Butterfly in Sunshine

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Thursday 12 Noon was my Pot Luck
at my seniors Club 
my friend planned to pick me up
I was on my computer then looked out
of my window it was a beautiful 
morning with lots of sunshine

I called my friend that I am
planning to walk to the Library
that is to my Club
It was 10.15 am I had shower
and ready to walk on streets
it is 35 minutes walk 
I am talking about my walk time

When we are young we are busy
with work and raising our kids
managing everything so no time 
for our own 

After retirement we can do
whatever we like to do with our
own 24 hours Gift from God
it is totally our property no sharing
we can spend wherever we want
no more anybody business

I mentioned in my previous Blog
I am Lucky I am Retired
I was not making it up I believe
in that with my heart and soul

Retirement closes only one chapter
of our life but opens up so many
new Vista that we never imagined

Time is like a Butterfly we can't
catch it up and it wont be coming back
so enjoy every moment while
saying goodbye to them
celebrate your moments to make
it memorable and cherish
your memories

I walked to the Club stopped
at Fresh co  to buy something
for my Pot Luck
reached before the Party
we played Bingo from 1 .30 to 2.30 

It was not possible to do that
if I would have been working
I am Lucky I am Retired


  1. Welcome to New Retiree Group
    I think you will get some points from My Today Blog
    Thanks for sharing
    Have a Great Day

  2. I posted the printout of the blog on the notice board today. As expected, there was a lot of discussion in the office at lunch.


    1. And I have posted it at my office too. Same reaction in our office


    2. Thank you Jimmy for sharing the blog with us.


  3. The retiree group met today and discussed this blog for about an hour. We felt that this one requires more time so are meeting again tomorrow to wrap up the discussion. Some of the things we noticed was that you have a lot of energy. None of us were ever doing half of the things that you are doing now. In other words, it is not just too difficult but almost impossible to follow. We are wondering if you can share some other ideas with us?

    recent retiree

  4. My Smile is awesome. She knows how to live in the moment. She just came back from a trip and "chose" to walk for 35 minutes. It is not a surprise that there are so many friends that she has. Everyone wants to be friends with my Smile

    @mrizvi: Please read and you will learn


  5. We were late to work again today. It was actually an accident. Previously we decided that we will not read the blogs at breakfast, but we accidentally clicked on today's blog post. The rest, as they say, is history

    There were so many interesting points that you made today that we could not stop reading it. Both of us read it a couple of times to completely understand the points you are making. We specially loved the ones about living in the moment. We have been trying to replicate this after reading the blogs after your return to Canada. We don't think that we have succeeded yet, but believe, that we are heading in the right direction.

    Thank you again for continuing to inspire us

    Dave and Linda

  6. Once again a great post, and hope you enjoyed your pot luck!

  7. Enjoyed the blog today. Looks like you, and nor mrizvi, is 20 years old!

    @ mrizvi: Please start reading


  8. Thank you Smile for the blog. I read it in the morning as part of my morning routine and was not disappointed. Your blog inspired me to live the Nike dream of "Just Do It"

    I liked the point you made about we should respect the time that we have available and do the most in that time

    @mrizvi: When will you start reading. It is about time

  9. Dies ist ein schönes Blog. Es hat viele gute Ideen. Wir lieben sie

    @mrizvi: Bitte lesen Sie

  10. Vous avez un grand don de vous exprimer. Merci beaucoup pour écrire régulièrement.

    @mrizvi: Commencez à lire

  11. 惊人的博客。 爱它。 谢谢

  12. My Smile is simply awesome. She has the energy of a 20 year old, can inspire us all like a child and has the intelligence of a 70 year old. How can there be so many people fit in one person!!

    Thank you for writing Smile

    @mrizvi: Please, please. Lets give up this act and start reading

  13. Enjoyed today's blog. I like Bingo too. Have not been able to win a lot of money but it is fun. Glad that you like casinos and gambling.

    Keith Walker

  14. Lucky you, enjoying every moment of your life

  15. You are an inspiration to all of us Smile. You are living in such adversity that your only Son is making you get your money for himself, asking you to feed his family. I dont understand why he cant drive you there

    @mrizvi Please read

  16. Dont you ever take a break! You just came from a very long trip, it was a long flight, you have been writing every day, you take care of your only son (though it should be the other way around), you feed his kids, you have friends that you visit, you have clubs that you go to, on top of that you write a blog for a worldwide readership every day!

    @mrizvi: The reason we ask you to read is because you can learn as well

  17. Hello My Dear Readers Family
    Karen Dave Linda Brenda Jimmy Keith Craig Maheen Superwoman Sheema
    Plunker mrizvi Batman Boris newbie Fellow retiree My Great Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thank You All
    I miss my Fellow Writer Xin Jane Mike Tiara
    Have A Great Day

  18. Please dont thank us. We are the ones who should be thanking YOU



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