
Showing posts from June, 2024

Doffodils making my day

    June 25th 2024 Beautiful morning sunny and bright. Sun is in full bloom shining up and above. It is a hot day, I have to plan my walk earlier. It is 10.30, 23 C perfect for walk, will be 28 C, feel like 32, later on.  Try to go with plans, you can enjoy. Keep your plans ready beforehand. Just jot down things to do, like a draft. You can pick and choose after. Sometimes our mood, mind and body, not ready to go for that. Nothing wrong with that.  We can keep some on hold for the next day or the day after, to do later on. We are Humans not Robots. It all depends how we feel, how we get up after night to face our mornings.  Some days our nights are not good, not a good night sleep for us. We are not ready to handle more physical things. Sometimes weather is not comfortable to carry on our activities outdoors. We have to take things accordingly. Nothing matters so much like end of the world.  Day plans are key to make our day, specially at our age, when we are retired. We

Roses started giggling

  June 22nd 2024 Beautiful hot morning. It is end of June, how long we can wait for summer in Canada. It is already here, will stay for couple of weeks till at least by the end of July. Enough time for us to hit roads / trails, go to waters, to enjoy outdoors. Summer is short for us, so we value it as much we can. We start doing BBQ. Try to get busy in gardens, rearranging flower pots in apartments to beautify our indoors. Plants and flowers top up beauty of the atmosphere. That helps to brighten our day. People start, going to green houses and nurseries to get plants / flowers of their choice. We forget that by the end of July, it will be a different scenario.  Summer is short here, we try to do as much as we can to celebrate in that short period of time. I think we believe, present time is everything, value that. It is 10.45, I am getting ready for my walk. It will be much warmer later on. My back garden is looking great. It was raining last nigh. Grass is lush green.

Don't watch, absorb

    June 18th 2024 Great day. Beautiful morning. Mornings, I take like face of our day. Try to beautify your mornings to make your day. Think positive to beautify your mornings . Pick anything positive from around to keep your mind on positive track.  Negativity is infectious, like a disease. It spreads quickly, wipes happiness out and engulfs beauty from around. Makes everything bleak and gloomy. It is a poison for happiness. Keep away at all cost.  Beauty is always around, depends the way you look at. Sitting in your balcony, staying home / apartment, you can enjoy it. Beauty is all around. Don't just watch. Try to observe, go deep down to absorb from inside. You will never miss that. It will flourish your mind. Try to pick a piece of positivity to stay positive all day long. It is 10.15, hot day today, 23 C right now, feels like 26. I am done with my morning chores. Breakfast and with my computer, going through Face book messages. I have to get ready for my walk. L

Birds are making my day

  June 15th 2024 It is 10.30, I am at lake. It is great. Sun in full bloom, shining from up and above. Water is displaying all shades of grey. At far end, looks like steel grey, in the middle, it is silvery. Ate near end, closer to beach, looks light grey.  Stones are all lined up by the beach side. I am sitting on one of the stones, enjoying scenic view. My son goes for his long walks, towards Frenchman's Bay, at the end. I enjoy my own time, walking around.  A beautiful small red bird is here at my right. All colors of wild flowers pink, purple, white with gold center, are adding up the beauty of the existing atmosphere. Amazing, so beautiful. It is sunny, sitting under sun for long, I wont enjoy. I have to take shelter, to sit on another spot, a different stone under shade. I hear birds chatting, green all around. Lake with all shades of grey, in front. What else I can dream. I think, nothing. We can sit here all day long to enjoy our time. It is 11.45, my lake tr

Take time to fill Spread Sheet

  June 11th 2024 It is a bit cold morning, 9 C. We Canadians are still waiting for our summer in the middle of June. Rain is off and on, most of the days. We are saving our water bills. No watering grass and gardens for now.  It is Tuesday, I am off from my work. I have plans ready to make my day. It is good, to plan beforehand. We won't get stuck. It is 9.30, too early to go for my walk. I usually go around, after 11.30.   We have to fill up all the columns of our day schedule. Take it like a spread sheet, like a mini project. Try to keep balance. Fill up keeping in mind to get busy and to enjoy your day too. I enjoy my walks, going early will result in vacuum for rest of the day. I don't want to dry out my day. I divide time, between computer, calls, walk and, time to be in my kitchen. Kitchen is also one of my favorite spot. Calls for me, are like mixed plates. Some are routine calls. Some to connect with distant relatives. Talk to daughters, are my routine ca

Roses giving me smile

    June 8th 2024 Great weather. Beautiful day 19 C. Morning was a bit cold 14 C.It is sunny and bright. It is beauty of Canada, even in winter time, sun is there most of the times to make our day.  I spent some time on my deck, enjoyed my honey drink. One teaspoon of honey in warm water. I always do that to start my day. I had my breakfast, sitting in my eat in kitchen, beside patio doors. I enjoy scenic view of my back garden, from there. Canadian Rose plant is loaded with pink beautiful roses all around. The other two rose plants are also looking great with flowers, not many, just couple of, still enough to make my day.  Blood red rose flowers are of David Austin. The other one is with peach color roses. I forgot name of the peach color rose plant. Grass is lush green, thanks to the rain all day yesterday.  Black Squirrel is walking in the garden. He is busy, doing something. he is always active, doesn't like to be a couch potato, I think. It is good to be active,

Take a break to ponder

    June 4th 2024 Beautiful morning. Pleasant, sunny and bright. It is 220 C, I am enjoying my honey drink at my deck, sitting on one of the red knitted steel chairs. Dark pink Canadian Roses are giving me smile from the flower bed, in front. Blood red flowers of David Austin are under the process, to bloom. I am anxiously waiting for them. Small brown rabbit is searching for something for his breakfast. I think, he is too cautious, watching for what to eat. He is in the flower bed for a while. Black squirrel is up on Maple tree, on the right side of my back garden. I think, he is done with his morning exercises. He is very particular, never miss that. It is good to watch over your health, your body. Mind and body, are very interlinked, so connected. You ignore one, the other one will go down, will get affected. Healthy body is key to keep your mind on the right track. The track of positivity, away from thinking negatives. Never ignore that. Try to keep balance. It is 22

Rewind the Tape and enjoy

    June 1st 2024 Days are passing quickly. May is already gone. It is about mid year. New year is not new anymore. Time is flying, so are days of our life. Every moment, every day is slipping from our hand. Value whatever you have. Every moment is precious, it won't be coming back.  Weather is great. We Canadians are enjoying our summer time. Trees are loaded with green. Flowers started coming up, to give us smile, to make our day. It is so beautiful all around.  My daughter has to go back on Monday. Two more days to be with her, to enjoy her company. Kids are busy with their work and life of their own. We have to be grateful, have to admire, for whatever time, they are able to make, to be with we parents.  This is the last weekend, she is with me, in Toronto. I have some plans for my own, like laundry and change of bed sheets. I have to walk to Tim Horton, I do that on most of the weekends. I postpone all that. All my plans are on hold. To enjoy with my daughter is