tight compartment. I am not sure how you can "lock up that memory box". Based on personal experience, forgetting about vacation and closing a chapter is not something that we do very well. It is even worse when it comes to family. Would you happen to share any advice or provide guidance as to how best to "turn the page". It is not a rush and you dont need to do this right away

    I am sorry that I am asking for that at this time, since you just returned from the trip.

    Thank you again for your blog. It is a pleasure going through it every day

    Dave and Linda

  7. Posted the print out of the blog on the office notice board and also shared it online with some colleagues. They are loving it


  8. How can you turn the page on such a fulfilling vacation. I cant do that for events which have happened in my past life :-)

    @mrizvi: Read and enjoy the blog today


  9. My Smile is simply awesome. She came from her vacation and is doing so much work in one week that for many of us, that will require another vacation!!

    Get some rest, Smile

    @mrizvi: At your age of 20, you should be reading these blogs for your own good

  10. Talking about living in the moment! You know how to do it. I agree with Dave and Linda, that this will be beneficial for all us to get some thoughts on that

    @mrizvi: Please read

  11. Dont you rest at all!! You just came back from a long, arduous journey. You are not missing your kids?

    I guess your only son can learn some of the things from you ie how to be generous to others. Us readers are still upset with him that he does not take care and is enjoying himself too much. I dont want to say anything bad about him just because he isyour only son, so sorry about that

    1. I agree with you Batman about Smile's only son. He cannot use the excuse that she has not asked him for a tablet. Has he never thought of gifting one? What about Christmas gift, birthday gift etc

      Smile, thank you for writing every day

      @mrizvi: Please read

  12. 感謝您每天都寫。你住忙碌的生活,但需要時間來寫

    @mrizv: 請閱讀

  13. Vous vivez dans le moment. Quel incroyable personne que vous êtes

  14. Ich habe einen Blog heute . Es war sehr gut und entspannend

  15. Thanks My Readers Family
    Karen Dave and Linda Sheema Fellow retiree Superwoman Brenda
    Jimmy mrizvi Batman Plunker Maheen Boris newbie All My Dear Anonymous
    and Multilingual Readers
    I hope My Fellow writer Xin Jane Mike Kelly Keith Pam Aiden are also reading
    Thanks everyone

    1. You dont need to thank us. It should be us thanking you

  16. I am reading and enjoying the conversation

    Keith Walker


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