Water playing Symphony

May be an image of the Cotswolds


June 29th 2024

It is end of June, just one day to go. Mid of 2024. Half of the year is already done. Days go on passing so quickly. Time flies. It looks not long time ago when we were celebrating New Year. We get busy every time, making resolutions to fulfill in days to come.  

Most of the plans, are usually ambitious. Not possible to do everything, we plan. Long list of things to do. We get carried away. Most of our plans fizzle out weeks after. Couple of weeks later, we start behaving normally, taking things easy. Most of the plans not even in the back of our mind.

This is sort of cycle, goes every time. We become all pumped up by the end of December. Start thinking big, forgetting our capability. Capability of our mind and body. 

We have our own personalities with interests of our own. Our plans have to be practical, in coordination to our interests and aptitudes. Some not interested in going to Gyms. Some are more into outdoors.Some like to be indoors.

Try to be practical while jotting down long list of New Year resolutions. You don't have to impress anyone. No one cares. No one interested. Just relax. Nothing is end of the world. Not a matter of do or die. Don't have to kill yourself to prove. Take it easy. Be practical.

It is 11.45, it was raining since last night, just stopped. My son is going to lake. I am getting ready to go with him. He goes for his long walk over there. I walk around by the beach side.

It is green all around. Rain drops like pearls are shining, scattered on leaves and grass. All colors of wild flowers are adding up beauty of the atmosphere. 

I am trying to behold and absorb all that. Nature is great. Water in lake, is making musical notes like symphony. 

My son is done here, going home. I will drop at Tim Horton to enjoy my time alone. I have to write my Blog too. I will do that over there. Life is all good. No complains.


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