Don't Lose Them

Image result for Chelmsford pictures


   From Finchley Station
   which is my friend Place
   today I am planning to go to my
   Nephew's place to Chemsford
   this place is in Essex County
   I have to take bus to St John Wood's Station
   from there train to Stratford Station
   then have to take train for Chemsford
   cost me extra 13.20 pound on top of
   my 10 pound Oyster Travel Card

    Transit is expensive in England
    I started my journey at 11 am
    arrived at Chemsford at 1.40 pm
    with my Trolley and my computer
    Stratford station was not easy to manage
    I was there at 12 .15 pm it took 40 minutes
    to get ticket and go to Platform # 10
    for train to Chemsford
   Try to meet the People showing Love
   when they greet you with smile on
   their faces
   we forget the time cost and the efforts
   it takes
   It doesn't matter anymore
   It gives us the Real Happiness

   Give value to these people otherwise
   we will lose them
   We don't want to be alone


  1. Smile is going all over England and she is doing it all on her own! What an inspiration she is to all of us

    I suspect that she took her computer with her. This is just for us and yet mrizvi, and now Sheema also, does not even read.

  2. My Smile is teaching us a lesson today. She is telling us to invest in relationships otherwise we will lose them. Boris is right, she probably had to take her heavy duty computer with her.

    I wish her only son can get her a tablet or some other device which can make her easy to take it. It is sad that he just does not care

  3. Way to go Smile.

    Just to let you know that I am away on business travel and did not get a chance to comment. I have been reading the blogs however. I do my readings at the end of the day when I return to my hotel. Your blogs provide a lot of relaxation to me and keeps me focused on the "real priorities"

    @ mrizvi and Sheema: You folks should start reading. These blogs will teach you a lot

  4. Smile is a very active person. She does not depend on others for company. She is very generous with her time and advice. No wonder she has so many friends and relatives wanting to spend time with her.

    She is also taking the time to write to her readers family. Not just that, she also thanks us all every day. She also thanks mrizvi and Sheema! She treats everyone the same

    @ mrizvi and Sheema: Please start reading

  5. Dear Madam Smile, Every day you show us how to be good in our life. You give us so many messages and lessons. It is so nice of you. You probably wake up early just to write for us. You also thank us every day.

    @ Boris: yes she went from her friends place. Remember she told us that it took 2 and a half hours for her to reach that place. She took her trolley and her computer. I wish her only son takes some care of her. In my culture, son is supposed to do that.

    @ mrizvi: Please start reading. She even thank you every day

    @ Sheema: Please dont get offended but please dont follow mrizvi and start reading. Thank you

  6. My Smile is simply awesome. She has so many places that she goes to and she does it all by herself. She never forgets her readers and always makes the time for us. She really treats all the readers like her family. Thank you Smile

    # mrizvi and Sheema: Please start reading


  7. I am truly in your debt Smile. You have been very liberal with your time for us. When I read your blog so often that my wife calls it an addiction :-) Yesterday I convinced her to read the blog herself and now she understands why I am addicted to it. I showed her one blog and she went back and read a no. of them. She is now more addicted than me. You now have both of us addicted to the blogs

    Thanks for writing

    Dave and Linda

  8. These blogs give me, and people like me, great inspiration. You are not simply saying what to do but actually living it. Talking about walking the talk.

    Based on today's blog I am planning to visit my brother today. I have not seen him for some time and you are right, we are starting to lose our relationship

    Thanks for writing

    recent retiree

  9. Cool stuff. I am wondering how many miles you have travelled on this trip. And this is all by yourself

    @ mrizvi and Sheema: C'mon. Start reading and you will love these blogs too. Make it your mid year resolution

  10. Ces blogs ont de bonnes idées . Le blogueur doit être remercié pour les partager

  11. Dank täglich für das Schreiben . Ich lese diese Blogs mit einer Tasse Tee . Es ist sehr entspannend. Ich schreibe den Kommentar in Deutsch so der Autor weiß, dass sie die Leser in Europa

    @mrizvi: Sie sollten anfangen zu lesen zu

  12. Mooie ideeën voor een goede , stress-vrij leven . Ik ben commentaar in het Nederlands te laten de auteur weten dat ze de lezers in vele regio's

    Bedankt voor het schrijven

  13. Из России с любовью. Ваши поклонники в России матери , которые любят эти блоги . Я не единственный, но я знаю английский, поэтому перевести его на некоторые другие

    Благодарим Вас за письма

  14. I liked the thought you shared today. You do make a lot of effort to stay in touch with you friends and family. I should do the same

    thank you

    Keith Walker

  15. Dear Smile,

    Once again your post has made me smile and I hope you had a great time with your nephew. I'm disappointed to see that your message of love and positivity has not reached all your readers, as some seem intent on spreading messages of negativity and bullying.

    For months now I have seen them cyber bully mrizvi, criticising him and telling him he doesn't read your posts. Even if he doesn't read them and simply comments, that is his personal business, and has nothing to do with them. Also, the fact that he takes the time to comment even after being bullied, and doesn't negatively react towards these bullies, shows he understands your message of love and happiness.

    Yesterday, someone negatively commented towards me on your blog, and I was very saddened by this, and I can see more negative comments on this blog post as well, accusing me of not reading your blog, which is unfair, untrue, and frankly, none of their business. They're telling me I could learn from your blog, but they seem to have failed to learn from your blog themselves. You spread a message of love and positivity, and they in turn are attacking people they might not agree with, even though I have not provoked them in any way. I am not as good a writer as you and I can only express my gratitude in the words that I have, and it is not fair that some of your readers are now thinking it is acceptable to now start bullying other readers as well, making us feel awkward and embarrassed about the way we write.

    I hope the bullies stop this, or people will be afraid to carry on commenting on your blog, and I admit I was hesitant to do so today, for the fear of being attacked again. I am a big fan and would like to carry on commenting, without people interfering and bullying. I just hope these bullies understand that you could potentially lose readers over this, which would be such a shame as we all think your blog is wonderful.

    Keep on making us smile, my dear Smile, and please, when you thank your readers which I know you do regularly, please take the time to make these few readers realise that this negativity will only poison their own thoughts. This is an unhealthy attitude to project onto your blog, which should be a no-bullying zone, and I would be grateful if they were reminded of this, so that I can carry on commenting, letting you know how much your blog means to me, without the fear of being bullied.

    Thank you so much Smile! :)

    1. Dear Smile, I should not be writing about your comment since you addressed to our Smile but I took liberty to write as I think you are upset. I want to say I am sorry.
      We are readers family and want everyone to benefit from Smile blog. I do 2 jobs and have learnt lot from Smile blog. She is so amazing and teaches us a lot

    2. @ Sheema: If you would have been reading the blog you would not have been upset. Just calm down.

      I was not trying to offend you, but my apologies if I did

    3. Dear Batman and Anonymous,

      Thank you for apologising, it means a lot to me and I'd like for us to all get along and enjoy Smile's blog together

    4. @ Sheema, on behalf of the readers community, I also want to say sorry that we made your day bad. Our intention is to make all readers read Smile's blog. Thats all. If you read, you will see how nice her blogs are


    5. Calm down. Take a deep breath. Better still, read Smile's blogs and enjoy

  16. No need for apologizing Guys.Thanks for making me smile, keep smiling everyone:)

  17. Hello Hello
    Readers Family
    Thanks Karen Dave Linda Batman Fellow Spectator
    Fellow retiree newbie Xin Jane Sheema I hope everything Ok now
    superwoman welcome to Keith Pam My precious Anonymous and My Dear Multilingual Readers
    Boris Thanks Plunker for your Comments even you are so busy Fellow Writer
    My friend you have two jobs still reading thanks mrizvi Juan Brenda and All Members of Readers Family
    I Love You All You all make My Day

  18. Dear Madam Smile, I am so happy that you call me your friend. I dont deserve it. When I read that, I had tears in my eyes. Thank you so much. To be honest I look at you as a professor and a leader. It is so nice of you

    Thank you so much. You write for us every day and also thank us all for simply reading your beautiful blog.


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