Bring it On

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It is Tuesday temp. is dropping
day by day it is 11 now
Everybody left for school and work
House looking an empty Nest so quiet 

My Club is off today so I do my
Laundry but not enough very small
load I can do later sometimes

Right now I need a Push 
Problem lies within you
Solution lies within you

I switched off my computer
take my nice navy blue dress
pants out of my cupboard
which I rarely use as it has no
pockets and I need that to put
coin to flip in my Senior Club
game for sorting teams

I got this pants for 19.99 pounds   
two years back from my favorite
store Marks and Spencer while
was in England 

My grayish green shirt very old
from Sears it was on sale 10 Canadian 
dollars with my Sea green fall jacket
with grey checkers got at Grimsby
last year from an Old antique shop
for 3 pounds

I was ready to go to to my favorite
Tim Horton Coffee House
while walking I heard Birds chirping 
looks like calling me saying
Morning Hello it is not even 9 am

Butterfly dancing with wild yellow
purple and dark blue flowers
flowers giving a Nod 
I see couple of yellowish green 
leaves on footpath
Fall still couple of weeks away

On my way while passing Dunbarton
High School I saw empty cans and
Subway wrappers reminding me
of my old school days when
we used to think we came in the World
just to play around and be Happy

Grass still wet with Morning Dew
looking beautiful in the Sunlight
Sun not so strong to dry it out

I am at Coffee House now sitting
with my small Coffee with one sugar
two Cream and toasted buttered 
Raisin biscuit enjoying the buzzing
crowd it is full of Life here

I am admiring Myself to get out
at the right time we have to
listen to our Mind and Body
whenever we need a Push just do it
I am ready now to deal with My Day
just bring it on


  1. Dear Madam Smile, you so positive and active. I do 2 job and I get tire. When I get day off, I sleep. I should go out too and enjoy. Thank you for giving the idea

    @mrizvi: You learn from this

  2. My Smile is so awesome! She is extremely active and writes so well, that I felt like I am walking with her all the way to the coffee shop. What an awesome person my Smile is

    @mrizvi: Please read


  3. Dear Advisor,

    We have taken some extra points from today's blog and have added them to our checklist. We are currently going through shortlisting the items that we can do and are having a very hard time. The former executive is driving this exercise with help from a few others. I have scheduled a meeting for tomorrow. I will let you know what are the outcomes. Please note I am keeping you informed about progress as we may need your help with the prioritization

    @mrizvi: Please read

    recent retiree

  4. Posted the blog on the corporate notice board in both lobby A and lobby B


    1. Some colleagues from our satellite location (Annex West) were in town for a meeting. Tiara, Sam and I went through the blog with them and they simply loved it.


    2. Hi Pete, our office has been using Smile's blog as ice breaker for most of our corporate meetings, including those with external clients. They are positive, uplifting, inspiring and fun, and we have had a great success rate with that


  5. We enjoyed the blog with our morning coffee. It was well worth waking up early for. The description of the clothes, the bird chirping, butterfly dancing and passing by the school was superbly done. Thanks for the beautiful words

    Linda and Dave

  6. Ok I wont today technically and was able to post the blog on our corporate notice board. There were 2 others there who came with printouts in hand but they allowed me to do it, as I have been losing out for the last many days. They called it "the Smile rule" . The way they defined it is that don't worry about small things and make people happy

    @mrizvi: See how much you can learn (and change for better) by reading these blogs


  7. Enjoyed the description of the walk. This was a sweet read.


  8. Loving these blogs.

    Keith Walker

  9. My Smile is awesome! She likes prose like poetry. She is as energetic as a 20 year old, is a scientist, is a creative genius, has been to so many places in the world and yet she is so humble. What an awesome person she is!

    @mrizvi: Pleas read

  10. Thank you for writing the blogs daily. As you know some of us are addicted to them. I hope you don't take it the wrong way, but it is your fault. You have made these blogs so enticing. Every day we are looking for something :-)

    @mrizvi: Please read these blogs

    1. Dear Boris, If you read blog daily then it is because you like the blog. you should not be blaming Madam. I do 2 job and I read blog every day but that is because these blog help me a lot. We should not blame Madam

      thank you

    2. Calm down my friend. That was just a joke. How can I even think of blaming Smile. I meant to say that her blogs so fantastic that I cant stop reading them. I love these blogs as much as other member in the family

    3. I agree with our hardworking friend that we should not be accusing my Smile, even as a joke. She is just to special for that

  11. Ceci est une très belle description de la marche à un café. Gazouillis des oiseaux, la danse du papillon. Beau

  12. El autor es un artista!

    Ella ha esbozado una bonita pintura de la caminata a la cafetería

  13. Was für ein schönes Blog.

    Wirklich begeistert von der Beschreibung der Kleidung. Es war so lebendig, dass ich fühlte, dass ich es fast berühren konnte

    @mrizvi: Bitte lesen Sie

  14. Dear Smile,

    I have just recovered from my jet lag. It has taken me over three days, and during these three days how strong and powerful my smile is! She was back to writing the same day, I could not even get out of bed. Loved your post from today, today you could have chosen to be down and depressed but you chose to go out! Love the choices you make, I will try make similar ones.

    Xin Miller

  15. Smile,
    I am still reading from Africa.
    Fellow Writer

  16. I accidentally came across the blog and loved it.


  17. One of my colleague recommended this blog to me. He is an addict so I checked it out to satisfy my curiosity and I completely understand why he is an addict. I will also be checking this out often

    Go Jets Go

  18. Hello My Readers Family
    Thanks Karen Dave Linda Retiree Group Members newbie mrizvi Boris Plunker Fellow Writer
    Keith Sam Brenda Michelle Maheen Xin Jane Superwoman Pete Francis Jay Mervin Ed Craig
    Tiara Brandon Batman Jimmy and My Dear Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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