All Creatures Big and Small

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I start feeling that my Blogs 
are cause of  making you people feeling Low
My intention to write these Blogs
is never to embarrass any member
of Retiree Group or any Parents 
of My Dear Readers Family
I can never even think of that

Don't ever feel low or Self Pity 
God gave everyone different Gifts 
He Loves All of His Creatures
Big or Small equally
No one is lower in any way in his
Great Kingdom
We all are Great in His Eyes
More than enough to feel Happy

For My Members of Retiree Group
and My Dear Senior Friends
Start some Group activity
like Board Games or Reading together
exchange your Books
or Magazines of interest

Go to Plaza or Mall
or get together at some one's Place
don't look for whole bunch of people
even two is a Group
to chit chat to have Coffee or Tea 
or to talk about anything 
Sharing is always great to feel
relaxed and makes you Happy

Take your first step to start 
Push yourself not too hard
First step sets the Direction
we don't have to prove ourselves
get going that is enough
to keep our Mind and Body active
and give us Happiness


  1. I'm sure your blog is a source of inspiration to the retirees, and not a source of making people feel low. Once again, a really insightful post!

  2. Dear Advisor, thank you for writing this blog for us. Our group is meeting today to discuss it in detail but some members already asked me to send you a note of thanks on our behalf. We will probably need a lot of time to go through this, so I am trying to arrange for 2 meetings of our group for today

    Based on the initial comments, we love this blog. It provides a lot of insights and inspiration to us.

    Thank you for writing

    @mrizvi: Please read and get some ideas from the blog

    recent retiree

  3. My Smile is so awesome. People ask her for advice and she dishes out to them the very next day. And the advice is so awesome that they need time to decipher it.

    @ recent retiree: You guys are asking a lot of advice from my Smile. She just returned from a long trip. She also has her own life, her own activities. Also, don't forget that she takes care of his only son and his kids. So please go easy on her

    @mrizvi: Please start reading


  4. I posted the blog on our notice board. It is generating a lot of water cooler discussion in our office


    1. Thanks Jimmy. Sam, Ed, Craig and a few others were talking about it over lunch. Very motivational and thought provoking. I am not sure who is setting up the agenda for next week's toastmasters, (I think Chuck or Tiara) but I will find out and will ask this blog to be the main course for discussion


  5. Dear Madam Smile, you are so nice to us. You are saying that we are all equal. I do 2 jobs and you are so intelligent, how can I be equal of you!! It is so nice of you to say that we are equal.

    Retiree group asked for advice and you sent them such a beautiful one in 1 day.

    @mrizvi: Please read. See how much you can learn from Madam

  6. We go through the blog as we are having breakfast as part of our morning routine. We used to be getting late to work but now have started to wake up 30 mins earlier . Linda makes a nice coffee as I (Dave) read the blog aloud. We can call reading of the blog a little present or a small win for us. Usually we go through the blog in 30 mins but not today. It had too many good points.

    Thank you for writing

    Dave and Linda

  7. Today's blog was a great read. Gotso many ideas from it. It was very inspirational and insightful. To be honest I will have to read it again at length.

    @mrizvi: You need to start reading it


  8. Very true, all of us have some hidden gifts so we should not underestimate ourselves. Be happy and keep on looking for happiness.....

  9. Posted the blog on the noticeboard. We have a small friendly completion going in the office. Whoever can do as many things as Smile is doing is a winner. Yesterday, we did no have any winners. They are complaining it is a tall order



  10. Great, you have filled my mind with so many ideas,now I can pick one of them and get on with my day.
    As you mentioned company, no company does not matter anymore.........

  11. Smile,
    I do not know why but yesterday, I commented and sent you a lengthy paragraph but it did not send. It saddens me to think that you miss me, if only my comment had posted yesterday! I curse technology. Smile, I will write today what I wrote yesterday and explain my despicable actions. It made me so sad that your last few posts you have said you miss me, but honestly, I will never stop reading your blog. I am so sorry I haven't commmented in a while, way more than you know. I think about your blog every morning but I cannot always reach it, my job as a travel writer means I am always on planes, boats, ferries, buses, even rickshaws! I am so sorry I cannot commit to commenting on your blog everyday, you see this is why I didn't want to start commenting in the first place because I knew I wouldn't always be there everyday as you are. Dear lady, you have been so kind to me, offering me career-changing advice, life advice, improving my personal relationships and I feel so terrible that I can't even commit to posting a single comment to show my appreciation. Smile, I am sorry I cannot do for you what you have done for me. My wife doesn't understand my connection to your blog, she says ' I don't get it? You are a writer too,no? Your writing must be as good!' But I can only hope my writing can be as good as yours someplace in the future. Just know for now, that I am always reading,

    Fellow Writer.

  12. Dear Smile,
    Today is the only day I did not like your blog post. How can you say ' my blog is making you people feel low?' Your blog is the highlight of my morning, my daughter is always saying I have become lost somewhere in your writing and I believe I have. I find moments of such peace and tranquility in your writing that I can't seem to find elsewhere. My depression is getting a lot better and I believe that is because I remember the small little life lessons you have given. So no, you are not the cause of me feeling low. You are the reason I am on a high, I see things differently now, I am taking my grandkids on walks, cooking for my daughter. My life is more complete since I found your blog. Thank you,

    Xin Miller

  13. Smile, I cannot drag my mother away from your blog! She is always glued to her tablet. But I'm a hypocrite because I myself can't leave this blog.

    Thanks for beautiful writing

  14. Hi smile,
    I just came across your blog today and it seems like such a welcoming and wonderful place. Your words seem to have a healing affect on people's problems and I'd like to come to you with mine. Where I am living in right now, racial tensions are very high. I feel very isolated, I wear a hijab but my faith is weakening. I can't find a job anywhere. I'm so sorry to bring you such negativity when your blog is such a positive place but as I was reading through your posts (Yes I read all, took me only two hours), I thought I wanted to reach out to you, I feel as if though you're my friend.

    Yours truly,

    1. Welcome Hina, all the readers community here are your new friends aswell. Smile does not turn anyone away.

      Xin Miller

    2. Hina, we do not judge or discriminate anyone based on faith/racial orientation, we are equal here. You chose a good place to come to.


    3. No worries Hina, welcome to the readers family! Im sure Smile will give you life-changing advice.

      Fellow Writer

  15. My Smile is so awesome not because she is a great writer but she cares about others. She is taking care of her readers, her only son and his family. She is very generous with her time and advice.

    Smile, please dont worry about people feeling low. Us readers just want to emulate you. Please, please dont stop writing. Dont even think about that

    @mrizvi: I am wondering that you may be the reason why Smile is thinking like that. Please give everyone a break and read

  16. I read the blog in the morning but did not have the strength to write till now. I lost my strength after I read the blog in which Smile suggested that she may stop writing. I dont think that I can even imagine a day without reading her blog

    Please dont stop writing

    @mrizvi: I think Superwoman is right. It may be because of you that she is thinking of stopping to write

  17. @mrizvi: I am so upset with you and Smile's only son. Both of you are the reason why she is even thinking of stopping to write. Did you read her blog today? Have you ever read any of her blogs? She writes so beautifully and if she ever stop writing there will be a lot of people who will be losing hope and inspiration and advice, plus a lot of other things. Please, for the sake of others in the readers family, read.


  18. J'adore lire votre blog. Il est mon lieu de détente. Vous avez de l'énergie incroyable et attitude très positive

    Je vous remercie

    @ mrizvi: Lisez s'il vous plait

  19. Ihr Blog hilft mir, und so viele andere Menschen positiv zu bleiben. Wir alle lieben es. Vielen Dank dafür, dass die Zeit, dies zu schreiben

    Sehr geschätzt

  20. Vielen Dank für die Fortsetzung täglich zu schreiben. Ich war vor kurzem in die USA und hatte zu verabschieden, um meinen Schritt Sohn. Ich bin in der Nähe zu ihm und es war hart

    @mrizvi: Bitte lesen Sie

  21. 我有很多的乐趣读着你的文字。谢谢你带我上你的假期。

  22. Hello My Readers Family
    Thanks to Karen Dave Linda Superwoman Maheen Jimmy mrizvi Craig
    Tiara Sheema Xin Jane Boris Plunker Batman Brenda Sam Ed Chuck Brandon
    Members of retiree Group newbie Keith Pam
    My Dear Anonymous and Multilingual Readers and My Dear Anonymous reader doing two jobs
    Good to hear from My Fellow Writer
    and Welcome to Hina to Our Readers family
    please Read My Tomorrow's Blog
    may be you will get some point
    Thanks Everyone


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